
The Curse by Jina S. Bazzar

zanybibliophile's review against another edition

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The Curse is a short story that follows Yoncey Fosch, the leader of the Unseelie Dhiultadh clan. There is a mysterious plague that is claiming the lives of many in his clan and when his brother begins to show signs of the plague, Yoncey will do anything to save him. Desperate, Yoncey makes a deal with Oberon, Queen Titania’s consort - a way to heal his clan in exchange for Yoncey siring a human hybrid.

The character of Yoncey is admirable but also short-sighted. Yoncey is described as a great leader - fair and kind - and his heart is in the right place when he makes the impossible deal with Oberon in order to save the members of his clan, but he really should have thought about the consequences of that deal. He tried to outsmart Oberon and it backfired.

The character of Oberon is similar to the Oberon in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream so, having read that play, I felt I already knew the character and expected him to requests tricky terms in his deal with Yoncey. What I was not expecting was the punishment that would follow if Yoncey did not follow through with his side of the deal.

It is not necessary to read The Curse before Heir of Ashes, though the plot of the prequel provides a fair amount of background information for the main novel and acts as a sort of prologue. It is also not necessary to read Heir of Ashes before The Curse as this short story holds up pretty well on its own. The story did fast forward through the timeline a little, however, it was detailed enough to get a good idea of the world and the fee (faeries) that inhabit it.

While I would have liked to know more about Yoncey and his life before the deal with Oberon, I did think The Curse was a lovely prequel that complimented Heir of Ashes.

wheninapril's review against another edition

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Its Just an enough filler for all the questions arose in "Heir of Ashes". Questions like who/what is Roxanne? Why she is haunted? Who is her father? We get a clear picture of her father in this one.

check the full review here >>

reeminbooks's review against another edition

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I'm really glad I read the prequel. It helped a lot with understanding the world and cleared up a lot of stuff that confused me while reading Heir of Ashes. Although I wish some aspects were explained a bit more.
But it was still wonderful to learn more about the world and the characters more. Almost everything makes sense now, and I'm even more excited for book 2!

kazuchuu's review against another edition

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Full review now posted.
(This review can also be found on my blog!)

(Note: Thanks to the author, Jina, for sending me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and are not influenced by this factor.)


The Curse tells the backstory of Roxanne’s father, and describes the events leading to Roxanne’s birth. I recommend reading this novella after reading Heir of Ashes, as you’ll need to be more familiar with the world, first.

This book contains more world-building and further explains the magic system, which I appreciate, because I’m the type of person to get easily lost in fantasy books. Although, it can be quite confusing at times.

I love how the characters aren’t all ‘good-or-evil’ in this. Each of them has their own reasons for doing what they do, and even though it may seem ‘evil’, you’ll start to realise that there’s more to their story than what we can see.

It’s an interesting plot with quite the tragic ending, marking the start of a unique life that our main character never asked for but has to live through, fighting for herself and her beliefs.

samyinbookworld's review against another edition

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Will write a ful review of this prequel together with the book.

madtcosta's review against another edition

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3.5 out of 5 stars

Full review soon (

Not as good as the first book, but is definitely interesting seeing what really happened.

tooruluvr's review against another edition

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Full review now posted.
(This review can also be found on my blog!)

(Note: Thanks to the author, Jina, for sending me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and are not influenced by this factor.)


The Curse tells the backstory of Roxanne’s father, and describes the events leading to Roxanne’s birth. I recommend reading this novella after reading Heir of Ashes, as you’ll need to be more familiar with the world, first.

This book contains more world-building and further explains the magic system, which I appreciate, because I’m the type of person to get easily lost in fantasy books. Although, it can be quite confusing at times.

I love how the characters aren’t all ‘good-or-evil’ in this. Each of them has their own reasons for doing what they do, and even though it may seem ‘evil’, you’ll start to realise that there’s more to their story than what we can see.

It’s an interesting plot with quite the tragic ending, marking the start of a unique life that our main character never asked for but has to live through, fighting for herself and her beliefs.

mistysbookspace's review against another edition

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I want to thank the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This is the prequel to Heir of Ashes which I read back in May. I was sucked into the first book and I thoroughly enjoyed that one but that wasn’t the case for The Curse. I didn’t like it as much as Heir of Ashes.

The Curse is the backstory of why Roxanne’s life is the way it is. How other peoples choices affected her before she was even born. I recommend reading Heir of Ashes before reading The Curse because otherwise it want make a whole lot of sense.

I wasn’t drawn into this story like I was Heir of Ashes. Not a whole lot was going on like I said it was just back story that I don’t think you need to necessarily read at all. It was a little overly descriptive for me as well.

Overall I think it’s a fast paced read and you do get some answers in this book that wasn’t answered in the first book. It was an ok read but I am still looking forward to continuing on with this series.

warmdayswillnevercease's review against another edition

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This review was originally published on

I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from the author. Thank you Jina S. Bazzar.

Firstly, you should definitely read this after reading Heir of Ashes. I think that if you did read this book first then you’d spoil the first book for yourself. It did answer a lot of the questions I had after reading Heir of Ashes and I think it makes a very good prequel.

It’s also a very short book which makes it a quick and compelling read. I think it’s a great length for a prequel because it does just enough to answer some of your questions but it doesn’t tell you everything.

Finally, I enjoyed the writing and the plot. It was fast-paced, interesting, and fun.