
The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin

jessrunnels's review against another edition

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Wow. 6 stars.

thoughtmantique's review against another edition

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Después de la excelencia que me pareció el final del libro 1 y todo el 2, este no llegó a su nivel, pero fue igualmente un grandioso final a pesar de lo abrupto que me pareció (lo que me cuesta a mí aceptar los finales...).

Me abracé a todos sin saber si llegarían al final, oliéndome un poco lo que pensaba y deseaba que pasara y aún así maravillándome con lo bien atado de todo (y como integraba ya ese lenguaje tan tierra, tan estrato, tan profundo).

(Ay, Hoa...)

Han pasado días y sigo pensando en la trilogía. Volvería a leerla y eso que el primer libro se me atragantó tanto que casi abandono. Pero el viaje valió la pena.

benguinnn's review against another edition

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I finished this and immediately checked Google Scholar to see if someone wrote a paper about the anthropocene and this trilogy (yes, someone did and I will read it). Very satisfying ending to the series, lots of questions answered.

My greatest issue personally: A large theme of this book is motherhood which I simply don't get and probably never will and that made it hard to sympathise with Essun. Also, her not questioning or being curious to finally understand everything made it hard not to be annoyed with her (especially in Book 2).

collinmcclutchy's review against another edition

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Great conclusion to the story! This one really made the world come alive for me

sahoward's review against another edition

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I definitely did myself a disservice by waiting so long to finish this series, but what an ending. Surprising and moving, an elegant end to the series that made me cry.

"I love you both. How can I not, after all this? I am still human, after all, and this is a battle for the fate of the world. Such a terrible and magnificent thing to witness."

zoephare's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this series so much, I thought it was going to be a 5 star rating but overall it was a bit slow and I just felt dumb the whole time? I feel like I need to come back and read this when I’m 60 or something, maybe I’ll understand it more on a re-read

tresat's review against another edition

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This was a big step down from the previous two books. There was already a perfectly well-done morality tale naturally woven throughout the main plot, so I don't know why we needed to be sledgehammered with a second one as the backstory is finally revealed. The conflict between the two main characters escalated to lethal levels ridiculously quickly. Also, I was expecting a technological explanation for the Evil Earth and orogeny after all the hints in that direction. But I guess it's all just several different overlapping kinds of magic. And how/why/what is the relationship between the Earth and the Moon? Could have been better.

kanishk's review against another edition

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This was not for me. Promising story, with a very different setting than the rest of the fantasy ones. But the more I tried to get into it, the more boring it became. At some point, couldn't continue reading. But still curious to know the ending. So read the summary in Wikipedia.

Overall i think it was the writing style that didn't appeal to me.

iancann's review against another edition

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Well, well and thrice well - I would not be surprised to see a Hugo hatrick ahoy for N.K. Jemisin - The Stone Sky is a superb ambitious clever and nailed on masterpiece, the completeness of vision for me is on a par with China Miéville. The way in which Jemisin weaves the novel around her thoughts on racism, genocide, love and motherhood is like an octopus knitting, just amazing. Although the trilogy is wrapped up in a way, the ending doesn't settle everything and the reader is left to think for themselves on what they've digested. Rusting spectacular.

carringtonmcleod's review against another edition

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honestly i love when a book's narration is a little confusing because the next time i read it i'll probably pick up something i didn't see this time. i will say nassun being 11 the entire time was throwing me off bc she does and understands so many things an 11 year old probably wouldn't but this is essentially an apocalypse so i'll let it slide. incredible series that i will definitely need to reread later.