
Angel #5 by Gabriel Cassata, Bryan Edward Hill, Dan Panosian, Gleb Melnikov

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candiceausten's review

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That last page was so beautiful!!

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My Thoughts On: Angel #5

1. What social media app is Gunn livestreaming from? It doesn't look like Facebook. Is it Instagram? Or another app I don't know about because the older I get, the weirder new social media sites get to me. Also, can we talk about that Gunn is a urban exploration livestreamer with a following? I can't even.

2. Gunn is giving great inspirational advice to his followers, and I'm here for it. "No one has to help you. You might have to do it alone. But that's okay. Because you're not alone. I'm out here, too. Against the same darkness. Believe that."

3. Is this vampire supposed to be Mr. Trick? I really hope this is Mr. Trick because it would be a very clever way to incorporate him into this new updated Buffy. Update: Not Mr. Trick, and I'm sort of disappointed.

4. "No one believes in monsters, but I don't need belief. I have memories." I love that Gunn does not operate in the state of denial common to many people who've seen vampires in the universe. He has accepted it and instead devoted his time to fighting them and trying to get justice for his friend.

5. Who are all these vampires wearing suits? Was an entire office turned at the same time? Are they corporate vampires? Or employees of Wolfram and Hart?

6. I approve of Angel's way of making friends: jumping in to save the day, delivering necessary information quickly and bluntly, and then offering to buy Gunn a burger.

7. God bless Lilith for always showing up unannounced, looking fabulous, and delivering important but vague information.

8. "Worlds are colliding, Angel. You need to make a commitment. You know your purpose. You know what's at stake. Right now, there are children about to face the same evil that created you. I won't tell you what I've seen, but you have to stand with them. And it will hurt you in ways that only love can. But this is the age where you pay the debt you owe. And they are the age you were when immortality found you. Go to Sunnydale, Angel. Save the world." Anyone else get chills from this speech Lilith gives Angel? No? Just me?

9. I'm not sure where Fred got an Anti Vampire Vampire Club t-shirt, but I love it. I want one.

10. I laughed so hard and love that Angel #5 ends on this line: "I know I deserve Hell. But high school is just unfair."

amandareid's review

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