
Reaper by L.S. Murphy

lolasreviews's review

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I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review.

This will be a difficult review to write. I actually almost didn't finish this book, because I just didn't like the book. I did convinced myself to continue reading and I ended up liking the end, the last 20-10% of the book. I do believe that a book has to capture my attention earlier than that and that's why I still went for the 2 stars. Don't get me wrong it wasn't a bad book, it just wasn't what I expected and it was not the book for me.

The story is about a girl who learns she will become a reaper, sounds interesting right? The story actually immediately starts with this aspect and I liked the fact that we not get a long introduction before learning where the story is about. Sadly after this good begin that boring introduction stil was there. Quincy is a popular girl and we basically get to see much of her normal life and sometimes the supernatural story line kicks in. The story is predictable and it didn't capture my attention.

So I actually think that this book is part chick-lit and only small part supernatural storyline. If you like chick-lits, pick this up. If you prefer more supernatural in your books, than maybe this isn't for you. I like both, but I prefer if the author makes it clear what kind of book it is. I suspected a supernatural story and mostly got chick-lit. So basically I was a bit disapointed by the lack of supernatural storyline. I also didn't like the writing style, the book read like a summarization of everything what is happening and it didn't pull me in.

The characters are another thing I didn't like about this book. Quincy is the type of person I never could or want to be, nor do I like reading about her. She is popular, cares about her reputation and does everything to make sure she stays popular. I didn't like her, I couldn't stand her and I just wanted to smack her on the head and tell her to stop caring about her reputation and start living her life. Well I do have to say that as the story progresses I did like her more and she actually shows some strenght. But this change was very suddenly and not really believeable. The side characters also weren't really likeable, we didn't get to know them and I just couldn't seem to care about them. All they cared about was their gossip and their reputation and beyond that I don't even know who they are. Again the characters became more likeable as the story progresses, but still I didn't really connect with them.

Another thing that really annoyed me was that for the most part of the book I had no idea what Quincy is feeling, she is doing certain things and I didn't even knew if she did it because she enjoyed it or because it was suspected. We get no idea what she feels until much later in the book. Also there was quite some information about the characters pasts that we only learned quite late in this book and I would've preferred to get it earlier.

I love world building and world building is sadly another thing this book lacks. We do get some basics, but mostly we get the ansher that either they can't explain it or won't. So only at the end we get a sense of the world. The world building could've been done much more elaborate and I would've preferred if the explanation came earlier.

So what did I like about this book? Well the ending, the last 20-10% of the book is the kind of story I expected. It is also full of emotion and gives us some of the anshwers we want. I really was dissapointed that the ending wasn't longer, because there was so much potential here. I enjoyed the ending and actually considered giving this book 3 stars because of it. The ending really is the good part of this book and I actually am happy that I finished this book and know how it ends. Because that ending was great, I would've preferred it more elaborate, but it certainly was good and enjoyeable.

To conclude: this wasn't a book for me. I was disapointed by the lack of the supernatural storyline. I didn't like the characters and couldn't connect with them. The world building was lacking. The only part I really enjoyed was the ending, the last 20-10% of this book was good.

jureads's review

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bookbitereviews's review

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I really liked Reaper. I think it was a well written story and flowed really well together. In the beginning I didn't relate to Quincy, but as the story went on I really started to like her. I absolutely loved Ben's character and just wish that he would have been a little more in the loop with what was going on in Quincy's life. Although I really liked the story as a whole I do have to say that the ending was a little too tidy for me and ending up being cheesy. I think it really needed to be re-looked at and maybe re-worked to make it a little bit messy so it seemed more believable and less cheesy.

the_cover_contessa's review

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I was given an eARC of this book from J Taylor Publishing to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free in no way influenced my opinion or review.

Blurb from Goodreads:
There's no way sixteen year old Quincy Amarante will become the fifth grim reaper. None. Not over her shiny blue Mustang. Her Jimmy Choos. Or her dead body.
She’s supposed to enjoy her sophomore year, not learn about some freaky future Destiny says she has no choice but to fulfill.
It doesn’t take long for Quincy to realize the only way out of the game is to play along especially since Death can find her anyway, anywhere, anytime. And does.
Like when she’s reassuring her friends she wants nothing to do with former best friend Ben Moorland, who’s returned from god-knows-where, and fails. Miserably.
Instead of maintaining her coveted popularity status, Quincy’s goes down like the Titanic.
Maybe ... just maybe ... that’s okay.
It seems, perhaps, becoming a grim reaper isn’t just about the dead but more about a much needed shift in Quincy’s priorities—from who she thinks she wants to be to who she really is.

So, when I first read the blurb of this book there was no way I was not going to get myself a copy. When J Taylor offered a copy for review, I jumped at the chance to get my hands on it!

The first thing that drew me to this book is the cover. I mean, how can you not be intrigued by a girl holding a scythe? Then I read the blurb and just loved the concept of the reaper. I have only read one other book that involves a reaper so I loved that I had a chance to read another!

Let's start with the characters. Quincy is very interesting. She's popular to the point that people want to be her, stare at her as she walks down the hallway and can have any guy she wants. However, she finds herself attracted to people that don't fit the popularity profile and that threatens to turn her into something other than she's worked so hard to be. She is self-centered to the point that she doesn't see much past who she is. She is also full of teen angst. I love how she grows during this book, finding her true self and realizing that popularity is not all it's cracked up to be. She's annoying yet you feel badly for her because she has a hard time seeing past her own nose. There were many times I wanted to smack her and say "wack up you idiot" right to her face. But I guess her learning and growing was the premise of this story. You certainly see her struggle throughout the book, which I liked.
Ben, well, he is just sweet and caring and sexy. He's certainly the kind of boyfriend any girl would want. And he's sexy as all heck. But he lingers in the background because he really thinks he's not worthy of the love he wishes he could have from Quincy. And he's outcast as the bad boy, the one who was locked up in juvi and the one who has done many bad things. But is this really who he is, or is it who people think he is?
Forsyth drove me a bit batty. I was annoyed with how cryptic he was. I was annoyed with the fact that he just kind of seemed to lead Quincy into situations where she wasn't understanding what was going on. But I realized that his job was to help her understand what she needed to learn and realize why she needed to learn it.
The supporting cast of characters are interesting enough. The range from girls who latch on the boys who are much worse than anyone could ever imagine them to be. Some are mysterious, some are oddly easy to figure out. But all in some way influence Quincy's growth during this story.

The story. I loved the idea of this story: how grim reapers become what they are. However, I did find that the story focused much too much on the romance aspect. Until about 75% through, I was thoroughly confused as to what was going on with the reaper part of the story. Then I realized that the author probably did this intentionally. She wanted you to try and find out what would happen, and why things were set up the way they were set up. So, while I was annoyed a bit about 50% through the book, and wanting to have more of the paranormal aspect, the last 1/4 of the book made up for it all. I actually teared up, having to hold back the water works at work because I wasn't supposed to be reading the story. But I could not force myself to put it down. I had to find out what would happen. And what did happen was totally unexpected.

The author has an easily readable writing style. It flows well and certainly keeps you interested. I love all the self-talk that quincy does. I loved Quincy's voice, although I did find her teen angst to be a bit annoying at times.

All in all this was an enjoyable story. At first, I was annoyed with the fact that the story focused a lot on the romance. I was expecting it to be more of a paranormal read. I had points where I was ready to put it down because the main character was brooding so much. But in the end, I really enjoyed the story and I realized that the author had to bring us through the main character's teen angst to help her grow and become who she needed to be. While it took me a while to connect with Qunicy, in the end I understood her very well.

If you like romance mixed with paranormal this is the story for you. it is haunting and beautiful and a definite tear jerker in many parts.

4 out of 5 stars from me.

jeanz's review

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I received an e-arc of this book from J Taylor Publishing in exchange for my honest review.
I do find the cover attractive, with deaths scythe making you want to know more. The girl on the front cover representing Quincy holding the scythe, she looks so innocent and not at all what you would expect a reaper to look like. I find the font of the title etc is appealing to the eye too. I think by now everyone knows I love a good by line too, so the "Death calls at the most inconvenient times" is really good. As death aka Forsyth does drop in on Quincy to take her to help people "pass over to the other side" at the most inconvenient times. In the middle of school, in the middle of romantic moments with her boyfriend etc. Deaths timing totally sucks at times lol. Quincy is one of the "popular" crowd and everything seems to be going well. Then a childhood friend Ben returns to town. Ben is different he seems angry and a loner. He doesn't conform to the in crowds idea of appropriate clothing or behaviour, so is labelled "a scrub" the lowest of the low on the social ladder. But as we all know love know no bounds, it recognises no social barriers. It doesn't differentiate between "scrubs" and "populars". So who will Quincy choose to be with? A "popular" guy, or Ben "the scrub" ?
Qunicy also has choices to make concerning her hereditary position of Reaper. It is certain she will become a reaper when she dies. It's the first time a reaper has ever been told and shown what is to come. It is Destiny and Fate, brother and sister playing games.
I did enjoy most parts of the book, though admit that the "politics" between Destiny and Fate did become a little complicated and at times a little exasperating. I loved the way Quincy is given chances, and the first choice she makes about the timing of her death is so sad. Just as she is becoming happy and settled in life she has to leave. However I love the ending. Quincy does a little bargaining of her own with Fate and Destiny and when she meets up once again with the true love of her life Ben Moorland, it is Ben who has a difficult and heart wrenching, heart stopping decision to make. Will he pass over and never see Quincy again, or choose another "eternal life" with Quincy yet turn his back on all those he loved and came to care about after Quincy was taken from his life. It's a real tear jerker choice Ben has to make.
I have to say initially I truthfully wasn't sure I would like this book, it seemed a bit slow to begin with, but boy when it got further into the plot line, it soared away and took you with it. By the end of the book, I was thinking wow this would so make a great movie!
So did I enjoy the book? Yes! Would I read a Bk#2? Yes further "adventures of Quincy etc would be interesting to read. Would I read more by L.S. Murphy? Yes, in fact I already have. I hope this doesn't sound bad as I mean it in a totally good way, I like the comfy, writing style, L.S. Murphy's writing kind of makes you feel cosy and draws you into the book making you feel like you are standing there watching it all happen before you. Would I recommend L.S. Murphy? Yes, I think she has a wide reader age range appeal and she also writes different genres which makes her even more appealing to a wider audience.
I found it really difficult as to how many stars to give this book, and I think it's quite hard to compare books to each other sometimes. I finally decided on 4 out 5 as I did really love this book such a lot and would love to read more about the characters too.

rosin1's review

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Tragic in a Romeo and Juliet kinda way. Just worse. I would propably have given it three stars if not for the ending. I kinda expected more fantasy and less romance.