
Bad Boys Down Under by Nancy Warren

booksdogsandjess's review against another edition

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Ok so here's what happened, my son and I went to the library yesterday to return some stuff and low and behold they have a new train set in the kids section. So he plants himself there, I have no book, this is a problem. The kid section is nowhere near any adult books what so ever and the young adult is like even further.(I do not design libraries but if I did this would be remedied) I am a responsible parent and wont leave my kid alone in the kids section, but not a good enough parent to have a child that after a full day of daycare will leave the train set for even a minute so Mummy can get a book. We were in meltdown territory and I tread lightly there. So the trolley went by and I lunged and grabbed this and 2 others. This was the winner.

This is the only time in history this book will ever be considered a winner.

So we have 3 separate romantic stories that are connected, all are in and around a hundred pages or so.Was a really quick read so that nice.

They are pretty fluffy, the first story there is romantic tension before the sex. Which I like I hate it when they immediately get to the sex with no build up or any motive other then...hornyness? There was point where our main man Cam thinks "her eyes burn with hot intelligence" about the lovely Jen whom he wants to bed. I do not know how ones eyes burn with intelligence? It does make sense that the intelligence is hot I guess, but I don't think there is a cream or anything for it.

The next 2 stories are cringeworthy, they basically jump into bed within hours of meeting each other and then act as if this is a serious relationship that is built on something solid. Righhhhht.
They use the word "Lover" to describe their partners. Unless your Jane Fonda you cannot describe someone as that and take yourself seriously.Sidenote: I saw Jane On Craig Ferguson one night and she said she was in L.A "to see her lover" I thought Craig was going to shat, but Jane was pretty cool about it (shudders).
Have they not seen the "Hot Tub Lovers" on SNL? Ever since Will Farrell got into that hot tub with Rachel Dretch and ate lamb chops and said "Lover" like 7 times the word was done. Done, Done, Done.

In the last story the love interests are Bronwyn and Mark and at one point Mark wanted her so bad he felt his groin "burn with heat like he'd never felt before". Now I know there is a cream for that!

booksdogsandjess's review

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Ok so here's what happened, my son and I went to the library yesterday to return some stuff and low and behold they have a new train set in the kids section. So he plants himself there, I have no book, this is a problem. The kid section is nowhere near any adult books what so ever and the young adult is like even further.(I do not design libraries but if I did this would be remedied) I am a responsible parent and wont leave my kid alone in the kids section, but not a good enough parent to have a child that after a full day of daycare will leave the train set for even a minute so Mummy can get a book. We were in meltdown territory and I tread lightly there. So the trolley went by and I lunged and grabbed this and 2 others. This was the winner.

This is the only time in history this book will ever be considered a winner.

So we have 3 separate romantic stories that are connected, all are in and around a hundred pages or so.Was a really quick read so that nice.

They are pretty fluffy, the first story there is romantic tension before the sex. Which I like I hate it when they immediately get to the sex with no build up or any motive other then...hornyness? There was point where our main man Cam thinks "her eyes burn with hot intelligence" about the lovely Jen whom he wants to bed. I do not know how ones eyes burn with intelligence? It does make sense that the intelligence is hot I guess, but I don't think there is a cream or anything for it.

The next 2 stories are cringeworthy, they basically jump into bed within hours of meeting each other and then act as if this is a serious relationship that is built on something solid. Righhhhht.
They use the word "Lover" to describe their partners. Unless your Jane Fonda you cannot describe someone as that and take yourself seriously.Sidenote: I saw Jane On Craig Ferguson one night and she said she was in L.A "to see her lover" I thought Craig was going to shat, but Jane was pretty cool about it (shudders).
Have they not seen the "Hot Tub Lovers" on SNL? Ever since Will Farrell got into that hot tub with Rachel Dretch and ate lamb chops and said "Lover" like 7 times the word was done. Done, Done, Done.

In the last story the love interests are Bronwyn and Mark and at one point Mark wanted her so bad he felt his groin "burn with heat like he'd never felt before". Now I know there is a cream for that!