
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

vakardien's review against another edition

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interesanti, interesanti ..
es pavisam noteikti neesmu atbalstoša pret "visu izmest, ļaut telpai elpot", taču šī grāmata pamudināja apdomāt vai tiešām man ir nepieciešams katrs nieks, kuru cenšos uzskatīt par būtisku.
un vēl šī grāmata pamudināja beidzot izlasīt to, kas ir neizlasīts manā grāmatu plauktā, jo paklausīt un izmest ir dumji, vienkārši!

vairāk šeit -

sanitakacuba's review against another edition

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I tidied up a bit, folded the right way and it all looks nice. Not feeling the magic, though.

vinterthunder's review against another edition

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Great book. Makes me think about the relationships between myself and my stuffs. It's more than just about tidying. It's also about finding yourselves.

bookitalum's review against another edition

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This book was great! It's a very quick read, and can get you on your way to life-changing tidying in short order. This is definitely a MUCH different cleaning/tidying philosophy than you've ever been previously advised. There are certainly some eastern philosophy pieces that are incongruent with a western mindset, but it is easy to adapt the information in this book to whatever level of life-change for which you're prepared. I'm currently working on her follow up book and can't wait to complete this process. I highly recommend the read regardless of whether you think you need to tidy or not.

tfelmey's review against another edition

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Like the ideas shared - will definitely make me think twice about keeping things that don't "spark joy". While in my current like I won't be able to follow all of the rules, I will put many of them into practice.

distracteddruid's review against another edition

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I found it not only useful, but playfully and whimsically written in a way that made it enjoyable to read. Of course, not every piece of advice is 100% applicable to every person, and that’s okay. Nothing ever will be. But despite my disagreements with some of the points, this is indeed a practical guide to cleaning out your clutter and stream-lining your home.

mariahhanley's review against another edition

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I did not know I could hate a book as much as I hated this one.
1. She is arrogant.
2. She is an idealist.

natcommon's review against another edition

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I feel very inspired to tidy my house. I’ve done other tactics in the past that I’ve heard about and have kept with me. Now that I’ve read the whole book, I’m excited to get tidying.

roseybot's review against another edition

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Really more like 3.5, but I round up so...

I read a bunch of reviews of this calling Marie crazy and weird, and there was a lot of defensive language used in those reviews. I will say that this book needs to be read with a healthy dose of digging beyond the cutsey inanimate object personification, and the claims of total knowledge to get to the meat of the book. And when you get there, it's interesting and kind of inspiring, but also a book I read previously called "Throw Out 50 Things".

The main thing I took from it though, was that you should chose the items you keep, not cull items you can see.

beelzebean's review against another edition

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I've decided to not rate this book until I've actually tried the methods mentioned in it.

I will say that although a lot of the methods in this book seem worth trying out, I had a difficult time accepting that I should treat inanimate objects as if they were alive with feelings. Also, I feel as though it must have been difficult to deal with Kondo's obsessive behavior as a sibling or parent. I can't tell if she's passionate about tidying or compulsive.

Overall, I think I have gained some things from this book, even if it's just a little motivation to get rid of a few things.