
The Steward by Christopher Shields

martynne's review

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In short it was:

The storyline was ok, pretty predictable, but it moved at a decent pace, I found myself a little bored in parts but this book was just overall, underwhelming.

I went into this book seeing glowing reviews about how amazing it was and thought, I'd fucks with a book about the fae. I've read [b:Tithe|46777|Tithe (Modern Faerie Tales, #1)|Holly Black||1460966] series, the [b:Wicked Lovely|305234|Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)|Melissa Marr||296240] series and the [b:The Iron King|6644117|The Iron King (The Iron Fey, #1)|Julie Kagawa||6838626] series and loved them all and I'm always looking for a good book about the because I think they're awesome and good books about the fea are few and far between. I was really disappointed in how lack lustre this book was.

My biggest gripe was that all the characters, from the protagonist to the love interest to the villain were simply underdeveloped and uninteresting. I found myself simply not caring if any of them lived or died. Another thing is that you knew from the beginning who the main love interest would be, there was no use hiding it. There was no real love triangle like the characters the relationship building was almost non-existent in this books. Everyone was almost immediately a best friend or an enemy or a love interest.

So there are more books in this series and I don't know if I'll continue to read. I am curious how they're going to get around the little problem the fae have when they fall in love with a human but honestly, right now, I don't care.

lauralovestoread's review

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Well that was an unexpected delight!

Apparently I'm very much into books about the Fae lately! I actually went through my To-Read Goodreads list and realized that I had marked The Weald Fae Journals, by Christopher Fields awhile ago, so now was the prefect time to get started with this series.

There was so much more that I learned about the Fae world of Seelies and Unseelies after reading The Steward, and I enjoyed this take on the magical creatures living among humans in our own world.

Maggie O'Shea is living the perfect teenage life in Boca Raton Florida when her family has to move to Arkansas to be with her Aunt when she gets sick. Feeling the typical teenage feels of leaving school, swim team, and friends all behind, Maggie arrives in Arkansas angry and dreading her new life in a new town. Upon arrival she starts seeing strange things on the family property, and as she explores more of the land, she realizes there may be more to the reason of having to move here to help her Aunt than she bargained for.

m_j_webb's review

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This book was well written and the story picked up about half way through but the first half was too slow for me, full of explanations and descriptions which interrupted the flow of the story - hence why I only marked it as a three. It is however well worth a read as the interesting/different take on the world of the Fae is very well thought out and done. I just found parts of this book hard work, but that's probably me and others appear to have been blown away with it. I can see why as well, so I'm upping my rating to four as I write, realising that I'm probably not the intended audience and I should really take that into account.

malmalisme's review

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While I am still of the opinion that this book is overlong and needs editing, it did really pick up after the second trial. There were a couple things that were just to hard for me to get past. Aunt May's accent was written out phonetically and that drove me crazy. Say she has an accent, maybe give her a few key words, but there is no need to write her that way. Then, in the prologue, we were flat out told who the bad guy was, but then it seemed like it was a mystery... The made no sense from the reader's perspective. We either need to figure it out alongside the protagonist or, since we knew the whole time, been clued in on things that the protagonist doesn't get to see. There's also really no one to root for. The Fae are pretty much assholes and there doesn't seem to be any reason why Maggie should be on their side. It seems like a way better deal to just take off back to Florida.

All in all, it ended up being okay, but I see no reason to go further.