
Lunchtime Eavesdropper by Joanie Chevalier

mmeggann's review

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How would you react if you overheard others talking about you while at lunch?

There are undoubtedly many of us who have nightmares about this sort of thing happening – and maybe it would be okay if the others said nice things, but it’s the negative gossip that we fear. When I was approached by Joanie Chevalier about reviewing her novella, Lunchtime Eavesdropper, on exactly this topic, I was excited to take a glimpse into how others might react to something like this happening.

Lunchtime Eavesdropper is the short account of a young woman, Marlee, who overhears her coworkers talking about the things they don’t particularly like about her while they were unaware she was eavesdropping on them. The result? Her life is turned nearly upside down. From nightclubbing, to buying picture frames for the picture it comes with, to nearly losing her true love Larry – it’s up to you, as the reader, to decide whether this sudden upturn was warranted or if the main character might actually be losing her mind. But whether she’s losing it or just exploring another side of who she is, this quick and easy read is absolutely fun and hilarious. Sure, there are moments where you catch yourself feeling almost sad for Marlee, but before you even turn the page you’ll be laughing at one of her uncanny reactions.

As I mentioned, this is a novella so if you’re looking for something shorter but jam-packed with hilarity and entertainment, this may be a perfect option for you. Before this one, I hadn’t given much of a chance to novellas. Following this, however, I think they’ll be added to my growing list of favorites.

My Rating: ★★★★★

I was provided with a free copy of this book in order to conduct this review.
