
Hereafter - Død og forelsket by Tara Hudson

prisoner24601's review against another edition

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bookbriefs's review against another edition

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Wow! I loved this book so much! This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite books I have read this year. Great story and such a pleasure to read. I read this book in one sitting- I could not stop reading! The story just flowed seamlessly from one part to the next and all the words just jumped off the page. There was not one boring moment at all. The characters, the story, the details- all amazing! I don't even know what else to say without just gushing the same thing over and over again.

Let's start with the characters. Amelia had something about her; I instantly liked her. I loved going on the journey with her as she learned about her past and how she died. I have not read many ghost stories but I never thought about them not remembering their life. I really liked the way Tara Hudson described this area- as a ghost Amelia kind of started over and had to piece everything else together. It was like a mystery, wrapped in a paranormal, and mixed with an AWESOME romance.

Joshua is the boy in this story- and I want him all for myself! He is one of my favorite book boys that I have read about in such a long time! He has such a strong faith in Amelia and it never wavers. I love that so much. Another thing I loved was the romance aspect in this book was major! That was such a nice surprise, since so many of the books I have been reading lately have just been hinting at romance. Hereafter did not hint, it full on put the romance in the spotlight. And I devoured it! I love how Joshua was the only one that could make Amelia feel any kind of sensation- this meant a lot of touching in this book! yay! and I also loved how Tara Hudson described their touch as heating up like a fire. I thought that was a really cool way of describing how things are different for the two of them, since Amelia is a ghost.

Everything came together in such a nice and satisfying way. I loved everything about this book. I am not sure if there is going to be a second book because the ending kind of left some questions unanswered but still wrapped things up. So maybe that means there is a possibility of a sequel? I sure hope so! Wonderful book!

heatherjodavis's review against another edition

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I am such a sucker for meant-to-be-together stories. :)

mentormikael_9's review against another edition

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this is a good book by an Oklahoma author. it kinda drags in a few places but i will read any more in the series.

novelstosong's review against another edition

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Okay... I think ghost stories are going to be my next obsession...

In all seriousness though this book was one of the first ghost books I've read in a long time, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! I love the creepiness and mysteriousness that this story has. Although I did not like the main character, Amelia, as much as I wanted to. She seemed wayyyy to obsessed with Joshua. I get it, he's one of the only people that can actually see her. That's not an excuse to have her entire existence revolve around him. Anyway, I'm hoping that she will become a stronger character in book 2.

the_bookishkat's review against another edition

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This book was good. It felt like one of those books where someone, somewhere else, would really enjoy this book. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked it! But, I never clicked. Some books are books which just click in my head and instantly, I’m in the book. This book didn’t really feel like that which was a shame! Overall, a good book which has the ability to click with you if you aren’t me (which I’m pretty sure you aren’t!).

thespacejamber's review against another edition

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I don't usually write reviews here on Goodreads, but this book was just so exceptional that I felt an utter compulsion to do so. Before you stop me, I do not mean exceptional in the sense that this book was good; I mean exceptionally bad. I often found myself wondering if the manuscript had even gone through the hands of an editor before making it to print. However, I'm not one to pick up a book to never finish it, so I trudged through to the end.

Let's be real, anyone would be hard-pressed to string together a plot from these 407 pages. If I were to outline one for the sake of this review, it would be very simple: our phantom protagonist, Amelia, saves mortal Joshua from drowning in the very river that claimed her life. Very soon after meeting, they fall madly in love, despite Joshua's status as a Seer -- a mortal who can see, touch and communicate with the dearly departed. Meanwhile, an evil ghost has his own nefarious plot for Amelia's afterlife.

There's no real action or driving force for any of the character's decisions beyond "I want thing x, so I'm gonna get thing x." Amelia and Joshua accomplish very little apart from when and how she died.
Let's not forget Amelia's new "barrier" power that's vaguely reminiscent of Bella Swan's vampire power at the end of Breaking Dawn.
Everything just feels so extraneous, as if it was written by a teenager from Gaia Online writing just to fill space so they can be considered an "Elite" role player. Also, I have a really hard time believing that these two have fallen absolutely head-over-heels in love with each other in the span of literally three days after meeting.

Characterization, as expected, is also lacking. Amelia doesn't really have a personality at all; she really just lets things happen to her. Furthermore, how does she just magically know advanced Calculus for one scene, then not have that knowledge made useful -- or even acknowledged -- for the rest of the book? Or how about the fact that apparently Amelia's been wandering around her town for the past ten years or so and not once did something interesting happen to her in that entire time? Joshua's characterization, too, is just as infuriating. He's described as being a school athlete at least once, maybe twice, but, again, it's never brought up again after that. All Joshua seems to do is grin at Amelia. As a side-bar, if I never read an author describing someone's eyes as midnight blue again, it'll be too soon; I lost count after the eleventh or so mention of his eye color.

Finally, our dear author can't seem to adhere to certain crucial elements of ghost lore throughout the entirety of the book. Amelia, despite being dead and a non-corporeal being, is often described as having a pulse, having breath, and even shedding physical tears a few times. Oh, but there are a few choice times where she remembers that she doesn't need to breathe, due to her state of being. Amelia, literally, can't do anything. She can't open doors, she can't move things, she can't turn pages of a book. I get that, according to ghost lore, the dead can't touch things, but for some reason, Hudson has made the conscious decision to not allow her ghosts to pass through objects. This leaves a lot of room for awkward scenes where Joshua has no choice but to hold the door open for her, but if he had any self-awareness at all, he'd know that he must look completely ridiculous holding the door open for someone who isn't there by those who can't see ghosts. I really just do not understand the choices made in this novel.

All in all, I definitely will not be visiting the second book in this series. I unfortunately fell victim to the beautiful cover and intriguing blurb, but I've definitely learned my lesson: always look at the Goodreads reviews before checking a book out from my local library.

heatherhy01's review against another edition

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I am going to try to put into words how good this book really is. I would recommend anyone whom is a YA paranormal romance reader, to obtain a copy for themselves.

I have not read too many books that have not involved werewolves, vampires or zombies lately, so ghost was a nice change of pace.

Amelia is dead, that much she knows for sure. She does not remember how she died or anything about her life before she died. She keeps having a reoccurring nightmare to where she is back in the river drowning and suffocating all over again, but this time, she hears a thump, thump. She spots a boy and she knows that she has to do everything in her power to try to save him from dying the same way she had.

Ms. Hudson's writing was easy to follow and very descriptive. I felt like I was in the book myself. I enjoyed all of the characters, but really liked Jillian. I always tend to enjoy the characters with an attitude and though Jillian plays a small role in this book until the very end, I hope to see more of her in the next book. The book does tend to be sad during certain parts, especially when Amelia is finding out about her past and trying to piece her life together.

I can't wait to find out more about Amelia and Joshua. The next book, Arise, is due out in 2012. Until then, I highly suggest this read!

megmcreads's review against another edition

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I just for the life of me cannot wrap my head around the ghost and human relationship... I mean give me werewolves and humans, vamps and humans or other physical supernatural beings and humans and I'll buy it if the writing is strong enough. But this whole ghost and human thing is just a bit too much!

I will say though that there were some beautiful lines in this book!
"The boy didn't flail or struggle, and I had a sudden, sickening realization. The boy was unconscious. Not the kind of unconsciousness that torments the dead, but the kind that kills the living."

hushsee's review against another edition

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