
Värin by Maggie Stiefvater

sarix's review against another edition

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On all levels except physical she was a wolf 🐺 
 it was the "my wolf senses", "I bared my teeth in a silent growl (to a real wolf)" him using her toothbrush and her putting her head in his armpit to smell the real him - for me ✋ 

megareads42's review against another edition

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The good - interesting story, characters that felt realistic. The bad - parents as plot device, hackneyed love descriptions. As it's part of a series, ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, and I did immediately grab the second one, so it was compelling. Felt a little tired, and not super original, but still enjoyable.

kimbongiorno's review against another edition

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Feels like a slightly younger YA than I'm used to, but it is FUN. Written with a frankness in the voice that bounces around from one POV to the next, always keeping track of the temperature. I love it. It feels like I really am in the teenagers' heads, and I really like it in there.

sb4012315's review against another edition

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So much talking! And cuddling and kissing and talking and talking and talking. I needed so much more. 

ootess's review against another edition

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My rating went from 1 star to 3.5 (which is really good considering the change of heart I had about the book)

At first I was really unimpressed by how basic the writing style was, it felt very 'wattpad'esque, if that makes sense.
It took me more than half of the book to care for the characters or relate to them because they seemed very 2D originally.
However, that ending? I didn't expect it, I was surprised and touched and overwhelmed with emotion which shocks me because I didn't feel very connected to this book.
I really think the ending portion of this book had a real turn around and we finally feel the depths of the characters and I could sympathise with their actions or feelings.
I'm really pleasantly surprised with the ending, I wasn't going to continue the series, but I've changed my mind, I need to pick up the next book just to see where this goes.

welcometomyescape's review against another edition

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Cute and I’m curious to see where the story goes next, but there wasn’t any depth to… literally anything. But I will continue the series

cedrisc's review against another edition

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This book does remind me of Twilight but I also found it a lot more boring. It started off ok but the guts of the story just wasn't that interesting, and the relationships between all characters was not believable for me. Some people seem to be caught up on her being 'in love' with an animal, but later in the story you realise that it is because of what happened to her. At the same time what happens to her doesn't make sense. They don't seem to kill people, so why would they act like they were going to.
I won't be continuing on with this series.

lostinfrance's review against another edition

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Eh. Sigh. I wanted to like this book. I wanted to read this---and then pass it on to my students. But. Eh.

Sadly---the book was OBVIOUSLY inspired by the Twilight Saga....another girl that can't live without her boy. A werewolf of sorts. The thought of living without this boy....that she has only known a couple of days...destroys her. Really good example for teenagers.

People are disappearing....and wolves are appearing. And then one wolf ends up being a boy the main character cannot live without...except he is about to turn back into a wolf for good.... maybe meningitis will save it?

Not a big fan. Liked that the font was blue.

robotnik's review against another edition

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I should honestly be taking an entire star off for those god-awful lyrics that Sam keeps making that litter the narrative because seriously. For someone who's supposedly into music and writing, Sam couldn't write a song if his life depended on it. 

Anyways, Shiver tells the story of Grace who has a weird crush on a wolf named Sam because he saved her life or something when she was younger when his pack was trying to eat her. Sounds stupid, sure, but it kind of works. Keyword being kind of because there's a lot of parts of this book that were eye-roll inducing and stupid and boring. But, the parts of this book that are good are really good. 

Grace as a protagonist wasn't that interesting. She feels just like most of the blank slate that a lot of young adult leading ladies are these days, but I'm kind of used to it so I wasn't completely pulled out of it like I am on some occasions because she's at least better written than a lot of them. She is a shitty friend and a shitty daughter (though, to be fair, she has shitty parents, but I don't even know why we have a trend of having useless parents in fiction because it's a sucky trend) and she seriously had a crush on a wolf, but hey! To each their own!

Sam was alright. He was kind of refreshing because you rarely get the leading boy to be a soft boy with feelings as opposed to being a bad boy with a troubled past (he still has a troubled past, though, so he doesn't get all the awards). But, I liked him. He was the better of the two POVs, I feel. 

Isabel and Jack were the best characters in the book, for me. They were more interesting than pretty much everyone else (though Ulrik did sound cool; sadly we didn't get him). I hope to see more of them in the series.

I can see why people compare this to Twilight. If you don't see the similarities at all, then you're just obtuse. It's not the same, and it's probably better written, but there's still similarities there, ones that are really hard to miss. 

The plot was kind of bare bones until you're 3/4s of the way through it, which is why I found it kind of boring. There was only so much of Sam being worried he'd change back, Grace worrying Sam would change back, then they cuddle and smooch for a couple of chapters, rinse and repeat, that a person could take before they wonder if Stiefvater forgot to add a plot. It's not that it is awful because I do enjoy me some slice of life stuff where there isn't any desperation going on, but I found that it bored me every now and then.

As a whole, Shiver isn't bad. It isn't perfect by any means, but it's better than a lot of the drivel that litters the genre these days. Recommended if the genre is something you're into. 

rumpfie's review against another edition

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I really liked this book. It is fluffy and cute which is what I look for in some of the books I read. Everyone says its "purplish" writing but I liked that style, at least it worked well for this book. Shiver made me laugh out loud, smile, and made my throat catch a couple times which I think is what makes a good book.

The characters are well written and interesting. The chapters are a bit irking because it switches point of view between Grace and Sam but it works because it gives insight from both sides.

The concept of the book I think is great. I am a sucker for long term pinning and romance. It is a new take on werewolves and I think one of the better ones.

Overall this book kept my attention. I listened to the audiobook and only did so when I was at the gym working out, needless to say it was a great motivational factor since I wanted to know what was going to happen next.