
The Adventures of Basil and Moebius by Larry Hama, Ryan Schifrin

scostner's review

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Leaving the S.A.S. and returning to London to take a position as a guard at Buckingham Palace, Basil Fox heads to his girlfriend's house. Upon his arrival, he sees her being carried off by a figure that seems to be the mythic Spring-Heeled Jack and another man chasing the abductor with a handgun. It seems that Cathy is the object of affection for both men, so they unite to track down her kidnapper. That first instance of cooperation leads to strange, but exciting, partnership. Their exploits draw the attention of a powerful collector of rare objects who makes them an offer they can't refuse. They find themselves tracking down artifacts of mystical power in exotic locales.

With all the romantic appeal of Indiana Jones or Lara Croft and their quests for archaeological treasures, the stories have plenty of suspense, enough cultural references to show off the university background of Moebius, and enough action to let Basil use his special forces training. For those who are fantasy readers, I'll say that they remind me a bit of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, but in a contemporary British setting.

I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.