
A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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4.5 stars

I absolutely loved, loved, loved, this story. Lisa Desrochers took a somewhat touchy subject and created a story that showed just how much the couple struggled with what had been done and their feelings. Sprinkle in a relationship with a man of the cloth that could or couldn't be considered inappropriate and it makes for a read that was both a joy and made the reader uncomfortable at the same time.

Lexie Bank thought her love life was complicated when her long time boyfriend cheated on her. But when she sleeps with her step-brother, Trent, the one person who knows all her dark secrets, she gladly jumps on the plane to Rome for her one year studying abroad. She feels as if she's committed some terrible sin and seeks out advice from the church to right the wrong. There, Lexie meets Reverend Alessandro Moretti. Between them, they forge a relationship that once again her crossing a line and re-evaluating her life and just what she wants.

Poor Lexie was stuck in a hard spot. She crossed what she felt was a line with her step-brother when they had hot, scorching sex before she left for Rome. She agonizes over what they did, how she feels about it and what thinks is the loss of her best friend. That agonizes leads Lexie to develop a relationship with the reverend she's been tasked to work with: Alessandro Moretti. Lexie thinks what they have it safe because he's a man of the cloth, but when she discovers Alessandro's secrets and looks forward to the time they spend together, she starts to realize that maybe she's replacing Trent with another impossible relationship she has to take a step back and figure out what lead her down this path.

Rome, in all it's glory, and the relationship with Alessandro did teach Lexie about herself and helped her rebuild her faith. It helped her understand that sometimes you just have to put it out there and hope the person your sending the message to get it. It wasn't an easy journey for Lexie and she often times questioned herself, Trent, Alessandro and what it all means, but in the end, she makes the right decision about who and what she wants.

There is a line for readers in this book as well. Some may cringe at the subject matter and turn away from the book, but other will be able to see past the line to a great story of self discovery. I will credit Tiffany Reisz for introducing me to my line and helping me be a little bit more open minded when it comes to subject matters such as this. If this were eighteen months ago, I may have shied away from this book and truly missed something fabulous.

fallen_for_books30's review against another edition

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Oh man! you know I love forbidden romance and I loved it! It was hot and so emotional and touching! Good story plot :) Loved Trent and Lexie ! <3

digitlchic's review

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diaryofthebookdragon's review

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A Little Too Far was a pleasant surprise. While it suffered from familiar cliches like most of the new adult romance novels, it had enough of spark and uniqueness to make it interesting:
+ Friends whose feelings grown into something more
+ The excitement of forbidden attraction
+ The journey of finding yourself
+ Picturesque setting of Italy
+ Love triangle that actually works.
+ Sizzling hot chemistry.
Just beware that heroine can be indecisive, spoiled and annoying at times. Still it didn't bother me, because the story was good. (Like in [b:Thoughtless|13517535|Thoughtless (Thoughtless, #1)|S.C. Stephens||14321512])
I am not rushing to read next book by Lisa Desrochers, but if I stumble upon it, I won't say no either.

michellesantiago's review

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This review was originally posted on Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks:

I was very intrigued by A Little Too Far when I first heard of it. A girl hooks up with her stepbrother and a soon-to-be-priest? Scandalous! I loved it already!

And then I started reading and OHEMGEE I loved it even more! A Little Too Far is right up there as one of my favorite NA reads.

So, the story was that Lexie Banks just broke up with Rick, her long distance boyfriend of many years who cheated on her. Then, after not seeing him for weeks Lexie and Rick ran into each other and he tells her that he still loved her. Confused, Lexie went to the person she can always talk to--her stepbrother and best friend Trent. He could always talk her down her freak outs and soon they were having one of their epic Warcraft video game sessions... and found themselves suddenly making out and things turned very hot and steamy fast. Afterwards, Lexie felt very guilty. Was she just rebounding? Or was there a lot more feelings between Trent and herself that they just kept locked up because they're step siblings. Trent was her stepbrother and if their parents find out what they did, it could tear the family apart. Good thing Lexie was leaving for Rome in a few days for a year-long art history study abroad program.

But even in Rome Lexie could not stop thinking about Trent and feeling very guilty at the same time. So, what was a good Catholic girl to do? Go to confession... where Lexie bumped into the very sexy, soon-to-be-priest Alessandro Moretti and he provided the perfect distraction for Lexie: help him give art tours to children around Rome. But as Lexie and Alessandro worked together, they get closer and soon Alessandro started showing signs that his feeling for Lexie were growing despite his vow of celibacy and the fact that he'll ordained soon. Lexie was torn. She liked Alessandro a lot and was very attracted to him but she also has non-stepsisterly feelings for Trent and can't stop thinking about him. So, who will Lexie end up with? Sexy Trent or sexy Alessandro?

I absolutely loved A Little Too Far! It was such an addicting read. Once I began reading it, was really hard to stop and I read late into the night. I liked Lexie's character. Her biggest flaw was that she's a people pleaser but she was a total sweetheart. She grew up a lot in the novel and I was there with her as she experienced joy, confusion, heartbreak, sorrow and again happiness when she finally got her HEA.

As for the men, not only were both Trent and Alessandro sexy as heck, they were also really nice, intelligent, wonderful guys in different yet similar ways. I understood Lexie's dilemma with Trent and then her falling for Alessandro (how could you not?) but I 'shipped Lexie and Trent from the very beginning. I was on the edge of my seat though, dying to see who Lexie will choose.

A Little Too Far was set mostly in Rome and I loved that! I got vicariously live through Lexie as she explored the city and the museums and the art. It was great and it made want to go to Rome myself.

And Ms. Desrochers mentioned in her acknowledgements that A Little Too Far was partly inspired by Lifehouse song "All In" and I can totally hear the song in the last few chapters. I mention this because I listened to Lifehouse non-stop in when I was an undergrad and this novel helped me re-discover one of my favorite bands. Now I won't be able to listen to "All In" the same way again.

A Little Too Far was soooo good! And so addicting, well-written and very steamy. Seriously, Ms. Desrochers can write a turn-the-AC-up love scene. Whew! New adult and romance fans, I urge you to pick it up. You will not be disappointed.

msmattoon's review

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The characters were pretty good, the love scenes were good, and I enjoyed the love triangle with the heroine overseas. But, the end was too easily resolved. I did not believe that the mother and father would be that ok with step siblings being together.

kitkat_reads93's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the book, but I wish Lexie had ended up with Alessandro. We spent a good portion of the book with Alessandro, figuring out how amazing he is, and then Lexie ends up with the guy we barely know. That made the ending very disappointing to me. I probably won’t read the rest of the books in the series.

the_bibliophile_pile's review against another edition

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Ok, so I give this book 5 stars, only because I liked the way it ended.
It was so clear from the very beginning whose team I was on, which made half the book extremely boring (sorry Alessandro). I fell in love with Trent and Lexie from the first moment they were together. Once Lexie went to Rome I lost all interest in the book, and had to just skim through most of it to get through it. And then closer to the end, Alessandro makes a big decision - one that left me wanting to rip the book in half!i forced myself to read past that point and within 2 pages I'd gone from a raving lunatic into a crying, grinning lunatic. Was so happy when this ended the way I wanted it to, but it was dragged out a bit. 5 stars for my happy ending ^.^

wilda85's review against another edition

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I went into A Little Too Far skeptical. I mean it was her step brother! But from the moment Trent entered the picture, he had me hooked! Not only was the sex mind blowing hot, but you could clearly see how much they mean to one another and feel their love.

But before you get the chance to get to know Trent, Lexie is in Rome where she meets Alessandro who happens to be a priest in training. Only 8 months shy of being ordained. You would think he'd be completely off limits right? WRONG! As soon as Lexie starts to hang out with him a bit, he loosens up and you can see him start to struggle. Alessandro has a horrible past and he blames himself for everything that has happened. The only way he feels he can redeem himself is by becoming a priest and completely devoting his life to God.

While he struggles with these newfound feelings, Lexie is struggling with her feelings over Trent. Things have gotten awkward between the step-siblings and she pines to have her best friend back even if that means nothing can ever happen between them again. Without Trent to confide in, Lexie turns to Alessandro. He is there for her in a way only Trent ever was. And with a friendship where two people are attracted to one another, lines are bound to be crossed.

In the end, Lexie has a choice to make. Tell Trent she loves him and devastate her family, or be the reason why Alessandro chooses to not be ordained. Both have outcomes that she doesn't like but in the end, it all comes down to one thing. Who she can't live without.

This is a rare book where the guy I was rooting for didn't get the girl. However, after finishing it, I truly believe that Lexie made the right choice for herself and everyone else. At least I hope so. I would have been just as happy if she had chosen the other guy. Maybe a little more ;)

I can't wait to read the sequel and find out what happens next! I hope everyone gets their HEA!

talldrinkofdietcoke's review against another edition

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I'd seen a lot of buzz about this book but for whatever reason, I never read it. Now I have and I'm glad. This book was 50% sweetness and 50% scandalous in all the good ways. Hot sex with your step brother and tempting an almost priest? It's all kinds of wicked without being wicked and I loved it.