
Siren's Treasure by Debbie Herbert

buuboobaby's review

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3.5 to 4 stars

I didn't enjoy this as much as the first book, mainly because I didn't connect as strongly with the protagonists. The abduction/rescue sequence near the end was a blast, though. Don't mess with mermaids!

becsa's review

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This is the first book I have read by Debbie Herbert, but it is the second book in the series. That being said I did not feel like I was behind on any important information pertaining to the background of the story.

When Landry Fields arrives in the Bayou for an investigation into Jet Bosarge's dealings with her ex-boyfriend Perry, he begins to develop feelings for Jet. Yet he is there undercover and can not get to know Jet on a personal level.

Jet is just off a win at the Poseidon Games and is feeling like she does not belong with her family of mermaids. She feels like no one is telling her the truth on why she is different from the rest of them. When IRS Agent Landry shows up and begins to investigate her businesses she wonders what trouble she may get into. Yet, she is attracted to Landry but her ex-boyfriend Perry has one more job for her to complete first.

Perry knows all of Jet's deep secrets and is blackmailing her into helping him. Jet wants to keep her secrets safe but know she may be in deeper than she thought. Will Landry and Jet be able to overcome their secrets and begin a relationship or will all the truths ruin their happiness. Also, when it is discovered what trouble Perry has gotten into, will Jet even survive?

I loved the look into mermaids and the idea that they can be able to survive both on land and in the water. It's really a great concept! I loved all the relationships between all the characters and can't wait to read more!

nicolet2018's review

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I loved Siren's Secret, mostly because the new spin on mermaids. Soo I was uber excited to see another book from the same series. Jet seemed to me like the tom boyish, cool and collected one of the trio. She comes off as stiff at times when I read about her in Shelly's story. It was interesting to see how she falls in love and find herself.

As the book begins, the reader learns that Jet struggles with how she looks. She does not match the ethereal blond beauty type that her entire family possesses. She wonders why she is so different and the merfolk seem to avoid her. The whispers and hostility make her feel even more left out. She feels like she is never good enough compared to her goddess of a sister, Lily. She suspects her heritage may be different. Sound familiar?

I was surprised that Jet feels so much insecurity. She even goes as far to call herself ugly. These are very relatable and real feelings for anyone. I found it so crazy that Jet would think she is not pretty just because she looks different. She is athletic and fit. I would admire her for that. It is not often that books portray women as realistically healthy. I hate it when authors make their characters have such good bodies when there is not a shred of being active, eating well or exercising present. Jet has a toned body from all the swimming. I salute her activeness. I just cannot believe she would fall for Perry and stay with him. She is brave and outspoken, why would someone like Jet lower her standards to someone as bad as him? simple, she thinks he will change eventually. I cannot believe she did not just tell him to get lost. Why the heck should she even bothet to entertain him?

The romance. Okay this is where things differ. When Landry meets Jet he is intrigued by her. He finds her beautiful amd cannot stop thinking of her. Now we have two opposing opinions. Jet thinks she is not pretty while Landry thinks she is uniquely beautiful and has eyes only for her. Why the difference? I guess it is how Jet sees herself. Landry came across as not too solid a character until it was brought up that he has baggage. Having his half brother, Seth stay with him also made things more interesting. I have to say these books have characters with tons of baggage.

When they both come together it felt okay, he seems to be able to read her mind and they both open up to each other. Though there were times when Jet's thoughts felt very airy fairy. It frustrates me when the two MCs have feelings but it takes forever for them to admit it even when everyone can see it. I do like that both of them are willing to give and it does not seem one sided. In the sense that Jet wants to commit to Landry. She wants to promise to love him like he loves her. It makes me happy to see the female counterpart sharing what she would like to contribute instead of just relying on the male for everything.The sex scenes were hot
Spoiler and I felt it was realistic that Jet got pregnant when they did not use protection. I think what Landry did for Dolly was very sweet as well.

There is definitely more action in this book compared to the previous one. I have to say the ending felt abit unrealistic,
Spoilerwhen Landry an FBI agent becomes the Sheriff of Bayou La Siryna.
I liked that I saw Shelly and Tillman again. The reader gets a peek into how their lives are going. It was great that Adriana, Jet and Lily's mother appeared. Mostly because I did not see much of her in the previous books and it would have been nice to get to know the Bosarge family. Adriana played a rather important part as she holds the key to Jet's questions about her heritage.

Perry and Vargas did not feel like real villains to me. There just was not enough page time to establish their characters. Perry came off as a free loader who pouts when he does not get his way. Weak. I have to say that the last scene where everyone is wondering where Perry is and Lily is down there seems to hint at that things may be explained in the next book which should be Lily's. She is a character I would like to get to know. All in all I enjoyed this installment as much as the last one.

arguemore's review

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3.5 stars! Enjoyed the read! Didn't feel the chemistry build-up all that much, but it in the end, it was fine!