
Chasing Fireflies ( The Chasing Series, #1) by Paige P. Horne

taylok3's review against another edition

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Chasing Fireflies- Paige P. Horne

5 Stars Review

Wow! Just wow! I haven’t read a book like this one in years. I knew from the very beginning it would have the power to destroy me, and man did it ever! This is an incredible beautifully written story about love, laughter, mental disability, freedom and loss. This story is told in both past and present tense, and it’s also told in both main characters POV.

Cash Williams is now one of my new favorite characters. He is strong, caring, considerate, and oh so loving. He has been in love with Sara since high school, their love live has never been easy but its definitely been worth it. Sara suffers from manic depression, also known as bipolar depression. She has been living with it since the age of 16. Most days are incredibly tough, but she still is able to have some great ones. She’s never truly found medication that works and at times the only thing keeping her alive is the love that Cash provides.

The love that Cash and Sara have is an all-consuming breath taking kind. I feel so honored to have been able to read their story. It has opened my eyes to what living with manic depression could mean. As someone on the outside you don’t always realize the true reality of what it’s like to be them. To me it was a heartbreaking realization. Honestly my heart broke so many times while reading this story and the only thing keeping me from completely losing it was reading the way Cash loved Sara. He is completely swoon-worthy.

I really don’t want to go in any more detail because this is the kind of story that should be read without spoilers. This story has been added to the top of my list of favorite books and I’m sure it will for you too.

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review against another edition

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I was so upset reading this story but I could not put it down. The struggles that a person goes through with bipolar disorder are very real. Not only did this book make the reader completely understand the sadness and depression that the individual feels but also the heartbreak and devastation that the family also goes through. This is a must read for anyone that has a loved one with a mental illness.

booklvrkat's review against another edition

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“Who’s to say anyone’s relationship is healthy? We all got our shit to sort. It’s not giving up on each other when the shit sorting gets tough—that’s what matters.”

It shouldn't have surprised me that this author would write an emotional story. THIS story is out of the ballpark emotional. Dealing with bipolar disease or manic depression is not a fun one to be sure. The author did her research and wrapped it all up in this story of Sara and Cash.... and their love for one another. This book reminds you, as the quote from above does, that love knows no bounds.. and no matter what you stick.

nikkismiles43's review against another edition

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Chasing Fireflies
By Paige P. Horne
5/5 Stars

I'm not even sure where to begin. I've been sitting here for the past hour, after finishing the book...Trying to gather my thought and find the words I want to say.
This book deals with the subject of depression. Which is a sensitive matter to a lot of people. I have dealt with mild depression a time or two in my life. It is definitely not a laughing matter.
If you are going through something right now… just know you DO matter and you are NOT alone! Please get help! Talk to someone… anyone. Family, friends, shrink… it doesn't matter who.. just talk to someone. Believe it or not, it truly does help!!
This story made me feel so very sad. It's such a heartbreaking story. You can feel all the emotions and feelings the characters are going through. You feel them with such intensity, that it literally breaks your own heart!
Sara Williams is battling some horrible thoughts in her own head. Her mind has betrayed her (constantly) and it was her own hearts worse enemy! She was diagnosed with manic depression and anxiety as a teenager. Medication has been her only savior. And even then , that doesn't even help sometimes.
Cash Williams grew up as the chief’s son. He was a straight arrow teenager. Never getting into much trouble. He fell head over heels for Sara, as soon as he laid eyes on her.
They say teenage love, highschool sweethearts .. don't last ever!! But Sara and Cash’s love story, proves everyone wrong!
This story is about life, love and never giving up. Even when you want to and think the world is shattering around you.
This is definitely a love story like no other. You see Sara and Cash’s love story start at an early age. You watch them go through , life’s many up and downs. But love always prevails, love always win!!
You must read this book! I couldn't put it down!! I enjoyed it soo much!! And truthfully, if I could give it more than a five star rating , I would… in a heartbeat!!
Now, I'll just patiently wait until May 12, for Chasing Ellie to come out. I do can't wait to see what's in store for the next book!! Until then…

mjqueen's review against another edition

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This book could have been amazing. I am by no means a prude but my goodness every chapter was filled with sex every few paragraphs. I'm disappointed that the book made it seem as if all of life's problems could be fixed if you are just loved deeply. Mental illness is a real thing and it can't be driven away by drinking enough beers, loved truly, or f*(%ed out.

way2gosmartguy's review against another edition

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Chasing Fireflies by Paige P Horne is not your average love story. It is a story about Cash and Sara Williams, who have been friends their whole lives, and loved each other, as far back as they can remember. Love is not always easy, nor is life, but you have to make the most of it. Small town living is hard to keep secrets, but easy to make close friends. Sara and Cash show us you must live every day to the fullest, and show your spouse you love them with all your heart, every day. This was a hard book for me to get into, and it wasn't my favorite, but I did enjoy it. I liked the story line, and the characters, as well as the writing style. Horne is very descriptive, and I loved being able to envision the characters and the scenes. However, I felt there were parts of the story that I felt myself thinking, okay, is this scene going to be something bigger? It was written largely on every day occurrences, and not just the big picture. Which was different for me. It is not only about love, but also loss and struggles that go along with mental illness. Overall I enjoyed the book and give it a 4 star. I would read more by this author.
Sara and Cash fell in love early, and got married young, despite their parents wishes. Sara's mom is overbearing, and Cash's father wants him to follow in his footsteps. It is because of this that they move away, to make a life for themselves in another small town. Shortly after moving into town, Cash lands a job as a deputy and Sara gets a part time job in the library. It is there that they make friends that will become like family.
Sara is bipolar and has suffered her whole life with highs that get her into trouble, and lows that throw her into a depression, and wishing to end her life. Cash knows all of this, and still loves her with all his heart. However, it is hard having to watch over someone and fear leaving the house, and leaving her unattended. Over time it wears on them both, and they have learned to deal with the severe mood swings and tension. The book continues over a couple years, and touches on their close friends and their life struggles. Throughout it all, Sara and Cash are side by side and in love. But, will their love be strong enough to survive, or will Sara's mental illness become too much? Read to find out.

bwagner's review against another edition

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Chasing Fireflies by Paige P. Horne is a story about building a life together through all the happy and sad times. This story is an emotional story that will make you feel various emotions. I read various genes of books and once in a while it is nice when you just get a sweet emotional story will just pull at your heart strings. You will enjoy how these characters connect and you will be able to relate to them. They will take you on a roller coaster ride that you will not want to miss. You will enjoy how this story will pull you in from the first word and how easy flowing it is. Find out what happens when life throws you a bomb and how you survive is what you make it.

What happens when they say that young love never lasts? They say you should grow up first and figure out who you are. But then they didn't know these two. Their love is the rarest kind and he hung on to it with everything he had. He knew the tiniest things about her anything from not liking to wear shoes to Christmas being her favorite time of the year. What they don't know about her is that Sara wasn't in control of her choices. Her mind plays games and her heart is her worst enemy. Sometimes lifetime isn't very long and sometimes we are not meant to have that much time with the person we love. But you take what you are given and you make the best of every moment you have with them.

Sara and Cash Williams is everything I just talked about. She just wants to be better for her man and he loves her more then his next breathe. This is their story about their love, life and never giving up. Her illness places them in struggles and arguements but he still stands by her. These are two strong characters that will just make you fall in love with them. She just has so many struggles with her illness that you will really feel for her. She tries so hard and to me its heart breaking how hard she has to try. He is just so loving towards her and is determined to stand by her. He continues to pray that things will get better. I give them both much credit simply because the illness she has is not easy and people are not always that strong. Find out is they will prove everyone wrong and that young love can last. How strong is their love?

This is my first story by Paige R. Horne and I can't wait to see what she comes out with next. Paige lives in Georgia with her husband and two dogs. She loves books and writing. Since a young child, she loves to dive into the imagination world and now she loves to create her own worlds. You will enjoy how she has created a story that will pull you in from the first chapter. This story will keep you engaged until the end leaving you wanting more. You will not be able to put this story down and you just need to see what happens on every page. I enjoyed the characters that this author has created and I think that you will too. I highly suggest this story and I know you will want to see what happens if young love can last forever.