
Righting a Wrong by Rachael Anderson

kebreads's review

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I enjoyed this book. I liked the character growth that was reflected in the characters, and this book had some really great characters. I enjoyed the flashbacks that gave depth to the story. I look forward to reading the other books in this series. I like how it was done with each author taking a minor character from the previous book in the series. My husband read part of the book over my shoulder at one point and told me it was a predictable story. I told him that I didn't care if it was predictable because it's the journey that I enjoy. This book is a journey worth taking (by reading the book of course). :) And when I got to the end, I wanted more.

Rating: 4.5 stars
Content: Clean
Source: Review Copy

hnbb's review

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I recognized the author's name, but couldn't place it. Since I didn't have access to the internet at the time I just contented myself with reading and enjoying the novella. It was such a cute story. I liked the different points of view and interpretations of actions and facial expressions. It was realistic and believable. When I finished, I looked up the author and was pleasantly surprised to see that she wrote Prejudice Meets Pride, a book that I read recently and really enjoyed. Apparently, I just need to read everything she has written since I enjoy her writing style so much.

hugbandit7's review

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loved this novella! 3rd in a series and just a sweet, clean romance story. I like how Jace and Cambri have a history together and they denied what they had all those years ago, but will they find out if the chemistry between them is forever?

I'm anxiously waiting book 4 which is Lydia's story.

saradavcamp's review

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I really enjoyed this story. I had read the previous two Ripple Effect novellas and was very glad to get a copy of this one to read.
It's a story of love lost and regained and the characters are very likeable, well developed and perfect for each other. The story was very enjoyable. There were sweet parts, frustrating parts (not for me--just for the poor characters,) and a couple very romantic parts. *sigh*
I was very pleased with how it ends up as well. It has a small lead-in for the next book to get you interested in continuing the series, and a fabulously romantic finale.
I definitely recommend this book. I've enjoyed several of Rachael Anderson's other books and this one didn't let me down. So if you like this, go read her other books. There are several great ones!

valeriew's review

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Now that was a good book!!!!! I loved it. The characters were well developed and the romance was a process I felt like I was a part of. So cute!

jasmyn9's review

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At the end of book two we feel like Jace really got the short end of the stick. He seems to have lost everything, but maybe that's what it takes to set him up for his own happily ever after when his past comes back to town. Cambri had left long ago (without saying goodbye) and never really looked back. When her crotchety old father has a heart attack she finally comes home to take care of him.

Cambri's father was a great character. He was ornery, grumpy, stubborn, and hard headed. But I loved him. He becomes a big catalyst for some of my favorite scenes. In such a small town Cambri was bound to run into her old best friend, Jace, and that is where the romance begins.

Both Cambri and Jace are dealing with broken hearts and broken dreams. Their story starts off small and simple but grows quickly and you realize just how perfect they are for each other. Now they just need to try and get over the past and try to move on. Unlike some books that can repeatedly smash you in the face with their problems, Righting a Wrong was much more subtle and gentle. It made the special moments that much more touching and memorable. I love the history brought up in this novella - both with the characters and the town. It sort of makes me wish I had the small town history and relationships that the book shows.

This can be read as a stand alone, but you will miss out on the "ripple effect" of events that these amazing novellas are showing. I love how one couldn't have happened without the one before it.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

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carmenna's review

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Ho scelto di leggere Righting a wrong perché la trama mi ricordava vagamente - ma a torto - Persuasione, o comunque una storia di seconde chance.
Ed infatti il romanzo narra di Cambri, una giovane ragazza in carriera, che, dopo ben sei anni, torna nella piccola cittadina natale, Bridger, a causa dei problemi cardiaci del padre. Qui si rende conto di aver sempre amato quel piccolo posto in cui è cresciuta, e, soprattutto, incontra Jace, il migliore amico di sempre, dal quale sembra essere scappata dopo aver ricevuto da lui un bacio tutt'altro che amichevole.
La convivenza con il padre si rivela molto difficile, a causa del carattere piuttosto scontroso dell'uomo, e Cambri non vede l'ora di ritornare a Charlotte, dove vive, finché non si accorge che per lei Jace è più di un amico...
Come si può notare, la trama è piuttosto prevedibile, anche se ci sono alcune scene, come quella del primo appuntamento tra i due, che sono abbastanza carine.
La storia è semplice, breve, molto innocente; i personaggi non sono molto ben caratterizzati, potrei dire che sono piuttosto dei "tipi". Il padre della protagonista, ad esempio, è lo stereotipo del burbero che in fondo nasconde un grande cuore, anche se per tutta la durata della storia l'ho detestato per il modo rude e cattivo con cui tratta la figlia, e la sua predilezione per Jace, a suo dire "leale" perché rimasto a Bridger a curare gli affari di famiglia (e non è andato via per realizzare i propri sogni). Jace è infatti il tipico bravo ragazzo che si offre di aiutare il prossimo e si risistema casa da solo, con poco denaro e molto olio di gomito, ed inoltre è anche piuttosto attraente, tanto che mi sono chiesta come mai non fosse stato ancora "accalappiato" da nessuno, in quella piccola cittadina in cui tutti conoscono tutti.
Ciò che però davvero non ho apprezzato è stata la scelta finale di Cambri, e cioè rinunciare quasi del tutto al lavoro della sua vita per restare a Bridger con Jace. Fino all'ultimo ho sperato che non lo facesse: si sarebbero potute trovare altre soluzioni ugualmente valide che assicurassero comunque un lieto fine, mentre mi sembra piuttosto che Cambri sia stata "rimessa al proprio posto". La ragazza che aveva avuto il coraggio di lasciare città, amici e famiglia per inseguire i suoi sogni torna così all'ovile, come se avesse sbagliato, osato troppo, come se non avesse dovuto mettere se stessa al primo posto, e per farsi di nuovo accettare ed amare avesse dovuto fare un passo indietro.
E questo mi ha veramente contrariata.

I received an ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

marisas1985's review

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Righting a Wrong is a sweet, clean novella (144 pages) that is a fun read. It shows a couple of lovely things in my opinion, one, that we can and do carry our past with us and that makes facing certain things difficult and two being that when it comes to the love or need of a family member or parent that we need to push those fears aside and do what needs done. Lastly, this story shows us that what we are trying to avoid may be exactly what we need.

I think anyone who likes romance or is getting into romance would like this novella and the entire Ripple Effect Series.

From what I have seen this book has high ratings and I definitely agree with those. I wouldn’t say it’s a must read but if you are looking for something to chill out with this book is perfect!

b00kr3vi3ws's review

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Righting a Wrong tells us Jace and Cambri’s story.

We have already met Jace in Silver Linings. When we start with Righting a Wrong, we already know Jace at a basic level. Jace moves on after his best friend and now ex-fiancé falls in love. He makes a complete new start as he moves into a new house and a new life – or that was his plan. But fate had something else for him in mind and situation becomes such that the only house that is available for Jace’s consideration is the house that Cambri, his first love, loved. But that’s not all… Cambri herself moves into town temporarily to take care of her father. Cambri had no intention of looking up Jace but not bumping into him in their small town would call for a miracle. Once put face to face together after years, their chemistry sparks emotions right back into a place that they didn’t dare dream of. Will they be able to put their past together under wraps or will their past together only make them come together again in the present.

Ripple Effects Novella Series have a specialty of telling stories in a limited number of words, yet leave you feeling like as if you have known the characters forever. As we follow Jace and Cambri, we become a part of their lives, we can’t help but fall in love with both of them. Sweet and loveable characters, fun situations and an effective narration style makes time fly by and the book over in what seems to be minutes. I liked Cambri’s father in an odd sort of way. But, Jace’s grandpa takes the cup for the best character in this book. He is so much fun that even with almost a cameo role he made a great impression on me. Appearance of Lydia (whose story, Lost & Found is up next in the series) was almost expected with the way all these stories are interconnected in a way. I also liked the way that Jace and Cambri remained in the spotlight, yet the author managed to portray and develop Cambri’s relationship with her father.

All in all this is a sweet love story about misunderstandings, forgiveness and the essence of first love.

ghumpherys's review

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Love these novellas with connected characters!