
Prom-Wrecked by Jennifer DiGiovanni, T.H. Hernandez

kookie9200's review

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book!

This was a fun read! I loved the perspectives of Riley and Catherine, and seeing the same world through their very different eyes. The two ex best friends are wary of one another, but share a common goal: to save their senior prom. A series of unfortunate events leads to a night in jail, but how did they get there? What could have been so bad as that?

The characters are fresh and lively, each with their own struggles. It never felt forced or too cutesy, and even for an adult this was a very fun read. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next!

auburnedge's review

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This is a story about a self made prom or morp. It starts out strong with a bunch of them in jail. What comes next is the story of how this happened. All of the ups, downs, and run around that got them to this point.
I absolutely loved the all of the drama and Murphy's law.
My only problem is that the blurb gave you each problem instead of letting you find out while reading. I would have liked a bit more of a surprise.
Overall perfect for fans of friendship, disasters, and dances.

thewoollygeek's review

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Fun, light hearted read, told from the POV of two girls. Interesting and fun, nice characters, not taxing or heavy.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

storieswithsoul's review

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It's a fun read, I enjoyed the story and especially loved how it's told. Riley is trying to save the prom because it isn't something that can be canceled. Every school has it and theirs will too. If no one steps in then they must save it themselves and that is how a bunch of teenagers ended up in a jail cell. I think that this is a very well-written book and has some of the most interesting characters that I have encountered in fiction. I loved it and would recommend it to all YA fans.

zaineylaney's review

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It's just a basic senior prom. Or is it?
The struggles to get this prom off the ground is completely mesmerizing. If it could go wrong, it did. There is also a mystery element to this as well.

Very enjoyable , easy, quick read. If you like young adult, this book is for you. This books is also told from 2 different points of view which also makes it interesting.

I received this book for review purposes.

libertyreads789's review

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I was given an Advance Reader’s Copy of Prom-Wrecked from Entangled Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. And now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the reviewing. This was a cute contemporary about a girl who decides to step up and save her prom. But every step forward is met with two steps back when disaster after disaster wipes out all her efforts. Will the Hamilton High senior class get the prom they deserve? Or will everything fall apart?

The characters were the shining light of this whole story. I enjoyed how cute a lot of the characters were with each other. They definitely felt like teenagers to me which can be hard to recreate with some authors. They make stupid mistakes and they don’t say the things they should which leads to misunderstandings that make total sense as the reader.

I didn’t enjoy the fact that there were so many disasters happening and that being the only real focus of the story. It felt like the adults were very much like the adults in Charle Brown–not really there or very flat characters. I also didn’t like that so much more could have been fleshed out between characters beyond our main couples. Anyone on the periphery just didn’t get the time they needed.

denizyildiz's review

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I’m not sure how to rate this
It’s actually different that what I expected
I expected way more fluffy.

And after I started I was worried that it would be more dizzy or that there would be a love triangle.. but thankfully it didn’t.

The end however, I don’t know felt a bit underwhelming- not sure why
I mean it’s what I wanted but I kinda wanted more depths as well..
as I said, I’m kinda not sure how I feel about it at the moment and I’m going to think about it for a bit
Full review to follow

merelvh's review

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received this book via netgalley.

What started as a plan to save the school's prom, ended with a night in jail.
When prom seems to get cancelled, Riley steps up and takes on the role of prom committee leader. With the help of her classmates she tries to save prom, but she could not foresee all the obstacles that come in their way. Yet, Riley is determined to make prom happen.

I requested this book from netgalley because I was in the mood for a light and quick read, that is exactly what I got. This is not the type of book I normally read but I have to say I really enjoyed it. It had the perfect mix of comedy and drama, that made it feel like a good romcom movie.

The writing was not remarkable, but the story didn't need that. The story was carried by the plot and characters and those aspects were good enough that I didn't mind the writing. I think the story is a lot of fun, I constantly wanted to keep reading to see what would happen next. The strongest point of the story was the comedy. When I thought things couldn't become worse the story went there and did so in a hilarious way. I actually laughed out loud a couple times when reading this book.
Even though you wouldn't think so from the synopsis, the story follows two perspectives. The perspectives of Riley and Catherine. I appreciated the dual perspective and I think it was necessary to prevent Catherine's character from becoming one dimensional. However, there were moments near the ending of the book where I was a little bit confused sometimes about whose perspective I was reading from.
I also found the pacing to be a bit strange near the ending. From the prologue I knew that a lot of things still had to happen, but there were very little pages left which made me worry that the ending would be rushed. Unfortunately I found that to be the case. The final actions happened a bit too fast for my liking and I would have liked them to be fleshed out a bit more.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story and I am glad that I decided to pick it up. The story did have some flaws, but not major enough to really affect my enjoyment of the book.
I would certainly recommend this book if you are a fan of funny, laugh-out-loud, romcom type reads.

ruthparker16's review

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Their prom night ended with forty of their classmates in jail. But that wasn’t even the worst part.
I requested this book from Netgalley for an easy read. It totally was! It was something I could put down and pick back up later, knowing exactly where I’d left off. I loved the front cover and description too.

We follow two main characters, Riley and Catherine, who used to be friends in 8th grade but have since drifted apart. Soon they both find themselves on the prom committee, working together to throw a night to remember for their classmates. I liked both of these characters - Riley was fun and enjoyable to read about, whereas Catherine was a bit more difficult to appreciate at first, although she had the biggest character arc and by the end I was enjoying her POV more than Riley.

There was a bit of a weak moment in the middle but once I got last a few chapters it picked up again and was a fun and enjoyable read.

Recommended to YA readers who want something more realistic!

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

ruthsic's review

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Prom-Wrecked is a story about high school seniors trying to have a prom while everything in the universe is going against them. When I first started the book, the first chapter made me think this might be a comedy, so my hopes were up; it wasn't, but even with that disappointment it was still a good book. It is low on drama (leaves it well until the climax scene) and low on angst and is just instead about teens trying very hard to get something done in an area they don't have much expertise in.

Riley wants to have a good memory of prom, and which is why, for the first time, she takes charge of something. She is still constantly plagued by doubt, as she feels one of the popular kids, like her ex-best-friend Catherine, could have done it better. Catherine, the other POV, feels bad about dumping Riley back in 8th grade, and thinks Riley may be upto something to ruin her plans to be Prom Queen. Owen, Cat's boyfriend, and one of Riley's best friends, tries to make it work for the former and encourages the latter, while also falling for her. Meanwhile, Cat is falling for someone else, while also trying to break free from the expectations placed on her, and to do what she wants.

The entertaining aspect of the novel is definitely the plot - I mean, every which way they can get screwed over, they do. Money goes missing, the venue owner cheats them and skips town, an actual tornado takes off with their venue, stuff gets destroyed, there are two prom getting planned at once, and between all that, is the two main characters' fractured relationship. I wish we got more out of the characters, but they were too many of them to keep track (and there were too many J names!) and it just ended up being more focused on plot. I liked the ending, though, and it was a quick read, so overall, it ended up being enjoyable.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Entangled Publishing LLC, via Netgalley.