
Crystal by Darby Cupid

whackystar's review against another edition

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If you like romance, YA fiction, science fiction with an 80s vibe (the storyline reminded me of ET and Stranger Things), you will love this book!
It made me laugh, gave me goosebumps, and made me forget to breathe at times.
Can’t wait for December to read the second book of the Starlatten trilogy. I need more!

books_over_everything's review against another edition

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Initial Thoughts

This book wasn’t on my radar before my lovely friend, Karley @acciobooksandplants on Instagram, asked if I’d be interested in reading it. The cover really caught my eye and I want to read more books set in space.

Some Things I Liked

Stranger Things vibes. Ok, ok, ok. I have not watched Stranger Things but, I imagine these are the vibes that show gives off. A group of spunky teens uncovers a crazy problem and works together to figure it out and help their new friend. Reading this book almost makes me want to watch that show.
Alternating POVs – I love when stories are told from multiple POVs. I thought the scene changes and POV changes were really well done here and added to the suspense of the characters being in different places. I also liked the way the POVs worked with Crystal’s ability to see and share memories.
Sci-Fi with out being over the top. This story has aliens, space, and super advanced technology. However, it wasn’t bogged down by the sci-fi elements. I really liked that. I also didn’t find myself overthinking those portions of the story. The details of Crystal’s world were vivid, without being unrealistic.
Supergirl vibes. Now that’s a subject I’m quite familiar with. Crystal gave me all kind of Supergirl vibes from the older Superman cartoons. A girl from another planet lost in a small town where she meets a group of friends who are on her side no matter what. Definite Supergirl vibes.

One Thing I Wasn’t Crazy About

Insta-love. It’s not my favorite. I thought the relationships between the characters were a smidge unbelievable in that sense but I liked them all the same. I liked the romances and friendships. My issue is how quickly they formed and that made the characters seem younger.

Series Value

I’d definitely read the next book in the series. I also hope that we get some different POVs in the subsequent sequels because I enjoyed several of the side characters in Crystal.

Final Thoughts

I enjoyed this book. I probably wouldn’t have found it on my own if Karley hadn’t shown it to me and I’m really glad she did. This book was a bit out of my comfort zone (as I don’t read much sci-fi), and I was excited about that too. I also found that this book would be suitable for younger YA audiences (some violence, but overall, something that I’d be ok with giving to a younger or new YA reader).


Recommendations for Further Reading

The King’s 100 by Karin Biggs – if you liked the concept of a new girl getting lost in a world without the advanced technology and science she’s used to, try this new release by Karin Biggs.
The Elements of the Crown by Kay L. Moody – if you’re looking for another indie author, look no further than Kay L. Moody. The relationships are slower burn but the friendships and romances felt very similar in Kamdaria and in Crystal.

aschuetze's review

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This was a super whimsical tale of intergalactic fate, snarky friendships, and lost souls finding each other. Crystal, our titular character, was a ball of softness and girl power, make that alien girl power. It was a super easy read, and I drifted along a river filled with best friends I’ll never meet. This book IMO is super accurate to what would happen if teenage me ran into a person who just crash landed from the sky. Do yourself a favor and read this book!

mandi_richards's review

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This was such a great book. I love the characters and the premise was really fun. I do not read a lot of YA sci-fi, but this book was great. My favorite part was the Earthlings teaching Crystal about our world, and her funny internal monologues about it. I can't wait until the sequel comes out!

thewoollygeek's review

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I was given an ARC of this by the author for an honest review, all opinions are my own.

I really enjoyed this and I thought it was a wonderful debut , it’s so nice to see more YA SF as a lot leans towards fantasy but I enjoyed the fact this leant to Scifi more. It has everything you could want it’s YA, it’s SFF, romance, it has action and great characters, but this is also a lot darker than the cover would suggest, it deals with issues like domestic abuse and handles them with sensitivity and care, that’s not to say it’s too dark, just that it’s not a completely light and fluffy YA book if that’s what you are after. It deals with real issues, it’s relatable for the characters are not just generic scifi leads but dealing with real issues not always found in SFF , but it does have a feel good factor and it is a fun read even with serious issues, destruction of the universe and ..wellill leave you to read it. Overall, it’s a great YA debut and I look forward to future books in the series and by the author.

mabookyard's review

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bambamreads's review against another edition

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I. Loved. This. Book!!! I was lucky to receive an early copy of this and immediately put down my other book and finished Crystal in a day. The characters are so easy to fall in love with and I loved the story. It was easy to see things from Crystal's point of view and how strange things can be - I mean, how do you even begin to describe bowling to someone that's not from earth??!? And the ending. Oh man. I need the next book, and I need it now!

So do yourself and your bookshelf a favor and read this asap!!

darbs's review against another edition

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Hi! So, I'm the author and I'd like to tell you a bit about what to expect from 'Crystal' - some inside information you won't get from the blurb.
'Crystal' is a true YA SFF. Follow three teenagers as they navigate the unusual situation of a real life stranded alien, while being hunted by a dark, murderous stranger. As light hearted as it is dark, this book sets the scene for the rest of the series, introducing you to Crystal at the beginning of her unexpected rule as Queen of Starlatten—and what a rocky start it is...
If you like a touch of magic/sci-fi grounded in realism, doused with the heightened emotions of teenage love and angst, this will definitely rock your boat.
Book 2 - Rebel - is out now! Book 3 - Legacy - releases on March 21!
Enjoy, Starlights!

ivybrooks's review against another edition

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First off, I am so happy I stumbled upon this book via Bookstagram! Not only is the cover absolutely stunning and Insta worthy, but the story is absolutely wonderful! Darby has done a spectacular job at weaving together a story that encompasses both sci-fi and a dash of fantasy.

From the very first page, I was drawn into the story and the group of kids that befriended Crystal after she crashed her ship on Earth. It was so fun to see Earth through Crystal's eyes and Crystal through the eyes of her newfound peers. The multiple POVs were easy to follow, and I found myself looked forward to reading from all of their different views on helping Crystal find her way home. Plus, seeing Crystal through the eyes of her new friends definitely made it easier to relate to the story!

I think many will enjoy this captivating story of friendship, young love, and adventure! I highly recommend to all and I cannot wait until the next book is released! Be warned though, there is a cliff hanger! :)

acciomanorian's review against another edition

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What to say about this book? Crystal was everything I could've ever wanted, all wrapped up in one. You've got the science fiction/fantasy part, the YA part, the intrigue, the romance, and mystery. I like to think that it was love at first page, and although Crystal was only released a couple of months ago, I have already read it twice. That's how in love with this book I am.
The descriptions in this book are out of this world, and I mean that both literally and metaphorically