
Conflicted by Ruby Black

booklovershangout's review

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I am definitely conflicted. I really enjoyed the writing style and the main characters. I thought the storyline was different. I really liked these things about the story and would definitely still recommend, however, I felt the triangle in the story was a little awkward. I am still not quite sure about the third character. That being said, I do want to know what happens next as this does leave you with a few unanswered questions.

mccorbin's review

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While I feel like Conflicted had a good start of a plot, something that could have really been twisted and contorted in a magnificent way, I felt like it fell shy of its potential.

The characters Lacey and Lucas I just didn’t understand. They have been close friends throughout their childhood and into their young adult years but they didn’t act like friends. Both were very wishy-washy in the commitment of their friendship. Lacey was way too forgiving to Lucas when he would just desert her. The night that they go out and celebrate her internship, he takes her to a strip bar and lets her walk home at 1 o’clock in the morning is the moment I knew that it is not a true friendship because what friend does that? What friend, who has a crush on you but can’t tell you, does that? How in the world can he care for her when he lets her do something dangerous like that? He also has a bad habit of getting too worked up and either leaving her or being a jerk to her. I would say that if he were my friend, we wouldn’t have made it past a year of friendship with his attitude towards me.

Then there is Lacey, who just takes his horrible example of friendship, and only comments on it passive-aggressively. But that is not what this story is about – even though it plays a part in my rating.

The story is about Lacey getting an internship with Lucas’s father, a man who he hates. Lucas never tells Lacey that Aaron is his father or why he hates him. He never tells her that it is a bad idea for her to get wrapped up in him. And on a side note, I would think this would be something that friends would divulge to their best friend and especially if they had feelings for said best friend. While Lacey learns a lot from her internship, she also develops a crush on Aaron and he develops a crush on her. This left my head spinning because while Lacey longs for Lucas, she is making out with his father. While Lucas is hating his father and longing for Lacey, he does nothing about his feelings for either. While Aaron is using Lacey to get to Lucas, he starts to like Lacey.

In the end, it just wasn’t for me. Lacey was just too forgiving of everyone in her life. She never stood up for herself and I need my female lead to be strong and brilliant. Lucas was just rude all the time. I dig broody and secretive but I felt that he could have saved Lacey a lot of hurt if he just opened up at first…and if he wasn’t such a bad friend.

beeppeep's review

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I was graciously given an ARC of this book. While the writing was very good and the story was very original, the plot was very dark. I'm not certain if this was author's intention. The female MC was a little too much of a doormat for me. Honestly, if I had friends that treated me like her supposed best friends treat her for 80% of the book, I would have told them to hit the road long ago. She never gives them shit about treating her poorly and instead lays on the love and excuses it as "them just being them". She screams no self-respect and puts herself in the position of being victimized time and again. Maybe it was the author's intention to portray her this way, but it left me with a headache. And the male MC, I couldn't truly figure out why he kept his feelings a secret - it wasn't as though he was a serial killer, he just had a difficult that past he had no control over (just like the female MC). For much of the book, I just wanted the MMC to man up and grab a pair. There was a lot of low self-esteem in this book, except for the FMCs best friend, who crossed the line into catty bag a few too many times. As other reviewers have stated, the title of this book is very apt. It indeed left me with an ominous feeling, despite the guarded HEA; quite conflicted. It's worth a read, given the original (to me) plot and writing, but be prepared to be frustrated by both the MCs' inability to stand up for themselves. I'm 50/50 about reading the subsequent novel, since this one left me with a bad feeling in my gut - like things are going to get much worse before they might get better.

nannyf's review

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I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book to read and I am so glad I did. Many thanks to the author.

At first I was worried that this would be too like other books of the same genre, but I needn't have worried. This is a refreshing take on the genre and it doesn't seem to be too like other books. I read this book over a night and the next morning, I couldn't put it down.

The idea behind the story is simple enough - boy likes girl, girl likes boy, boy denies it and they remain as just friends. Boy keeps secrets from girl, she moves on, he doesn't like it. But this simple idea is taken to a whole different level when you start reading the story.

The twists throughout the book will have you wondering if the characters you want to end up together actually will, as bad decisions seem to be made constantly by them all.

The ending is done really well, and left me wondering what could come next. I look forward to reading book two, Consequences.

sbauer16's review

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I was excited to read this based on the blurb. I love the taboo/forbidden/love triangle books. Although I liked the premise, this was not what I was expecting.

I didn't really like the hero. He said he had feelings for his best friend, but I never really saw him give any hints or act on it. I actually thought he was kind of a jerk. I liked his father a lot more than him. I thought it would've been cool if we didn't know already that the heroine was going to work with the hero's father and if the book was only told from HER POV. It would've kept me guessing and more involved. Plus I think there would've been more angst.

I thought the middle of the book dragged a little. I found myself skimming a bit. Then when the end came I thought it was rushed. It left quite a few things left unanswered, BUT when I finished I saw that there IS going to be another book. I don't know if it will be the final one or not. I am curious what will happen next.

beapea's review

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I was graciously given an ARC of this book. While the writing was very good and the story was very original, the plot was very dark. I'm not certain if this was author's intention. The female MC was a little too much of a doormat for me. Honestly, if I had friends that treated me like her supposed best friends treat her for 80% of the book, I would have told them to hit the road long ago. She never gives them shit about treating her poorly and instead lays on the love and excuses it as "them just being them". She screams no self-respect and puts herself in the position of being victimized time and again. Maybe it was the author's intention to portray her this way, but it left me with a headache. And the male MC, I couldn't truly figure out why he kept his feelings a secret - it wasn't as though he was a serial killer, he just had a difficult that past he had no control over (just like the female MC). For much of the book, I just wanted the MMC to man up and grab a pair. There was a lot of low self-esteem in this book, except for the FMCs best friend, who crossed the line into catty bag a few too many times. As other reviewers have stated, the title of this book is very apt. It indeed left me with an ominous feeling, despite the guarded HEA; quite conflicted. It's worth a read, given the original (to me) plot and writing, but be prepared to be frustrated by both the MCs' inability to stand up for themselves. I'm 50/50 about reading the subsequent novel, since this one left me with a bad feeling in my gut - like things are going to get much worse before they might get better.

amb3reads's review

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2.5 out of 5 Stars

Thanks IndieSage PR for my ARC. I was provided an ARC for an honest review.

Conflicted was my first book my Ruby Black. Conflicted was an okay book. I liked the plot of best friends loving each but not acting on it (Lacey and Lucas). I did not like the love triangle. I will read Ruby Black again.