
Perfectly Matched by Maggie Brendan

farmfreshlisa's review against another edition

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Book three in the Blue Willow series. And it finished like the others. So-so. I didn't like the lead characters at all--although I believe Edward had more depth to him than Anna. I also didn't like that they were constantly thinking about getting their hands on one another. It wasn't improper or anything--but I just got tired of reading about it in every chapter. There is a mention of Edward admiring Anna's silhouette--including her breasts and curves--but within their marriage relationship as a husband admires a wife. But it wasn't necessary AT ALL in this book.

All in all--if you want a FLUFF series that doesn't require much brain engagement, go for this one. If you like heavier romantic stories, so with this series. But if you want well thought out more meaty plots and characters--leave this series alone.

danyrn's review against another edition

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Anna Olsen knows it's time to leave her sister's ever growing and cramped house and start a life of her own. So, following both of her sister's examples, she becomes a mail order bride, and after a short correspondence, moves to Denver to become a wife to a man she knows next to nothing about. Anna looks forward to becoming a wife and moving to Denver. Her free spirit and artistic tendencies are in love with her new home, but they may clash with her new husband's.

Clock maker and jeweler Edward Parker is a very fastidious man who likes things just so. Wanting everything to be perfect, Edward knows there needs to be expectations and schedules so he does the unthinkable, he hands his brand new wife a list of chores on their wedding day. After that, it soon becomes apparent to Edward just how different their personalities are and he wonders how it will ever work between them.

With obvious differences when it comes to house work, ideas, and hobbies, Anna and Edward have to try and look past their differences to make their marriage work, even if it means some changing for the both of them. As the two of them try an figure out how to be married, their attraction and love for one another grows and the more they realize that neither wants to end what they have, despite their differences. If they can work through their problems, they might just have a loving, happy home.

Can Anna learn to do things Edward's way or will she be stubborn when it comes to his ways? Will Edward learn to relax or will he remain too particular and drive his new wife away wit his unrealistic expectations? Will they be able to accept and love the others differences or will they grow to resent each other because of them? Will rah persons passion bring them closer together or farther apart?

I haven't read very many of Maggie Brendan's books but the few that I have read, I've enjoyed. This book is no different. I think this is one of my favorites by her and I enjoyed following along with Anna and Edward's story. Maggie Brendan did an amazing job with this story and the different take on romance. Maggie Brendan created a wonderful book and another fan to add to her roster.

The romance was my favorite part of this book. What I loved was the fact that I got to see the characters fall in love and figure out how to be married all at the same time. It's not very often that I get to read a book based in the beginning stages of marriage and I loved the realistic outlook on love and marriage. This romance was a realistic view of how I imagine most mail order bride relationships started. I absolutely loved the new perspective on mail order brides.

My favorite character was actually Edward because, even though he wasn't perfect, once he learned to relax a little, he became my dream husband. Even though he struggled with his OCD like ways and his jealousy, he was supportive of Anna and gave her flowers and romance frequently. His change was the most apparent and amazing. Anna's character was captivating in a different way, but because my passions didn't really align with hers, I had a hard time relating to her.

The storyline of this book isn't very fast-paced but packed with strife nonetheless. I really enjoyed the whole "after the wedding but before they know each other" phase that this book is placed in. Not many books take place during that time that a couple learns to be married and co-habitate with a spouse. The working through phase was definitely the spotlight in this book and I loved the different point of view this gave me about marriage.

Maggie Brendan has created another fan with this book. I think this book is the perfect conclusion to this series all about mail order brides. Her ability to create believable characters and lovable pets and gorgeous scenery is a gift all in its own. Maggie is a natural storyteller and is great at what she does. I look forward for reading more from this author and I highly recommend this book.

Overall, I loved this book and I think this is perfect for people who want a little bit different of a western romance. This book is definitely best left to the adults. I give this book a four out of five.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.*

blackngoldgirlsbookspot's review against another edition

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Maggie Brendan knows how to write good stories, plain and simple. Perfectly Matched is probably my favorite of the Blue Willow Brides series and that's saying a lot since I fairly gushed over the first two books. It wasn't the heroine, although she was great, and it wasn't the hero who was pretty special too, but the fact that stray animals played such an important role in the story. If you have a soft spot for dogs, cats, horses. etc. you will definitely like that Anna Olsen stands up for sick, hurt, and abandoned animals -- so much so that I think she'd give Sarah Mclachlan a run for her money! Even her new husband, Edward, can't say no to Anna when it comes to her heart for caring for the towns sick and abandoned animals. I loved how Ms. Brendan threaded the history of the ASPCA into this great western romance. I don't think I've ever read a Christian book that featured such a great cast of four-legged critters who added such joy and fun to a story.

Even though they definitely lightened the mood of the story, this book wasn't all about animals. Edward's and Anna's budding romance, of course, took center stage. Edward was a bit of a control freak to say the least and definitely had problems adapting to Anna's free spirited ways. Sometimes he came across as bit of a jerk, he was such a stick in the mud! It was definitely interesting to say the least to see them both adapt to their newlywed status. It was nice to see both Anna and Edward gain confidence in who they were AND in their relationship.

As the final book in the Blue Willow Brides series, Perfectly Matched is a real winner. I'm so sorry to see this series at and end, but if this series and Maggie Brendan's Heart of the West series are any indication, her next book will be well worth buying and reading! Kudos to Ms. Brendan on a job well done!

~ My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars -- A favorite! ~

*I receive complimentary books for review from the publisher. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.*

mistree's review against another edition

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This was the third in the Blue Willow Brides series but definitely not my favorite. The story just seemed to go on and on, focusing on how Anna and Edward were learning to adjust to each other and about her efforts to begin a SPCA in Denver. Too much sameness for me.