
Night Magic by Jenna Black

feelingferal's review

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The first half is pretty unbearable. But if you can power through, the second half is pretty meh.

raven168's review

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Well, I'm done. I'm frustrated with this series because I love the entire idea here. From Becket's blood causing this to it having so much power. Everything that happens at night and the changes that occur in the darkness are just so damn awesome. And can't forget that I simply love Aleric. I really don't care that he's the twisted bad guy. But I HATE Becket, I HATE Luke, and I HATE this thing between the two of them.

I mostly enjoyed the beginning of the book. It was great to have more Aleric and to get more of everything nightstruck. Even though Becket was still a little annoying. She didn't change as much as everybody else at all. While she still feels like she would never want to go back to being normal, she doesn't exactly embrace this life either. Robbing, partying and watching people being killed doesn't bother her but at the same time she doesn't feel the desire to join in. Her and Aleric become a couple more or less with Aleric trying to get her to let go of her past life and become the queen he wants at his side. Together they even summon a night maker in order to create a space of darkness that doesn't disappear with the light. Unfortunately for Aleric, and for my entertainment, Becket just can't stop wanting Luke. She even is always going to his house in the middle of the night and when she brings the darkness to the day she sits at the border hoping to see and talk to him. Annoyed the hell out of me, but also Aleric. To the point he would send his creatures to keep an eye on her. Which only grated on Becket even more because Aleric hardly ever left her side at night.

When we got to about 100 pages, I was out when Luke, the ever present knight in shining armor, takes it upon himself to remove Becket from the darkness by force. And I ended up doing something with this book that I never do....I skimmed it. Taking Becket back into the day brings her back to her old self. From there there's a lot talking to Luke, to his mom, to Becket's mom, and to Piper. Some running around to avoid Aleric, which only last so long until finds her each time. I only really read any part that dealt with Aleric because, come on, he's the most important thing going on here. He wants Becket back badly, but not because he loves her or anything. He needs her in order to spread his darkness and is willing to do anything to get her to come back to him.

When Aleric captures Luke, Becket comes up with a stupid idea in hopes to get him back and for her to stay out of Aleric's hands. It fails wonderfully. Aleric had his own trap set that, while it didn't go quite as he planned, works out to his favor anyway. Until Becket does something and learns what could very well be his only weakness. And she's determined to use it to kill him.

Like I said, I'm done with this series. As much as I want to see more of Aleric, I don't like where this story is going (Why can't the bad guys EVER win??) and I am so over Becket and her immature thinking. More over, Aleric had it right when he called Luke a vanilla boy scout wanting to be a hero. I didn't like Luke the last book because he was too perfect, and this one made me dislike him more. I can't stand the "relationship" between him and Becket and don't want to read a single thing more about it. Too bad such an awesome world has more characters that I hate in it than I can deal with and a story that just ticks me off....

audiobookmel's review

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3.5 stars

Review originally posted at

I was excited to start this book. I really enjoyed the first book in this series. I really enjoyed this mixed up version of Philly that Jenna Black created. Iā€™m not an avid read of YA fiction. I am a reader of horror (not as much I would probably like, but Iā€™m reading more and more each year). I do love Jenna Black and I like her YA too. They tend to be a bit on the darker side and with this horror story that is there in spades.

So this story picks up where Nightstruck leaves off. The city of Philadelphia is under quarantine. Weird things are happening every night. People arenā€™t who they used to be when they are out at night. If people are out during the transition to dawn, they are turned into one of the Nightstruck. They lose pretty much all of their inhibitions. They see nothing wrong with beating people who canā€™t defend themselves, stealing or looting or having sex on any street corner. Other things happen during the nighttime hours too. Statues come alive and not exactly has they were when statues. Leo, a lion statue, has a main of snakes and a tail of scorpion. Fences change to other things, like tentacles. Once the sun comes up, everything goes back to normal.

It is hard to talk about this story without giving spoilers to the first story, but I will stick with cover things that are mentioned in the blurb. Beckett is Nightstruck. She is enjoying her time without the worries that the other people in the world deal with. She doesnā€™t mind that she walks out of a store with a full length fur coat (something she wouldnā€™t wear before she changed). She does some other things she would never have done before she was out at dawn. She isnā€™t like the other Nightstruck though.

I enjoyed this story, but not quite as much as the first installment of this series. I felt like the first part of the story was a little slow. I know exactly what Ms. Black was trying to do in showing us how Becket is while being a Nightstruck. It was good to see that side of the horror going on in Philly. That part of the story was a little on the slower side. The second half of the story was much more to my liking.

This story ended with several unanswered questions, like the first book. I know that I will be eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.

Leo continued to accompany us. He helped us get into the shops I wanted, then served as pack mule when I came out. If youā€™ve never seen the snakes in a metal lionā€™s mane carrying shopping bags, youā€™re missing out.

Iā€™d expected to become a wholly different person when I was Nightstruck, but that wasnā€™t at all what seemed to have happened. As far as I could tell, I was the same old Becket, minus the guilt, the grief, and the insecurity. I might be angry with Aleric and concerned about where those missing hours of my life were going to, but I was still incredibly glad Iā€™d finally given in. If Iā€™d known then that I wouldnā€™t become some cackling sadist, I never
would have fought it so hard.

katrinamarie's review

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This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & MoreThis book was as gripping, if not more, than Nightstruck. I was engrossed in this book from the very beginning. It picks up right where Nightstruck left off. Becket is adjusting to her new nightly routine. But she isn't like the others that have succumbed to the darkness. I loved seeing the dynamic between her, Luke, Aleric, and a few others. She has to find her way, and get used to the fact that she has a darkness inside her.

Beckett has to figure out a way to stop the Nightstruck, but learns she can't do it all on her own. The scenes in this sequel are just as creepy. I definitely did not want to go outside after finishing it.

After the way it ended, I'm curious if there is going to be a third. I hope so because I want to know what happens next.

bookwormyami's review

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4.5 stars
I enjoyed this book as much as I did the first one. I couldn't put it down. But now, I have to wait for the third book to come out to find out what happens. I'm not a patient person when it comes to books, lol.

bookwormyami's review against another edition

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4.5 stars
I enjoyed this book as much as I did the first one. I couldn't put it down. But now, I have to wait for the third book to come out to find out what happens. I'm not a patient person when it comes to books, lol.

jessicamap's review against another edition

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Night Magic by Jenna Black is the sequel to Nightstruck. We continue the story with Becket in the still quarantined Philadelphia - after she unknowingly unleashed a darkness that transforms the city into a hell-like state. I was so excited to dive back into this creepy horror!

After Becket has become one of the Nighstruck, she is roaming the monstrous streets and having the time of her life. The rest of the city hunkers down and tries to survive the evil that transforms everything at night into a living nightmare. The guilt about her loved ones, that had originally been eating away at her, is completely gone. She has come to terms with having let this terror loose and with the leaving of her guilt, so also seems to lose her conscience. Consumed by the power and freedom of not having a care in the world, Becket continues to fall deeper into the darkness of Night Magic. Her friends and family refuse to give up on her, but will they be able to when she is fighting to keep herself exactly where she is?

I haven't really found a YA horror that was actually creepy or had true horror elements. Usually it's really watered down horror with predictable scares. Nightstruck and Night Magic have a really unique quality to them and how the city transforms is amazing. I loved the parts describing the city at night (both in Nightstruck and Night Magic) and how it transforms. While the scares weren't all that predictable, the movement of the plot was, but I still enjoyed it! I'm curious to see where the story continues and will definitely keep up with the series. If you want a lighter horror story with paranormal elements mixed in, then I would highly recommend this one to you! I was impressed that I liked the sequel just as much as the first book.

I give this 5/5 stars!

Thanks to Tor Books for the copy in exchange for my honest review!

meganlilyflower's review against another edition

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Iā€™m excited to be so in love with a ā€œhorrorā€ series. The descriptive elements in the first book were still present here (although less so as so much world building had already been covered in book one). Iā€™m envious of people who can read the two back to back (or in future just marathon the series) because the world can really suck you in and I just want Book three now. I may need to plan a reread.