
The Captivating Lady Charlotte by Carolyn Miller

amber_thiessen's review against another edition

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Lady Charlotte dreams of love, longing for a match with a young suitor. After spending some time with her cousin Lavinia, she begins to see some of her own naivety, immaturity, and lack of faith. Her parents orchestrate their own plans for her future with a widowed duke.

I enjoyed watching Charlotte grow and mature throughout the story, becoming a great friend and help to her cousin in a time of need.

jwolfpack's review against another edition

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End was really, really rushed, but overall enjoyable book.

english_lady03's review against another edition

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The second title in the Regency Brides series was a wonderful continuation, complementing the first book. This was once again a wonderfully well-told story with realistic characters and evocative scenery. Although the arranged marriage to between hurting and seemingly unsuited characters is a formula which has been used before (rather often), I did not come across as tired or cliched in this novel.
In fact, I loved the character of William, Duke of Hartington, the quiet and rather reclusive character judged by society, who really had so much to offer, and was a much better person than he seemed. Certainly, a lesson about not judging by appearances to be learned there.

In fact, the heroine Charlotte learns and matures throughout the series: many of the important passages about the nature of love were deservedly highlighted in the Kindle edition many times. They are profound words to think upon. I could argue that learning about what love really meant was the central theme of this book, and was something both the characters had to do. Again, as with the last book, the faith elements worked well in the story- except, it must be said, in one or two passages.
Readers of the prequel will enjoy seeing the return of characters from it, especially Charlotte’s cousin Lavinia and her husband Nicholas, and their formidable Aunt Patience. They weren’t just cameos with walk on roles either but had important parts to play alongside the hero and heroine, and even got their own minor storyline. I don’t want to give anything away but will say that this story does not shy away from exploring difficult subjects.

However, towards the end of the book, I felt something started to give. Perhaps it was that the story of Charlotte and William’s developing relationship was drawn out too long, but they both started to exhibit some very annoying, dare I say, immature behaviour. Taking offense at the most trivial things, sulking, and flitting from one emotion to another. Something that could have been resolved quite easily by their just talking things out, and believing each other, which neither had any reason not to do by that point. I got rather tired of Charlotte agonizing over her changeable feelings, and then William turned around and started acting like a brat too. One of those moments when you just want to knock the characters’ heads together.
The ending was also a little far-fetched and melodramatic for my liking. It was resolved and wrapped up yes, but could have been better. Overall though, I did enjoy this story and thoroughly recommend it for lovers of clean Regencies.

I requested this title from the Publisher, Kregel. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.

jbarr5's review against another edition

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The Captivating Lady Charlotte by Carolyn Miller
Starts out with William, the duke and he's lost his wife during a complication to birth. The child is not his and he despised his wife for cheating on her with many.
Other chapters alternate and follow Lady Charlotte and her mother is trying to get her married off. Her brother Henry is a big help and he even brings suitors home for her.
She is quite taken with Markham. Visits are set up with her cousin Lavinia and she does meet the Duke William. So many controversies about his wifes' death, curse on his house, unexplained sightings, things heard, etc.
Love the mysteries surrounding everything and how they all come together at the end. Especially love the scenes with the gardens in them and details about the flowers and how they are grown, etc.
God is prayed to quite often from all different characters as they lean on him for support and guidance. Love the authors notes about the gardens in the older days. Love the secret passage ways.
Took me 4 times as long to read this book because the font size was not very dark and the size was a lot smaller-10 or 12 size font. I had to wear my regular glasses and a set of 3.5 readers and could only read for 20 pages at a time.
I was given this review book by the author via Book Fun (The Book Club Network) and this is my honest review.

melissasbookshelf's review

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Loved this second book in the Regency Brides series by Carolyn Miller! Though it could be read as a standalone, it is much better if you read the first book in the series as the characters in the first book continually show up in this book. The characters, romance, gothic setting, and mystery all drew me in and I found it hard to stop listening to the compelling audiobook. This is a great read for those who appreciate a good, clean, gothic romance with a religious message that is woven naturally through the story.

jamiehatch4488's review against another edition

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I really wanted to love this book.

I guess I expected the story to be about them getting married and then falling in love as husband and wife. But that's not how it went and it seemed to drag on and on for me. Until by the end I was like "finally!".

digitlchic's review against another edition

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meezcarrie's review against another edition

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The Captivating Lady Charlotte is another delightful Regency romance from Aussie author Carolyn Miller. The tone is different than in the first book of the Regency Brides series – The Elusive Miss Ellison – but I love them both! In Miss Ellison, Lavinia and Nicholas and their delicious banter reminded me of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy while Lady Charlotte’s hero and heroine made me think of Marianne Dashwood and Colonel Brandon.

Perhaps my favorite thing about Miller’s new book is its approach to love and romance. It’s a story of true love – the kind that endures, trusts, and hopes. The kind of love formed not from fairy tales but from trials and obstacles. The kind of love that requires dying to self and putting someone else and their needs first. Along those lines, it’s also a story which sees refreshing character growth. At the beginning of the story, Charlotte is rather shallow and self-centered, her young age in stark contrast to William’s maturity (yet he’s still younger than me, so let’s not ship him off to Shady Acres quite yet.) She has an ‘others-focused’ side just waiting to be set free and as the story progresses, so does Charlotte – and William too for that matter.

I also loved revisiting Lavinia and Nicholas who, while not the stars of this particular show, still play a prominent role. Seeing them married and doing life together made my romantical heart smile. Of course, Nicholas’ momma as well as Charlotte’s both still need a good reticule whomping, but every good Regency romance needs a character or two like that to liven things up a bit!

Bottom Line: If you’re a fan of Julie Klassen, Julianne Donaldson, Kristi Ann Hunter and/or Sarah Ladd, you need to make sure this series is on your TBR list! The Captivating Lady Charlotte is poignant and gentle while at the same time boldly showing faith lived out and love lived in. I’m so looking forward to the next book, where we finally get to see more of Clara’s story!!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower

betherin02's review against another edition

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Full series review on Faithfully Bookish

Family duty and social expectations play a large role in finding one’s marriage partner during the Regency era. When young ladies want to be swept off their feet and widowers need someone they can trust, parents tend to have their own agenda altogether and may the most persistent party win!

Charlotte Featherington is an eager debutante whose beauty and family situation gives her access to any of the season’s eligible bachelors her heart desires. William Hartwell is a man of faith who has been sorely tested in the marriage department.

This story is full to the brim with conflict and trials but also the peace of faith in those storms. While this second installment in the series flowed seamlessly from the first, the author provides adequate backstory for those who wish to enjoy this story on its own.

melissasbookshelf's review against another edition

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Loved this second book in the Regency Brides series by Carolyn Miller! Though it could be read as a standalone, it is much better if you read the first book in the series as the characters in the first book continually show up in this book. The characters, romance, gothic setting, and mystery all drew me in and I found it hard to stop listening to the compelling audiobook. This is a great read for those who appreciate a good, clean, gothic romance with a religious message that is woven naturally through the story.