
The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman

canada_matt's review

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Neo took the lead in this book, showing off some of his new skills. When Mrs. Bird complains that she does not like their current nest, Mr. Bird takes it upon himself to find them a new abode. A few spots look promising, but they just do not work. When the Birds settle on a lovely church steeple, they begin the process of finding the needed supplies, they find that this might be a perfect spot for them. However, something proves more disturbing than they can handle and Mrs. Bird flees their new home. Mr. Bird is frantic in his search for his wife, worried that she has disappeared forever. He’s in for quite the surprise.

Neo quite enjoyed this one, with easy to read words and some great illustrations. We will surely be back for more of these type of stories, perfect for the newer reader who wants to show off their skills.

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