
Deadpool: Dark Reign by Daniel Way

greatcolorsalad's review against another edition

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This sure got really convoluted really fast huh
How does Marvel expect to attract new readers if Volume 1 is nice and then they jam up Volume 2 full of references to all kinds of stuff you need to go back at least 5 years to catch up to?!??? It's literally impossible to make high quality serialized stuff huh jeez I wonder how others do it

albon's review against another edition

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2016 review:

I feel like I read a lot of superhero comics for someone who doesn't really enjoy them all that much. I read comics because I'm interested in learning about the vast Marvel universe (I need to find the time to dip my to into DC), not because I usually find the plots very interesting. But you know what? I really enjoyed this. Definitely the best Deadpool I have read so far. I wasn't sure if I should continue with him, but I know I have to after that ending.

haitianname's review against another edition

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Favorite super hero/villain! I'm digging the whole unstable split personality thing :)

lucindaslibrary's review against another edition

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I fucking love Deadpool. He never fails to make me laugh or crave more from the character. He’s entertaining and fantastic.

bloodravenlib's review against another edition

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This was a quick, light read. Deadpool faces Tiger Shark, and then Bullseye. After events where Deadpool basically saves the world and Norman Osborn takes the credit, our merc still wants to get paid. Osborn would rather not. Mayhem ensues. The thing about reading Deadpool is that you read it for the humor as much as for the adventure tale. If you like dark humor, you will probably enjoy this anti-hero. I know I did, and I will keep reading this series. Only reason I did not give this edition five stars is that the collection skips a part of the story, which while not essential to the continuity, would have been nice. And the ending was a bit blah, yet consistent. I will let readers decide. But still, entertaining, and I will seek out Deadpool's next adventure.

mostwonderfulstory's review against another edition

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3.5/5 Stars

karissareads's review against another edition

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i have to go back and read the first one because i didn't know that this was the second vol. but it was still really good! i enjoy deadpool so much !

pardysf's review against another edition

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I love comic books, but it bothers me how often you need to know the backstory of a character to understand an obscure reference sometimes. Deadpool is a character I'm familiar with, but haven't read extensively, so reading this series, while hilarious, often meant that I had to stop to Google random plot points. It's a little bit like being in a group where everyone is making inside jokes.

Having said that, it's a good read! Deadpool is crazy funny and other than my pit-stops to look up certain references, I enjoyed reading it. I guess I'd need a better starting point to get stuck into the lore of the character though?

lunarcicles's review against another edition

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Ooh, I like Deadpool and Bullseye's relationship. New BROTP, for sure. Also, usual Deadpool madness and awesomeness so, yeah, great comic book.

just_fighting_censorship's review against another edition

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My only complaint is that there is a huge chunk of the story missing (issues #8-9). The story leading up to 8 and 9 and the story afterwards seem pretty dependent on 8 and 9 so WHY WERE THEY NOT INCLUDED!?

Aside from this stupid oversight, the volume is a fun and fast read. Well written with plenty of great laugh out loud Deadpool moments.