
Backroom Boy by Marika Ray

lauriereadsrom1's review

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"Backroom Boy" by Marika Ray was a sweet yet steamy novella that featured likeable, well-developed characters and a surprising amount of plot packed into relatively few pages. As an aspiring winemaker, Lukas Murphy was thrilled to land a summer job with Black Bishop Winery and have the opportunity to learn from a successful business. The last thing he wanted to do was jeopardize his position, and he knew that a relationship with his fellow employee, owner's daughter Delta Bishop, would be a huge mistake. However, Lukas couldn't help but be drawn to Delta, who was nothing like the spoiled, shallow sorority girl she seemed to be at first. As they got to know each other, Lukas and Delta came to realize that they had a lot in common, including the dream of building their own winery. Unfortunately, Delta's parents had different plans for their daughter's future. Would she and Lukas be able to stand up to her parents' pressure and make their dreams a reality?

Lukas and Delta's chemistry was obvious from the start, but their relationship never felt rushed to me despite the short length of the story. They knew that the path ahead of them wouldn't be easy because they were so young, but they were determined not to let anything stand in their way. I found it very easy to cheer them on to their HEA.

Overall, I really enjoyed "Backroom Boy" and highly recommend it for all fans of contemporary romance. I look forward to whatever Marika Ray writes next!

*Review copy provided by the author. All opinions expressed are my own.

yeahorneighreviews's review

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One summer can change everything! Backroom Boy brings together two people from very different backgrounds, forcing them to realize they share the same goal. Delta knows she is the only person to take over the family winery, but Lukas shows her how to follow her dreams without sacrificing her own happiness. The chemistry is genuine between Lukas and Delta, and I loved they're journey throughout the story.