
Existence by Abbi Glines

stayfangirl_'s review

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adventurous dark mysterious tense fast-paced


larissa399's review

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3.5 stars

sandralam's review against another edition

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I think I've got whiplash from all the mixed emotions I've received after reading this book. (which is not a good thing)

My Thoughts:

1. It's very short. Meaning there wasn't alot of time for character development. The story jumped right into the plot right from the start and I felt totally confused by the sudden rush of emotions from the main character.
2. Since it's written in very few pages, I find it hard to believe that the main character suddenly feels like she's in love and offers to give up her life for the guy.
3. So cheesy. Don't get me wrong I like a little cheese in romance but not when it becomes painful to read. The whole spiel on "you are the reason for my existence" was torture.
4. I'll be honest I didn't like Pagan's character. She cries and whines when Dank leaves but, at the same time, she strings along Leif for her own comfort. She's constantly battling her emotions: one minute she cannot live without Dank and the next she's pushing him away.
5. The ending didn't make me feel better at all. If anything, I was more confused...

toffiladyreader's review against another edition

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All the Fantasy book I read in the past few weeks are going to be the death of me.
And I just found my own Death in the form of Existence.

Pagan Moore is a seventeen-year-old teenager who has seen the souls of the deceased for her entire life. That is fine by her because she just ignored them... until one soul in the form of a very good-looking boy started to being around her and, the thing that scared her the most, he started to talk to her.
Things started to change in Pagan's life when a boy that never paid attention to her asked her for help in school, new souls started to talk to her and scare her and had a car accident that almost ended with her life. But nothing of that is compared to all her feelings towards that soul who apparently showed up at her school like a famous boyband and can't stop staring at her and staying away from her.

This book is so short but so good at the same time. Pagan is a girl who knows exactly what she wants but sometimes it annoyed me that
Spoilershe was with Leif but at the same time she couldn't stop staring at Dank, girl please decide!!
. And Dank is like AAAAAHHHH because of how sweet he is and funny. He is not a douche like most of the literary boys, he just cares about Pagan and will do anything for her, even if it means stalking her.

The final pages of the book were so breathtaking and cute my heart was aching so hard. I can't wait to start the second book tonight. The final line had me like WTF and I still can't believe it.

Todo los libros de fantasía que leí en las últimas semanas va a ser mi muerte.
Y acabo de encontrar mi propia Muerte en la forma de Existence.

Pagan Moore es un adolescente de diecisiete años de edad que ha visto las almas de los difuntos durante toda su vida. Eso ya es normal para ella porque simplemente no les hace caso... hasta que un alma en la forma de un chico muy guapo comenzó a estar cerca de ella y, lo que la asustaba más, empezó a hablar con ella.
Las cosas empezaron a cambiar en la vida de Pagan, cuando un chico que nunca le prestó atención a ella le pidió ayuda en la escuela, nuevas almas empezaron a hablar con ella y asustarla, y tuvo un accidente automovilístico que casi acaba con su vida. Pero nada de eso se compara con todos sus sentimientos hacia esa alma que, al parecer, se presentó en su escuela como un guitarrista famoso y no puede dejar de mirarla y mantenerse alejado de ella.

Este libro es tan corto pero tan bueno al mismo tiempo. Pagan es una chica que sabe exactamente lo que quiere, pero a veces me molestó que
Spoiler ella estaba con Leif, pero al mismo tiempo no podía dejar de mirar a Dank; chica, por favor, decidite!!
. Y Dank es como AAAAHHHH a causa de lo dulce y divertido que es. Él no es un elotudo como la mayoría de los chicos literarios, sino que sólo se preocupa por Pagan y hará cualquier cosa por ella, incluso si esto significa acosarla.

Las páginas finales del libro eran tan impresionantes y lindas que mi corazón me dolía demasiado. No puedo esperar para empezar el segundo libro esta noche. La línea final me dejó muy WTF y todavía no lo puedo creer.

wheresweaver's review

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I was really disappointed with this book. First off the main character is to emotional for me. Also the supernatural effect wasn't talked about a lot. Instead the main character just talked about how she was dating one boy while she was in love with another, and the other boy is death. WHAT?! OK if there is supernatural stuff going on in the book you have to describe it really well not just shove it in and forget about it. AWAW!! It was so frustrating I just wanted the main character to realize what was going on because she just seemed clueless to me. Death is in love with Pagan but for half the book he leaves her to whine. I HATE WHINERS!!!!! But towards the end ( and i mean way end) I was intrigued by how the author was going to end this book that needed to stop and the ending is what made this whole book way better. It was a great cliffhanger but the things leading up to it weren't great. I have to finish a series once I start reading and I'm hoping that by reading more it will get better. AT least that's what I'm hoping, please let me be right. PLEASE!!!!!!!

dani_cpg's review against another edition

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Me gustó la historia, y me agradaron los personajes, pero al ser un libro tan corto (menos de 200 páginas) todo sucedió demasiado rápido para mi gusto, sobre todo los sentimientos de Pagan hacia Dank, osea, se conocen hace súper poco tiempo, con suerte hablan, y ella se sacrifica por el y dice que quiere vivir eternamente para nunca separarse y vivir felices por siempre porque lo ama... Too much.
Pero me gustó el echo de que ella se volviera 'loca', siempre en las historias sobrenaturales, las protagonistas asimilan todo de la mejor manera, en cambio Pagan reacciona como probablemente lo haría yo, con una mega crisis nerviosa XD...

Eventualmente leeré los siguientes libros, pero no sé, espero que mejore :)

dontgrumble's review against another edition

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This was a really interesting Paranormal romance, really like Dank as a character!

huri's review against another edition

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It had a good thing going for it until it didn’t.

Meh. Meh. MEH.

kara_jane's review

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omg!!! I love this novel.I couldn't put it down. cant wait to read the next novel

bobbyomega's review

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Nice cliffhanger!