
Angelus: The Books of Raziel by Sabrina Benulis

tempest_reign's review

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I'm really not sure what to say about this book...I enjoyed how Angela's story played out and built on the other two books in the series, plus I found the book to be well written, the characters on point, and loved finding out how Angela and some of her friends actually fit into the world, but, and it's kind of a big but, I thought the ending could have been better (as in I was searching for more pages; pretty sure Hubby heard me complain "What? Is that it?!")

All in all, a good read, and a decentish end to the trilogy, but will I go back and re-read these books? Based on how this book ended, no, no I won't, which makes this book a little disappointing, as when I'm totally in love with a book, I am happy to read it again and again.

kyshakitty's review

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*I was given this book by the publisher for my honest review*

Angelus by Sabrina Benulis is the third book in “The Books of Raziel” series. I have not read the first two so I thought I would be lost in this one. I was amazed at how much I was able to piece together about the previous two books from the characters recollections. (Spoiler) The main character, Angela, has memory loss so much of the back story is her trying to figure out what happened and her friends, Kim and Sophia, telling her what happened.

The story has many of the typical YA elements: angels, demons, jinn, heaven, hell, and semi-clueless humans. It also has names that most YA readers should recognize: Lillith, Raziel, Lucifel, and Israfel. These names come up in nearly all YA books with demons and angels.

The story is that a human contains the soul of a Supernal (god) and she has to set the future course of the world. She can choose destruction or salvation. Of course, the angels and demons all want a piece of the action and set about trying to kill or persuade her. She is put through many trials by the demons, the angels and the human followers of each. In the end she finally gets all the information she needs and theoretically makes the right choice.

What I liked about the book:

even though I had not read the previous two I followed along pretty well with the story

the god soul reincarnated into a human was new to me

her take on the Jinn was entirely new to me, also I am assuming is more like the actual folk lore of the Jinn/genies and not the happy, friendly lamp type

What I didn’t like about the book:

overall it was a lot like most other YA books with angels and demons

the humans knew way too much about the angels and demons to seemingly do nothing to stop any of the bad stuff from happening

For a YA book it has some unique ideas and is a fresh take on the typical good vs evil fare. Overall I would recommend it to anyone who likes supernatural YA fiction.

forestgreenreader's review

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The last book was kind of boring to me and dragged on foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. How many times can Angela fall asleep in one book? She was literally passing out every chapter.

I didn't really like the ending either. I don't understand why Angela was somewhere else and didn't remember anything, maybe I missed something.