
Down to You by M. Leighton

elliefufu's review against another edition

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Down to You, The Bad Boys #1, by M. Leighton
Grade: C

“Shhh, just let me love you, okay? Don’t think. Just feel.”

Olivia Townsend wants nothing more than to finish college and get out of her cousin’s apartment and back to her father’s sheep farm. Things get even worse when she meets her cousin’s boyfriend Nash and his twin brother Cash. Olivia is attracted to both brothers for very different reasons. Cash is the sexy bad boy who she knows she should stay away from while Nash is the successful nice one who she should go for. As time goes on Olivia can’t pick between the two or stay away from them but the twins are hiding secrets that could change Olivia’s life forever.

I liked Down to You for the first half which bounced between being told by Olivia, Cash and Nash. Olivia is a shy, good girl who can also be a spitfire and was very fun to read about. She kept the story entertaining and fun by trying to keep her feelings in check for both Cash and Nash. I always lean more towards the bad boy and Cash is the perfect bad boy. I liked Nash but it bothered me that he was so into Olivia while dating her cousin and that had me rooting for Olivia to choose his brother.

Things started to change for me when Olivia couldn’t make up her mind with Cash and Nash. The fact that she kept bouncing back and forth, especially when Nash is still dating her cousin, and making out with both of them. Now there is a bad twist in the book but it didn’t change how I felt towards Olivia. As the book goes on I started to get annoyed with Cash and Nash also and this is when I lost interest. I felt that I knew what was going to happen and instead of focusing on this story we got set up for the next book.

Even with the big twist I wasn’t a huge fan of the second half of this book. I liked the idea of a woman and sexy twins but the way it delivered didn’t work for me and I was a little disappointed. I am not sure if I’m going to read the next book in this series as of yet but I’m still debating.

laurenfolkmann's review against another edition

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This was a quick, easy, guilty pleasure of a read that I couldn't put down. It's no Fifty Shades, but what is?! I'm already onto book #2...

shassler82's review against another edition

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Ironically, the twist made me want to give this book 3 stars... But being that I thoroughly enjoyed it until that point, I settled for 4...

lisaareads's review against another edition

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⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

bandit_81's review against another edition

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I wasn’t sure about this book. I’ve read books about girls falling for cousins, or best friends. But twins? I have to admit I like the premise. I was afraid it was going to be cheesy, especially with names like Nash and Cash. I am happy to admit that I was wrong. This is a good book. HOT! & Steamy!

Olivia Townsends finds herself drawn toward this set of twins, who couldn’t be more different from each other than oil and water. Nash is a sexy, young, up and coming lawyer. He’s everything Olivia thinks she needs; a polite, sweet, hot-as-hell, all around good guy… too bad he’s also dating her cousin and roommate Marissa (the Ice Princess, who seems to think everyone else is below her, including Olivia.) Marissa doesn’t deserve Nash….at least according to Olivia. And even though Olivia wants Nash, badly, she doesn’t feel worthy of him either. She’s just a farm girl living in the city with her rich cousin trying to earn her degree. How could she ever fit into Nash’s high society world? Even though he’s clearly shown an interest in her. And then there’s Cash…the quintessential tatted, Harley riding, smoking-hot bad boy. Olivia find’s she is even more drawn to Cash just because he is a bad boy. Too bad for him she’s had her heart trampled by one too many bad boy’s in the past too even give Cash a chance. She’s been swept off her feet, use and left to pick up the pieces…because that’s what bad boy do, right?
These brothers don’t get along well, and don’t even talk to each other much, which makes it easier for Olivia, who seems to bounce back and forth from brother to brother. She’s not sleeping with either of them….at first; she’s just trying to decide which one she wants. Nash the good guy, who’s dating her bitch of a cousin, or Cash who might not be the bad boy she thinks he is.
Down to You was really a fun read for me. I like Olivia; she’s smart, funny, and a bit of a smart-ass. She doesn't take crap from anyone…except her cousin. But I like that she has a backbone, and a big heart. The fact that she’s sweet and sexy, but doesn't think she’s prettier than other people, makes her a lovable character. One thing that bothers me is how low her self-esteem is. And I understand that after you've been used and abused by guys after a while you start to doubt yourself. But even after Nash shows a clear interest in her she doesn’t feel worthy of him because she’s just a small town girl. To me that contradicts with the rest of her personality.
Going along with her as she tries to figure out which of these brother’s she wants to be with is kinda fun as I said before Cash turns out to be the bad boy with a heart, and Nash is a good guy, but he seems to have a bad streak in him seeing as how he’s willing to cheat on Marissa the first chance he and Olivia have a chance to be alone together and even though he does try to stay away from Olivia, he’s still consumed by dirty thoughts of her. After a while the plot becomes clear, however, it wasn't too early in the story that I figured it out so the book wasn't ruined for me. And even after I was curious what would happen after Olivia found out. The sex scenes are pretty hot, but not too graphic. This is one book I am glad I was wrong about, and glad I did read it. 

aya_yuuki's review against another edition

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(Dear Goodreads, please create half stars. Rating books will be a bit easier that way.)

That said, for this book, my rating is 3.5 stars!

I like it more than "I liked it" but there's just something missing and I think the ending was a bit rushed. However, if asked if I'll be reading the sequel --- definitely. I'm sort of looking forward to it already. ☺

frogglodite's review against another edition

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Okay, so... you think that's really possible? That he could get away with faking his brother's life for seven years without anyone questioning it? What if he hurt himself, or something that's visibly noticeable? And if you're going to fake something like that, for goodness sake, don't get an identifying tattoo that the fake brother has to hide! I'm so.. I'm so.. I dunno!

I've give the author this, though... the hints were only that, and she gave no indication that it was the same guy, even in 'both' of the male points of view. Good job there, because I don't know if I wouldn't have confused myself into screwing the whole thing up!

Great concept, pretty good read. And I LOVE the way the whole story started... poor girl shows her ass to 'both' brothers right off the bat!

perfectlymisaligned's review against another edition

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On my second attempt at reading this book, I am happy to report that I managed to finish it this time. However, it wasn't exactly a thrilling reading experience for me.

A few thougts.

1. I will admit that Cash and Nash had moments of hotness. However, they all too often came off as rather stilted and one dimensional.
2. Although some of her snarky comments were amusing, i really did NOT like Olivia. Like, at all. For for too many reasons to get into in this short review. Suffice it to say that it would have been impossible for me to truly love this book because of her annoying ass.
3. The supposed 'twist'?! Pretty damn laughable if you ask me. I saw it coming almost from page one. Maybe if I hadn't figured it out so early on, the story would have been more enjoyable. As it was, I was basically just sitting there wondering how long it would take them to let the cat out of the bag.

I know that i am definitely in the minority here, but I was less than impressed. So because of that, i don't plan on continuing with the series.

sonkad's review against another edition

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I´m torn between 3,5-4*..

readingwithemmett's review against another edition

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I listened to the audio version of this book, which was probably a mistake. I did not like the people who narrated the book and had to speed up the voices. I feel like I would have enjoyed the book a little more if I would have read it instead of listened to it. Overall, the book was okay, it wasn't what I was expecting, but it was still written well.