
Kidnapped: A Diary of My 373 days in Captivity by Kristina Cordero, Leszli Kálli

honniker's review

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I can't. I just can't. I stumbled on this book at the library. I pulled it off the shelf, read the back and proceeded to read 13 pages while standing there. I was like "This is great!" and checked it out. Then I started reading more...

Oh. Gosh.
I understand, ok? I understand that this is a real life diary of real life Leszli Kalli. I understand that real life diary books aren't like made up diary books. There's no plot and it's the person's thoughts. I understand the girl is 18. But dear goodness. Being held hostage, you'd think she'd have something interesting to say...


"I'm being held hostage. It's boring."
"I ate 20 crackers with mayo today, then I felt fat so I threw up."
"I'm bored."
"I read a book today."
"I hate it here."
"This isn't fair."
"I'm bored."
"I feel fat so I didn't eat today."
"I'm bored."
"I hate the guys here, they're dumb."
"I'm bored."
"I ate dinner then I felt fat so I threw up."
"This isn't fair."
"I'm bored."
"I'm going to break up with Diego when I get home."
"I'm bored."

The kicker for me is when she went on this rant about the animals the guerrillas kept. She talks about how the chickens are supposed to get scraps from people's food, but there are never scraps and so the "Poor things" have to live off bugs. Um... yeah... chickens like eating bugs.

I just kind of wanted to slap her. I'm surprised her kidnappers didn't. The crazy thing is that she was on her way to Israel to work on a Kibbutz for six months. To get away from the boredom of her life in the city. I think if she'd made it, her diary would've been the same thing.

And so, it is with a heavy heart that I admit I did not finish this book at page 147.