
Scan, by Sarah Fine, Walter Jury

suzannedix's review against another edition

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Within a 24-hour time span, Tate Archer’s life goes from typical high school teenager (granted a truly gifted and talented one) to on the run survivalist escaping from an alien race that has taken over Earth. This is a fast-paced, high edrenaline science fiction novel kicking off a new series. Tate uses MacGyver-like skills and know-how to build all sorts of weapons to defend himself, his mother and his girlfriend from the H2, an alien population that looks identical to humans and has over the years become the majority of Earth’s population. Tate, driven exceptionally hard by his father to excel at all things (science, languages, self-defense, etc.), is a relatable kid. Even when he breaks into his father’s lab and steals a mysterious scanner-type thing and brings it to school, the reader absolutely finds this risky and cocky behavior believable. Equally believable is Tate’s remorse and anger when that same scanner brings about the death of his father by secret agents hell-bent on retrieving it. Characters are given unique voices by narrator Luke Daniels though Tate comes across sullen and smart-mouthed perhaps more than he should. Mature language is used which is a shame because this book is otherwise perfect for the middle school male reader.

Recommended grades 9 and up. Sequel is not due out until 2015.

angelaann88's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this book. I usually love Sarah Fine's work, but this one didn't suck me in. I had a hard time sympathizing with Tate. I did finish reading it to see if it held my interest to read the next one, but I won't be.

twocents's review against another edition

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DNF. I just got tired of the whiny dudebro. "Quit treating me like a child, mom, even though I am one, am acting like one, and you have a valid point!"

jlynnelseauthor's review against another edition

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I received an advance galley copy of this book. The proof says this book is appropriate for ages 12 and up, but I would disagree. I think with the amount of swearing (mostly f-bombs) and some heavy make out moments, this is more for older teens. And while I understand why the main character, Tate, swore at his mom, I think this should not be presented to younger kids who may not be able to distinguish the setting differences.

The book is being described as “MacGyver meets War of the Worlds,” and this would be a very apt description. The book read very cinematically, and fast-paced would almost be an understatement for the story flow! I really enjoyed the read. However, the end was such a bummer! I keep reading books that leave you hanging at the end! And since I received an advanced copy, its going to be forever until “Burn,” book 2, comes out (2015??? Really?). So just be aware that the end will leave you hanging.

I liked the concept, the technology, and the ingenious problem solving/”MacGyver” moments. All these elements added to a very intelligent storyline. However, despite the continuous movement of the storyline, I felt the romantic interludes/goo-goo eyes/make-out moments slowed things down. Or perhaps because the action is so intense, the Tate-Christina moments felt like molasses, and the occurrences were too frequent. His tenderness towards her is enduring, but I think the amount of those scenes could have been cut in half. I would have preferred more exploration of Tate’s father’s lab, especially the 14 anomaly.

Tate goes through a lot of growth in the story. He has to find a way to forgive himself, to begin trusting himself and what he knows, and to let others help him. This isn't your typical humans versus aliens or good versus evil. The villains aren't obvious in “Scan,” and like Tate, readers won't know who to trust. So there is a great suspense factor. The book presents a lot about what it means to be human and the damage caused by individuals who live by prejudice.

Tate is strong, smart, and resourceful, but I think without the addition of his girlfriend and his mother by his side, he would not have been resilient to all that he lost and had to face about himself. So this book does a great job balancing the action and heart of the storyline. The other characters also represent different sides to the argument about what makes us human? Our differences? Our tolerance? Our love? There are lots of great viewpoints presented. Everything was well thought out and developed. I really liked this book, can’t wait for the next, and am going to be reading more by these authors until then!

lyndiane's review against another edition

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It's a real pity that we cannot rate higher than 5 stars as this book deserves an 8-star rating!

The story is absolutely butt-kicking thrilling, with high octane action scenes from early in the book. A perfect blend of "Bourne Identity", "The Fast and the Furious", lightly seasoned with a small sprinkling of "McGyver", this book is sure appeal to all fans of Pittacus Lore's "I am Number Four" series.

There are some neat science and chemistry tricks described within the pages of this exhilarating novel that sound really intriguing, but the author refers to a 'deliberate chemistry error" so perhaps I won't try mixing toilet bowl cleaner with 'other stuff"!

pantsreads's review against another edition

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3.5/5. Could have been awesome, but the action fell flat.

Read my full review here.

cherrywood's review against another edition

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Not exactly what I was hoping it would be, but it isn't that bad either. It has a mystery, action, and romance in it. But I have to say that the main guy is so smart. Wow, who would have thought to make a weapon with all those daily life things?! It is kind of really interesting to seen those chemistry things used in the book as a weapon. It is quit cool. Might read the next one when I finish some of the other books on my to-read list.

barbara0592's review against another edition

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Buch: 398 Seiten
Autor: Walter Jury
Sarah Fine
Verlag: cbt - Random House Verlag

Das Buch kann man auch als e-Book kaufen.

Die Tate Archer-Reihe:
SCAN - Im Visier des Feindes
BURN - Der Anfang vom Ende

Vielen Dank an den Verlag fürs das Rezensionsexemplars.


Der 16-jährige Tate wird von seinem Vater strengt gedrillt: Er trainiert Ju-Jutsu und paukt Waffenkunde und Chinesisch. ->Für die Familie <- so begründet sein Vater das. Tate aber hat längst die Nase voll und stiehlt aus dem Hochsicherheitsbüro seines Vaters einen vermeintlich harmlosen Scanner. Mit fatalen Konsequenzen. Plötzlich sind Tate und seine Freundin Christina auf der Flucht vor Menschen, die in Wahrheit Aliens sind - und nichts weniger als das Schicksal das Schicksal der Erde hängt von ihnen ab ...

Meine Meinung:

Achtung Spoiler Gefahr

Wie ich das erste Mal den Klapptext gelesen habe. Da dachte ich schon "Das Buch würde mich sehr gefallen". Ich habe gleich bei Random Hause Verlag Homepage eine Anfrage zur dem Buch gestellt. Und ich hatte Glück das ich das Rezensionsexemplars bekomme habe.

Ich bin schon sehr früh in das Buch eingetaucht. Die Story an sich ist sehr gut umgesetzt geworden. In der Story geht's um ein Teil über Aliens. Ich dachte mir dabei ich hoffe das Buch wegen den Aliens Teil mir schon gefällt. Weil ich habe bis jetzt über Aliens nur ein Buch gelesen. Das eine Buch war "Seelen" von Stephenie Meyer. Deshalb hat das Buch "SCAN - Im Visier des Feindes" an das Buch "Seelen" ein bisschen erinnert.

Die Story an sich hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Zur erst sind der Tate und seine Freundin Christina sehr ahnungslos durch ihr Leben gegangen. Aber nach den Vorfall in der ihre Highschool wurde sie direkt mit der Wahrheit konfrontiert. Das es Aliens gibt seit Jahrhunderten von Jahren. Tate Archer und sein Vater sind die letzten von den Archers. Familie Archers ist wiederum einer der Menschlichen 50 Familien auf der Erde.

Tate Archer ist von der Person her irgendwie ein zweiter MacGyver. Wenn es in einer Situation etwas chaotischer wird. Bastelt der Tater von einfacher Dinge wie z.b. einer Organe & Chips und einer Plastik Flasche zur einer Waffe um. Deshalb hat er von mir der Spitzname der 2. MacGyver bekommen.
Christina (Tate's Freundin) erfährt das sie ein Alien ist. Sie muss sich mit sich kämpfen aber sie akzeptiert wie sie ist. Tate ist erst sehr überrascht darüber. Er macht kein große Sache daraus.

Der Schreibstil von den Autoren findet echt super. Die Schreiben einfach so erfrischen und flüssig. Ich hoffe das die Beiden mehre Bücher noch schreiben.

Mein Fazit:

Das Buch hat großes Potenzial. Der erste Band ist ein guter Auftakt zu der Zweiteiler Reihe.

mboyea's review against another edition

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When I first started this book, I was not sure what to think. But I had heard good things about Sarah Fine's writing so I kept reading. I was not disappointed.


This was a fantastic book! The beginning was slow and I kept thinking "is this book about wrestling/boxing?" which, frankly, did not interest me. However, it quickly changed and I was very glad.

So basically, humans are being wiped out but not all of them know it. The H2 have invaded Earth but most of them do not realize that they are not human now that a few generations have gone by. However, less than a quarter of the population is human.

Tate stole a piece of equipment from his father's lab but has no idea what it does, all he knows is that it either shows a blue or red light (or orange but we don't know what that color means yet). Then all of a sudden he's running for his life, fighting his teacher, trying to save his girlfriend, trying to save his dad, his dad dies, Tate and Christina are running for their lives, Tate reconnects with his mom, Christina gets shot, they go to a safe house which turns out to not be safe, they escape, they get the scanner back, and now they are on the run again. Now, add a ton more action to that and you will have the book.

While that description makes it seem very straight forward and simple, it's not. There are many twists and turns in this book which keep you on the edge of your seat and not wanting to put the book down for a minute.

Tate is a good kid and he is trying his best. He had no clue what his family truly was or that there were aliens. All he wanted was to make his dad proud of him and to make his girlfriend, Christina, happy.

I have so much empathy for Christina. At the beginning of the book, she was the ideal girl. Now she finds out that she is actually an alien and that, while Tate still loves her, his family doesn't want them together because they want to keep the family line "pure". Even after she has risked her life multiple times to save his, his mom doesn't completely accept her for something that she cannot control. Which is a common theme throughout history.

This is a very great book! It is engaging and adventurous. The characters are easy to understand and relate to. It was easy to understand and follow and was never boring, except for the very beginning in my opinion.

5 stars! Can't wait to read book 2!

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed this book, it was fast paced and I had a great time with this adventure! Can't wait to read the sequel!