
Into the Fire by Jodi McIsaac

talntd1's review against another edition

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adamrshields's review against another edition

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Short Review: an ok modern fantasy. There is a mix of too many elements (ghosts, aliens, ancient gods, celtic lore, magic, etc.) The writing is not bad, but felt a bit flat.

My full review is on my blog at

erikaellr's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book a bit more the first, as the protagonist calms down a little and gets some agency of her own. The world of magic and lore gets a bit more filled out, and remains an enjoyable escape. Just like the first, it's a nice 'mental vacation' book, but not much more.

dreamerfreak's review against another edition

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[b:Through the Door|17171950|Through the Door (The Thin Veil, #1)|Jodi McIsaac||19232932] introduced us to a new world full of sidhe, mystery, and old gods. Now in the second book, the reader, along with Cedar, gets to delve deeper into the Irish-based mythology that makes up The Thin Veil.

They may have defeated Lorcan, but the fight is far from over. Nuala is laying claim to the throne, and no one seems apt to stop her. Cedar, daughter of the former High King, is a potential rival, but she's "blessed" with the gift of humanity and not at all sure of herself, no matter how others encourage her.

In the end, it's only to protect her daughter Eden that Cedar steps forward as a candidate, only to be charged with an impossible task to prove herself to the Council... and to herself.

Cedar, Finn, and Eden, as well as their allies and friends, pull together in a way that is altogether heartening. When push comes to shove, in the form of Nuala and her manipulations, they shove right back. Their story isn't over yet, but it's left on a very positive note by the end, with teasing hints of things yet to come.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]

ravencrantz's review against another edition

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Unnecessary, poorly written, and unejoyable. Making a self harm joke? Why would you do that? Why would you think thats okay? Not bothering with book three, especially since it's even more pointless than this book. What could they possibly cover? Waste of my time.

matgala's review against another edition

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In this book, Cedar returns to her planet, to discover that Nuala wants to be queen and destroy the humanity. The only way to prevent this from happening is to become queen herself. But the council gives her a quest: she has a week to find the Lia Fáil, a stone that has been lost for centuries, and step into it. As the stone revels the inner self of people, it has to show that she is the real queen.

So it starts a new quest against the clock to find the stone, with lots of action and new legendary stories.

In the meantime, Nuala is trying to convince the council to be queen before the end of the week, while she is conspiring with the druids.

This is a book that you can read in a few time, since it keeps you hooked and it's not long.

shellygreninger's review against another edition

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Ok, I devoured this book in 2 sittings! I started it while waiting in the car while my husband had the kids in the toy store and I finished it in just a couple hours after I got off work. I literally did not want to put it down. I loved the first book in the series when I read it way back when it was self-published and I happened to run across it on a blogger website back when Jodi was looking for reviewers. It was a breath of fresh air in a time where I was reading a lot of self published stuff that really wasn't that great.

Recently I have been reading a lot of books that are the 2nd in the series and quite frankly, I have been having an awful time finding one that lives up to the first book. SO not the case with this book and I am so happy about that. This book was everything that a really good sequel should be. None of the magic of the first book was lost as the story progressed. The characters were all just as good as I remember them to be even though I didn't have time to re-read the first book. I didn't need to, the set up was just enough to jog my memory without being a re-hashing of everything that happened previously.

Cedar and her family return to Tír na nÓg to set right the destruction caused by the previous leader. A surprise awaits them, one that causes them to take stock of just what they are willing to do to help their land. Cedar is give a quest, if you will, and she must succeed in order to take her rightful place as their new queen. This story is full of action and really with this one it's pretty non-stop right from the beginning. The world of Tír na nÓg is captivating and full of wonder. The descriptions are so vivid as are the action sequences. And don't even get me started on Felix...I would love a whole story about just him!

Jodi has really outdone herself with this one and I loved that it didn't end on a cliffhanger. I really loved this book, I loved the setting and the magic. I loved seeing Cedar transform in this book and I can't wait to see more of who Eden will become. We got a little glimpse of it in this book and I hope we see more in the next one. Since Finn and Cedar are already a couple this book stuck more to the fantasy and less romance, but it's clear that it's there.

So, I loved the book and I can't wait for the next one. If you like Fantasy or Paranormal books you should definitely read this series. If you enjoyed the first book then you will not be disappointed in this one!

fxtrtr's review against another edition

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Book two in the series. I like to story and it is entertaining to listen to while I'm working (I listened to the audiobook). I smile when I hear bits that remind me of other books.

Nuala is back and making a bid for queen of Tír na nÓg. Cedar, the rightful queen but a mere human, is given the chance by the council to vie for queen - all she has to do is bring them the Stone of Destiny. But since no one has seen it in thousands of years, that will be no small feat. And Nuala will do everything and anything she can to thwart Cedar's mission.

prpltrtl946's review against another edition

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Thin Veil book 2

We meet a Magical Dwarf, a bunch of bad guys, a nasty bi-otch from last time and have some wild new adventures! Oh, and someone flies!! Off to book 3!

zober's review against another edition

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There are so many things that are either unexplained or just don't make sense. I'm not sure I'll read the third one to find out if the ends are tied up. Why wouldn't each "applicant" to the throne be given a quest? Why just one?

Also, some of the characters are remarkably static and/or flat, such as Finn.