
A Spartan Love by Kayla Jameth

anya_doesntmatter's review

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Title: A Spartan Love Author: Kayla Jameth Publisher:DreamspinnerPress
Reviewer: Anya Release Date: December 08, 2014
Heat Level: 3.5 out of 5 Rating: 4 stars out of 5

*Absolutely marvelous!*The first thing that stands out about this book is the outstanding world building. I love all the historical facts and how Jameth, seemlessly interweaves the Gods and the Spartan way of life into the story without it coming across as an info dump.
This story had me in its clutches from the onset. I like these characters. I like how realistic they are and I like the dynamics between them. Don't worry if you're not familiar with Spartan history, by the time you finish reading you'll practically be an expert (and enjoy learning while you read)! If you like stories that instantly transport you to another time and place I highly recommend you read this. The story is told flawlessly and the two MC's are so well developed, I couldn't help bonding with them instantly.
I don't know about you but I do like sex in my books. I consider this story a slow burn. As a matter of fact, sex doesn't come into play until about 65% into the story but It's OKAY! The sex is non gratuitous, steamy and well worth the wait. Also, the story is so vibrant and engaging that I really didn't even think about sex at all. So, if you're in the market for a well written historical, this is one I would recommend.
*ARC provided for review*