
Conklin's Foundation by Brooke Page

adiaha's review

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I love being able to laugh out loud when I read, and in this book it’s happened a couple of times! Relatable relationship problems surfaced and I admired Becs courage and even her falls. It’s human, and it made this read a good one. :)

paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received for an honest review

Conklin's Foundation follows on directly from Conklin's Blueprints so you will need to read it first to keep up with the story.

After finally telling everyone what she really thought of them after years of holding it in and being the nice guy, Becca thinks she might have finally pushed everyone she loves away. I LOVED how she finally let loose on everyone. No one was safe and I was so happy she did this, as she really was a bit of a doormat up to this stage.

Never fear - Tyler is here to save the day, in a knight in shining armour kind of way. He is proud of her for finally standing up for herself, and falls a little more in love with her.

But the road to true love is never an easy one, and both Becca and Tyler's pasts are always there waiting to poke their head around the corner and cause a little more trouble.

Tyler and Becca are separated quite a bit for Foundation, and this leads to a lot of the misunderstandings and arguments between the pair. With them split so much, it is testament to how strong their relationship has become that they did not allow it to break them.

Becca's ex Connor comes back on the scene, the infamous Nanny Margo (hisssssss) is still hanging around and causing grief.

RJ, Tyler's father, really is creepy. Seriously creepy!! But I loved the rest of his family = mum Mary and brother Nathan and Mitch. Love love love the banter and interaction between Nathan and Becca's BFFf Jamie - with a bit of a surprise thrown in there! And there are some scenes with Becca and her friend Gage that are frustrating and heartbreaking all at the same time as being filled with so much love, that I wanted to throttle him and hug him at the same time.

Conklin's Foundation carried Becca and Tyler's story forward extremely well. It is filled with love and lust, jealousy, trouble making exes, secrets and lies. I felt that the way the characters handled the situations felt natural. There was no instant-forgiveness for all discretions, they fought, they loved, they laughed and things progressed as they should.

Foundation ends, setting us up for the 3rd book in the series, leading with the "legal" problems that were alluded to in book 2. How much do the sons know of the "deals" that Tyler's father and grandfather have set up?

I guess for that we are all going to have to wait.

Throughout Conklin's Blueprints there were some pretty glaring grammatical errors (these may have been fixed since I read it, and they may not bother you, but they really stood out to me). I was pleased that these issues were not present in Conklin's Foundation.

Ms Page has drawn me into the lives of Becca and Tyler, Becca's friends and the Conklin family, and I am really looking forward to seeing where things end up in this series.

nicspears's review

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** Review for BareNakedWords **

'Conklin's Foundation' is the second book in the Conklin's trilogy and I just have to say. You cannot read this book without reading 'Conklin's Blueprints' first...So if you haven't read that yet, I suggest you go and do it now.

Foundations picks up right where Blueprints left off, Becca had reached breaking point and dished out some home truths to everyone that she thought she loved. And boy, she didn't hold back. But it worked.

Now, with that out the way and things forgiven, Tyler and Becca can finally move forward and be in the relationship they both want without it being kept a secret.

Both Tyler and Becca have got insecurities. Becca with her body and eating issues and Tyler with this new idea of a relationship. He's never had one, unless you can call his 10 year 'relationship' with his older Nanny Margo. But that so much different to what him and Becca share. Margo was all about sex. With Becca, its soul deep. She is his calm, his everything.

"I'm in my own world when I'm with you, where no one can do or say anything to piss me off. It's just you and me, perfect and tranquil". ~ Tyler

But just as things start to settle down for them, things start getting in-between them.

Between, Tyler's past 'relationship' knocking on his door and worming her way back into his life, a shady character known by both Tyler and Becca's parents and the police and a job that see's Becca having to leave for a while things get a little strained.

Becca is irritated with the arrival of Margo, which is understandable, she's a complete bitch. Tyler doesn't exactly help with things though, as he keeps quiet about his meeting with her to begin with. But he soon opens up and tells Becca everything.

And the way Becca handles her in the book is commendable as well as funny. You see a completely different side to Becca, and shows you just how far she has come with her insecurities.

"I felt stronger and more connected. We were becoming something so intense and real, and it was the most invigorating feeling I had ever had." ~ Becca

Just who is this shady character that keeps popping up everywhere? Becca asks, but Tyler is very evasive on answering. She knows he's keeping something from her. But what? This person is not nice at all, and will go to great lengths to get what he wants.

Just what does this person want?......

How bad is he?......

You'll just have to read to find out!!

I absolutely loved the ending. It left me with my mouth hanging open, shouting HOLY SHIT!! It's not much of a cliff-hanger, but it definitely leaves you with knowing that things are about to get a lot worse for Tyler and Becca....

But together they are stronger, and will face it head on.

"I was safe in his hands. It was only Tyler and me, forever and always." ~ Becca

Brooke's writing is just fantastic. She has a way of connecting you to the characters and to the feelings that they are going through, throughout the book. And I love that about authors, that's when you know you have come across a truly talented author. I really can't wait for the third book in this trilogy and future books Brooke Page will release.

brewtifulfiction's review

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Just wow. Even better than the first book. More passion, more drama, just more of everything. I am completely in love with all of the Conklin brothers, the dynamic between them all is wonderful to read. Such a brilliant mix of personalities. Brooke has created a fictional world that comes across as completely believable and I as the reader have been left on the edge of my seat!!