
Blue Like Play Dough: The Shape of Motherhood in the Grip of God by Tricia Goyer

reneesuz's review

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I initially requested to read and review this book about 5 months ago so I had forgotten what it was about when it arrived. I think the subtitle says a lot - the shape of motherhood in the grip of God. Tricia Goyer writes about events in her life (not necessarily in order) through which she learned about faith, experienced God, was shaped by Him and better came to understand that she was a loved child of God who did not need to strive for perfection in 'things'. I think this book can be enjoyed by moms of many ages.

bookworm_baggins's review

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Well, it's not too often that I don't finish a book, but this one I put down about 2/3 of the way through. I wanted to finish it but was talking to Martin last night and told him that sometimes I worry that there isn't enough time to read all the books on my list. Time to put this one down and read one I will love.

The author has an amazing personal story of redemption and life change. She has also written several fiction novels (I've read one and liked it). But this book was a little too unfocused for me. The chapters often had 4 or 5 stories each, and they didn't always seem to fit together well. I also expected more scripture references instead of "this is what I feel"...that would have made the book more practical and helpful.

catrev's review

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Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer is a humorous down-to-earth look at the changes to a woman's soul brought about my motherhood. Goyer is one of my favorite authors for good reason; every book feels like a good chat with a close friend. She makes you laugh, cry, and warms your heart. In her journey from single teen mom, to writer/mom-to-three/wife/exchange student host/mission trip traveler/etc Goyer has allowed God to mold and stretch her through lessons taught by her children. It's an encouragement for moms everywhere who may feel like they are at the end of their rope. She reminds readers that God has a plan for each of us, and sometimes it isn't always comfortable. Always honest, often funny, she speaks words of hope to mothers, that we are not alone on this strange journey called motherhood.