
Anson by Maggie Ryan, Alta Hensley

jigsawgirl's review

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A romantic suspense based mostly on the jungles of Argentina. Anson finally had the opportunity to rescue Natalia, but finds it more difficult than originally planned

Their relationship grows as they work their way through the jungle trying to reach safety and the Black Stallion ranch.

I liked that Natalia was a fighter, and trained in survival. Anson respected her and her skill set enough to let her do what she needed to do.

The theme of the book is family not bonded by blood, but by love, support, and loyalty.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy.

tlea's review

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I continue to really enjoy this series. The characters are interesting & the situations are out of the ordinary. I have to wonder though, how is it all funded? Sure, they have a ranch & breed horses, but the serious money it would take to set up an operation like this is mindblowing. It's just become a bit of a sticking point for me to have this hole in the premise. Still, very much worth the read.

chatterbookbabe's review

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I'm not rating this book, because I stopped reading it at 62%. I said before that I never dnf books, and I usually never do. This is my second of the year though. Maybe things are changing. Lol

becsa's review

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Anson Steele will go to any lenghts to find Natalia, a woman he first saw at Vasily Poplov's sex slave auction in Russia. He can not get the woman out of his head and he will stop at nothing to make sure she is safe, even if he means heading to the jungle in Argentina.

Natalia Alvarez was bought by drug lord Juan Montez and is now his property. She hates when he has his hands on her but she knows it is only for a limited time.

When Anson tries to rescue Natalia she refuses to go, as she has no idea what he will do to her but soon she finds herself in more danger with Juan. When Anson is able to rescue Natalia will they be able to leave Argentine safely or will Juan come after them for his own revenge?

This is the last book in the series and I must say I am super disappointed as I want more!

I really liked Anson and I can only imagine how shocked he was when Natalia did not leave with him when he tried to rescue her! I was glad she finally came to her senses but it was not without some difficulties for sure!

I was completely shocked at Natalia's back story and I loved it! She was super tough and I completely understood why she needed her revenge!

I liked how this book was a little more unique with how Natalia and Anson had to escape from Argentina and how it brought them closer together. I also thought it was awesome how Anson had to figure out who would be coming for him and where to meet.

I was sad about Anson's parents and how they died but I must admit that I loved the uniqueness of the situation.

The end was great and it ended well but I still hope for more books!!

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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Such a good close out to this trilogy!! I really enjoyed this book and appreciated that both Anson and Natalia were very strong characters. I liked that everything was pretty much wrapped up with the rest of the family although there were some lose ends that I would love to have maybe a check in with.

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nbiblioholic's review

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I've thoroughly enjoyed The Black Stallion series but I personally think that ANSON was the best of the bunch. The plot and dialogue between the characters were fluid, entertaining, and cohesive. The authors found a perfect way to balance romance with the suspenseful elements of the plot and made them believable. The characters themselves were intriguing and had me rooting for their safety and union from the get-go. Anson gave me the badass Alpha-ness I expected, but he also gave me so much more than that. He had no problem exposing his soft side, allowing himself to be vulnerable with Natalia, and showing me his great big beautiful heart. Natalia herself was no slouch and proved to be a bit different from her heroine counterparts from the other books. She was just as fierce, loyal and loving, but she was also a fighter and someone who could be a valuable asset to the Steele's organization in the field because of her training.

I'm a bit unclear as to whether or not this would be the final book of the series. As each book was about a different brother and there were only three of them, I'm not sure who a fourth book would be about, however, there's enough of a story there to make it worthwhile. I know I'd read it if it ever came to pass ;)

Release Date: March 24, 2017
Genre: Romantic Suspense
POV: Dual - 3rd person
Steam: 4 out of 5
Book Type: Standalone - Book 3 of The Black Stallion series