
Crave the Darkness by Amanda Bonilla

elliefufu's review

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Crave the Darkness, Shaede Assassin #3, by Amanda Bonilla
Grade: A

“The thought of returning to my life as it had been-detached, lonely, without compassion or companionship, without love and tenderness-made my head spin.”

Crave the Darkness should come with a Xanax and a hotline to call when you’re too emotional to keep reading. This is by far the best book I’ve read in 2013 so far and it will be hard to beat. This is the third book in the Shaede Assassin series but I recommend reading Lost to the Gray novella which is told from Tyler’s point of view before embarking on this journey with Darian. The novella gives some insight to Tyler’s actions and I loved seeing the flashbacks of him and Darian and how he felt when he met her.

It’s very hard to review a book like Crave the Darkness without giving too much away. Darian has not done well since Tyler’s departure with her days consisting of drinking bottles of bourbon, sleeping on her couch and wishing for Tyler to come back into her life. Xander, King of the Shaedes, finally pulls Darian out of her depression and hires her to protect Anya, a pregnant shaede, and find out who is trying to kill her. Darian is thrown back into the world she knows of hunting and tracking with a new team of young shaedes and something to finally get her mind off Tyler.

Amanda Bonilla is one of the best storytellers around and she creates characters that will break your heart but have you rooting for them as they make mistake after mistake. Darian is complex and broken as well as strong, loyal and one badass assassin. In every book Darian makes mistakes that have me yelling at her like I can change things but because of these mistakes I love her even more. Darian needed to grow up a lot after Blood Before Sunrise and I think while she still has some more growing to do she has finally figured out that her existence before Tyler isn’t something she can go back to.

The balance between the action, mystery and Darian’s broken heart is perfect and makes sure that you are never bored. I found myself on pins and needles while reading and couldn’t stop until I knew how things ended. The best books are unpredictable with characters that you cheer on even through mistakes and heartaches and Crave the Darkness is the perfect example of this. Again, I don't want to give anything away but any fan of urban fantasy and the Shaedes Assassin series will love Darian and this book. I laughed, cried, cheered and yelled through all three hundred pages and I would sell an organ to have the fourth book to know what happens next because it is that damn good.

rclz's review

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more like 4 1/2. If she could straighten out her love life I'd give her a five. Good face paced plot a little weak on a few small things but I like the world and the characters enough to over look them.

saltyred's review

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Love this series and can't wait for the next one!