
My Champion by Glynnis Campbell

cmitchell2781's review against another edition

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I was not over impressed with this book. I struggled with it for days, just completely uninterested. I finally finished it in the hopes that something would improve, but it really didn't. Linet is selfish, rude, self-important, haughty...everything dislikeable in a character. Shes so caught up in being better than this beggar, and so important because she's of noble blood, and "self-seficient" because its her first year selling her wares on her own that she walks right into a trap with a trafficker, because he portrays himself as a noble and must therefore be good.
Duncan is just as hard to handle. This gallant, chivalrous man who can't even understand when he's not wanted. So caught up in his own gallantry that he's going to impose on a women who clearly does not want his help, regardless of if she needs it. And then he has the audacity to expect her gratitude for his imposing nature, and surly when he doesn't receive it. So he keeps hounding her, unsure of why his manly ways don't work on her as it does other women to have her throwing herself at his feet in gratitude.
Maybe the ending was supposed to resolve all of these numerous character flaws, but it would have been a much better written story had they had an arching resolution as opposed to a sudden chapter at the very end.
Having read other books by the author and actually quite enjoying them, I was sadly disappointed with this.

stephco172's review against another edition

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I wasn't a huge fan of this book. The main woman, Linet, is a complete moron and snobbish. Has no regard for anyone. Only cares about herself. And Duncan just follows her around like a puppy. I don't know what it is about this book, but the characters were just written terribly.

sassysmutlover's review against another edition

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I liked the book and the honorable hero. yes he has many illegitimate children, but when you think about the time period the book is set in and how no one blinks an eye at this, you realize that they had different standards back then and he does take care of them.

Now the heroine I did not like. I don't know if was because she acted like a snob or that sometimes she seemed dumb about things. It was like she only saw what she wanted to see with everything and in her mind she was above everyone.

rainelle_barrett's review against another edition

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My Champion, by Glynnis Campbell is a story that is well written. The talent that exploded in this book from the writer clearly showed in this romance story. The writer was able to keep the readers attention from beginning to end. The drama was intense as well as the action that played out. The action scenes are very detailed for the reader.
The writer was able to share a vision with the readers that could pull them in the book. The drama. Suspicions. Mystery. Suspense and tragic situations, will leave the reader yelling at the characters to kick their tale into gear, and get down to business.
The writing flowed like a lazy river from one scene to the next. This kept the reader hanging on to each line page after page. At each chapter the end gave the reader more to savor before the next big dilemma smacks them in the face. You will enjoy the commentary between the many characters. Their whit and charm will have you chuckling as you get familiar with their part in the story.
The lead characters, Duncan and Linet are two very special and unique people. Linet more so than Duncan. Duncan and his smooth ways landed himself as a protector to Linet. Linet and her naive stubborn ways, tells Duncan on many occasions that she doesn’t need his help. Well why would she do a thing like that you ask?
Family and people, believing that they are high and mighty foolishly raised her in a bubbled world. Duncan would and did not stand for that. Instantly danger ensues. Linet finds herself in a middle of a war. She is totally oblivious to the notion, that she caused this situation.
Duncan takes Linet on a crazy, action packed journey, to flee the danger that stays attached to their tales. In time Duncan realizes that he is falling for Linet as her veneer slowly chips away. But then someone does things that tramples on ones trust, leaving them distraught and unable to feel anything. Linet finds herself falling for Duncan, but she tries everything to avoid him because he’s a commoner. Nothing but a beggar. Oh how the high and mighty is so blind that they cant see the truth that stands there in front of them. My fellow readers, I recommend this book with two snaps and Margret! Bring me my sword. I have business to take care of. Until next time my fellow readers... read on!
I voluntary reviewed this ARC after receiving a free gifted copy. Rated R- for sensual passages.

bookwife's review against another edition

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Both of the MCs are unbearable. Both are self righteous pricks. I refuse to waste anymore of my time on this book. DNF @ 39%.

ingypingy2000's review

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I wanted to like this story so much, but I have up at 59% of the way through because I hated Linet so much. I found her nothing but a pompous whiney ungrateful selfish woman with no consideration or compassion and no growth of character at all. I could find NO redeeming qualities about her.

loverofromance's review

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

My Champion is the first book in the de Ware's trilogy by Glynnis Campbell. This trilogy is a bit older than some of her other books and I have enjoyed this author since reading one of her shorter stories in a anthology years ago and wanted to read more of her work. I have had My Champion on my kindle for quite some time and I realized that I needed to pick this one up and read it because I wanted something more refreshing and this book delivered that for sure. This was no fluffy regency....this was real, angsty, and full of frustration at times but I still liked it quite a bit.

The story starts off with our hero, Duncan de Ware, who is honorable and kind. He is always taking in strays or people in need of help. When he sees a lone woman, spite a spaniard and his wine, he knows how dangerous her situation is even if she doesn't. So he decides he will be her protector until the danger has passed. But Linet doesn't believe that there is any danger. She is proud of her heritage, and isn't afraid to stand on her own feet. She doesn't believe Duncan especially when he is just a "peasant" and doesn't believe that she is in any kind of danger. But where she was selling her cloths of high value, her place during the special market for a couple weeks is destroyed she heads on home only to be kidnapped by a very dangerous man who wants to sell her to pimps. Duncan saves the day once again, but she still doesn't see him more than a beggar. But soon the chemistry builds between them and Linet can't deny what she feels for this "peasant" and when she learns the truth about who he really is, will her love change or be constant...

This was a story that for the most part I truly liked. I loved the historical aspects that come into play and I honestly felt like I was back in the medieval ages with honorable knights, and beautiful gowns. But I had one major issue that really took much of my enjoyment from the actual story...the heroine. Now I am not like most romance readers, I am not as picky on my heroines like some can be. I try to be more accepting of their faults, but Linet really rubbed me the wrong way. I just hated how she treated the hero here, it was just awful to see. The hero is such a good guy at heart. He is kind and generous. But Linet is always demeaning him, even slapping him when he doesn't say anything wrong or acted out against her. She acts like a spoiled brat a lot of the time, and even after she admits that she loves him, keeps betraying him and hurting him. I just wanted to slap her myself because the way she acts is horrid. Now she eventually learns her lesson and redeems herself in the very end, but it wasn't enough to honestly have me like her very much even in the end there. And even though the hero wasn't always nice to her (which is understandable seeing how she acts towards him) the later half of the story just became too angsty at times. But I did enjoy the built up of the plot, and the ending was sweet and happy in the way I like. So not all of it was bad for me, just mostly the heroine's character. I do plan on reading books 2 and 3 though, since I adored this de Ware family, they were so fun to read about here and I really want to learn more about them because their family dynamics just draw you in.

Overall My Champion is a historically authentic romance that has some thrilling plot points that keep you engaged and a passion hot romance that will give the reader some laughs and entertainment.

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lonely_pheonix's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced


amyiw's review against another edition

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This started out a fun romp but then went to being way too far fetched for me. The heroine at first was fun to see her misconceptions but at the middle, I wanted to just give up on her. By the 3/4 point I wanted to take her out back and whip her. I don't think I've ever felt that strongly, but she deserved it for the betrayal and subsequent ills it brought.
Spoiler unluckily the stupidity and betrayal didn't stop there. She did it again with her inaction. Yes, she woke up and ran her way to the torture, but really... she allowed her self to be drugged and didn't take up for Duncan at all. What if they went immediately to the whipping post. God knows he already was beaten to an inch of his life. Truly from the tie up to the almost end, I hated her. I thought he was a fool, idiot, imbecile, for going with her the second time anyway. You really want to fulfill the vow, wait, watch, and perhaps talk to the laird of the castle. The wench isn't worth, and she wasn't in the end.
And it didn't stop there (in the spoiler), I wanted to kill her. Then the very end comes and meeting the family. There were laughs again but not enough for me to have really enjoyed this book.

2 1/2 stars.

Kindle freebee.

digital_angel's review against another edition

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I understand this is a manifestation of the authors imagination. I understand the characters in this story are not bound to any real limitations of ignorance or folly but....REALLY? I absolutely HATE the heroine. The story is very engaging and has some very romantic settings that make you root for a HEA but... REALLY! NO ONE can be this simple. I won't spoil the story for those brave enough to give this book a try but...REALLY?