
Between the Lines by Tammara Webber

hathly's review against another edition

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I wouldn't change a thing about this one, except Reid! He sucks a lot! I sure hope that Emma ends up with Graham.

Okay maybe two thing: I wish we got Graham's P.O.V instead of Ried (something is seriously wrong with that guy) .

And Graham is so simple and sweet and charming.

kippins's review against another edition

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I read this as I really enjoyed [b:Easy|16056408|Easy|Tammara Webber||19113823] and thought I'd try something else by this author.

I did enjoy this but not nearly as much. I think the main problem for me was Reid's POV.....he is such a
that I found myself skimming his chapters as opposing to getting lost in the story. I know this is set up so that he can redeem himself down the line in other books but it just detracted from the story for me.

I did like Emma & loved her friendship with Emily. I also really loved Graham and am looking forward to more from him in the next book.

I think as well a lot of it has to do with personal preference and although it was a nice change with YA to get out of the high-school I have to say I think I like that format when I'm in the YA world.

But at the end of the day I found myself not been able to put this down and can't resist heading into the next one [b:Where You Are|12067972|Where You Are (Between the Lines, #2)|Tammara Webber||17035474]
SpoilerI've gotta get more Graham & Emma, I feel about robbed at that tiny bit of them at the end!

lmrivas54's review against another edition

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Great book! Emma and Reid are teenager actors and chosen as the leads in a new film. Emma is not as well known as Reid, and she is a sweet, simple girl who longs to have a normal life after almost 8 years of being an actor. However, her father and stepmother keep pushing her to further her career and she complies. Reid is your typical young star: shallow, egocentric, likes parties, booze, drugs and easy girls. Then there's Graham and Brooke, best friends who also have parts in the movie. A sort of love square results, since Graham and Emma like each other but Emma believes him to be with Brooke and Graham thinks that Reid and Emma are a couple. Reid likes Emma and plans to have a fling with her while the filming lasts. Meanwhile, Reid and Brooke have this enemy thing going on from a relationship gone bad 4 years ago. It's like a spider web of misunderstandings, and it sort of resembles the movie Dangerous Liasons. Very entertaining, recommend it.

acorngirl121's review against another edition

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i loved this book! A bit long for right now, and sometimes I'd get confused because there was a lot going on, but I really enjoyed it!

javalenciaph's review against another edition

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"Between the Lines", the first book in the trilogy, was a fun read. I enjoyed Tammara Webber's writing style, the storyline itself wasn't overly simplistic, and the characters were engaging. While the story is set in the world of celebrity and movies, the real life issues being dealt with by some of the characters kept the book grounded at certain points.

Similar to what I did with Jamie McGuire, I decided to check out Webber's YA series before deciding to read her current bestseller "Easy". Don't ask me why...I'm still clueless as far as the motivation is concerned in both cases. Fortunately, just like with McGuire, I was smitten with the first book and am looking forward to reading the rest of the trilogy. ^.^

narteest's review against another edition

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You know I have to say, I hated the premise. It was totaly misleading in a sense, becuase I was completely expecting a romance between Reid and Emma. But. THat was totally not what happened. What happened was interesting and my oh my I thought the actuall love interest was maybe a shifty love triangle third character But he wasn't. He totally wasn't and I love how this story turned out. It was good.

Emma. I liked Emma. Sure I liked her developing feelings for the love interest, and I love her interest in Reid (because that was totally normal) but mostly, I just liked her. I didn't think she was annoying in any way. And I didn't think she wasn't gut-less. I loved her attitude. I suppose, I loved her. Even though normally I word bash female protagonists who don't follow their heart and chose the other guy because it was convenient. She does believe she loves Reid, and then when it blows over, she finds out that maybe all along, she hadn't. And she decides that she would let it drop, choosing instead, chance meetings with the real love interest.

(Which I'm totally not giving away, but it's almost very obvious from the very beginning because it was very electrifying and sweet, with lots of great moments, where I realised myself that I might have fallen in love with him. That was probably the moment when I realised that Emma was in love with him too, even though she had started going out with Reid.)

Reid, as much of a jerk as he was a lot of the time, I think he was a great character that had a lot of issues and still needs to be more deeply explored. AS much as I loved Emma's romance, I loved the detail in Reid's messed up character. I loved seeing his perspective and I wanted to see more of his story unfold.

Both characters had stimulating stories, and I loved how they intertwined, met and split.

While this book is mainly a romance, it was very engaging (I found) and it was not boring or eye-rolling as it could have been. I would say it was powerful writing that made this enjoyable. If it was any less powerful, then it wouldn't have been worth reading at all. Looking forward to the following books (I was surprised to find there were more!)

pragreads's review against another edition

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Between the lines had the kind of relationship drama I have no patience for. I knew from the beginning I wasn't going to like it but I'd had it for so long, I thought I'd give it a shot.

Because of the two POVs Reid and Emma, I'd assumed they would end up together, but thankfully they didn't. Reid was a Barney Stinson kind of guy, only more of an asshole. All he wanted from Emma was sex, and was OFFENDED because she wanted more.

Graham was a sweet guy, and I was rooting for him from the start. I knew the Brooke thing would be just friendship, though. Emma didn't really think anything of it until Reid the man whore put the idea in her head.

Definitely not interested in the sequel, especially after reading its synopsis.

2/5 stars

blessedwannab's review against another edition

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Hmmmm, I have a lot of conflicting thoughts of this book.

On one hand Graham was so awesome. Every scene he was in just put a smile on my face. And hey, black hair and dark eyes... long muscled lean body... My kinda guy! The scenes between him and Emma were so sweet. I love a slow building romance, just look at my love for Matt in [b:Flat Out Love|11096647|Flat-Out Love|Jessica Park||16018629]. A friendship but you can tell he wants more, it just tugs your heart.

On the other hand, you have to read 60% about Reid. See, it is my belief that if I have to read a major storyline about a character that's an ass, they should have some redeeming qualities to make me care about them. Eliza Boans from [b:Fury|8159643|Fury |Shirley Marr||13002023] is the perfect example of this. The things she would say or think would make me wince, but at the same time there was a vulnerability to her that made you CARE. Reid lacked this. I couldn't see any reason for me to give a crap about him. And this is a bad recipe for a book in which he's one of the main characters.

So, here I am wanting more about Graham's feelings for Emma, but I'm being forced to read about Reid and Emma and I just couldn't make myself care.

I'm told the next book is better, and I know it has more Graham, so I'm moving directly into the second. Normally I don't do this. Normally I break them up with something else, except I just feel completely unsatisfied.

kayla_ventura's review

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I just came off of reading Tammara's latest book Easy, which I thought was just incredible so I was a little hesitant to start Between the Lines right after thinking I was setting my hopes too high for this story. I admit, I had some expectations that were not held, but that was my own fault. Standing alone this book was phenomenal and even up against Easy it was great.

This story reads like your typical teenage love story + the Hollywood life we all pine for, but Webber showed it had more depth than that. It starts out with Emma, your typical young heroine focused on acting in "important" roles instead of just mindless-hollywood-mumbojumbo. She is offered the audition any seventeen year old girl would die for and wins the part; playing opposite of Reid, Hollywoods hot, young flirt who vows to never, ever fall in love (a concept he doesn't claim to believe in). Throw in yet another smoking hot guy for Emma to drool over and Reid's ice cold mysterious ex, and Emma has a concoction for disaster.

Set on location in Houston, the teenagers bond over late night drinks in hotel rooms, games of I never, and frequent dance nights at the club, but the closer they all get the more secrets start to pour out. Add in the media spreading rumors and the general testosterone of the boys she can't help but blush at, these three months on film are an awfully wild ride.


I must say, the whole book I was on the fence about who I wanted Emma to end up with. Even now, completely finished with the first and starting on the second novel in this series I can't decide who I like better. I almost feel like Webber tries to make Reid out to be the bad guy instead of just the scorn soul I try to see him as. But then I look at Emma's friendship with Graham and his inability to explain his feelings towards her until she stepped forward and that is unsettling to me. Also, Reid is made out to be a monster for hiding his sins (which I admit he should have owned up to better) while Graham is hiding a secret daughter he doesn't share with her until she already finds out.

My inability to choose will have to continue until the next novel (or until I can finally decide)

ec_newman's review against another edition

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I'm still debating on what I think about this one.


I liked the world: Hollywood. But I feel a little thrown. The blurb mentions Emma and Reid, but Reid is not our hero (in the traditional meaning of the word). So, why was he in the blurb and Graham wasn't? It's like watching a movie trailer and thinking it's a comedy, but when you see the movie, it's a drama. You feel lied to.

The other thing that bugged me a bit was the amount of distance the writing style gave. I felt very distant from the characters and the things that were going on. I'm not sure if it was too much telling, or what exactly, but by the end, I still didn't feel as close to the characters as I would have expected.

It's a good book, the characters interesting, the romance engaging, and the ending pretty satisfying. But I don't know, I just felt like I was being kept at an arm's length by the book. If a book had arms. :)