
The Ego Cluster: They discovered the genes that define us all... by Robert Cole

bec_sherman's review

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This book fascinated me. It was an interesting concept that the ego genes can be supressed and what this means for society. Despite being quite a complex and scientific topic, it was easy to read, even for non-scientists like me. It was great to get some insights into working in a scientific lab. The story had a great deal of action and drama and I could never quite work out who were the good and bad guys. There was murder, secret experiments, running from the police/secret organisation and suspected terrorist acts. I even started doubting Ethan and Amelia, who I thought were the good people all along. The first part of the story with Ethan and his girlfriend didn’t really add anything in my option, I wasn’t really sure what this had to do with the rest of the story and could have easily skipped those scenes. Being from Australia myself, I loved that it was set in Australia. It was nice reading about places I had been to and knowing all about them. Overall I recommend this as a great read.

I received a complimentary copy through the Read for Review program in exchange for my honest review.

longtimereader's review

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It starts with a man who is having bumpy time of things from his perspective. Dr. Ethan Henderson has just had a break through with the problem solving skills of his primates. Very interesting team work skills they have displayed. From this he decides he has found the gene that controls the ego. That is kind of a crazy thing to think, primates are NOT humans, but for the sake of story you just roll with it.

So after all this time and work, of course, it's always sold out to the highest bidder. That is the way of the world. Ethan really isn't happy about this, no one wants to be pulled of their main project and shoved onto another one. In a classic "mad scientist" move, Ethan tests his work on himself. He has a huge ego, so this should be very, very interesting. What about Amelia? How is this going to effect her? She is Ethan's research partner.
And you really think the powers that be will let this slide by without punishment or greed coming into play. Nope, no way! Now things are really fast paced, plausible, and disturbing.

The settings were nice, but I think the terms can be confusing. Lines that are ego get all blurred with things that are actually narcissus and other major issues. Over all it was an interesting read. The first, oh, about 1/4 was all the medical and science background setup which can move very slowly if your not into that sort of thing. I tend to be interested, so it wasn't too bad for me.

I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.