
Only Yours by Susan Mallery

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Only Yours
4.5 Stars

Montana Hendrix's dream job working with therapy dogs is placed in jeopardy when one of her charges, an overexuberant golden retriever, runs amok in the Fool's Gold hospital and ignites the ire of the newest surgeon, Simon Bradley. Despite getting off on the wrong foot, Montana and Simon find common ground helping the young patients at the hospital. Can Dr. Wrong turn into Dr. Right?

This is the best installment in the series so far.

Montana is lovely; a woman who truly cares about helping others and giving back to the community. Likewise, Simon is an amazing hero. Scarred both physically and emotionally by a traumatic childhood tragedy, his strength of character and desire to save his patients are admirable - there is nothing quite like a tortured hero finding the perfect match. Simon and Montana have incredible chemistry and their sexual tension sizzles on the pages.

The secondary storyline involving Montana's boss, Max Thurman, and her mother, Denise, has potential and I look forward to finding out what happens with them.

Of course, the book has the added bonus of including some adorable canine characters earning it an extra half star. Hopefully, the next book (Nevada's story) will be just as engaging.

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Gone Pecan
Only Yours is the fifth book in the Fool’s Gold series by Susan Mallery, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. She’s definitely on the can’t-wait-for-the-new-book list.

This book, in particular, was one that I was anxious for because the heroine, Montana, is my favorite Fool’s Gold triplet. She’s funny, sweet, and vulnerable. Montana’s work with therapy dogs leads her to stumble across grumpy surgeon, Dr. Simon Bradley, who works with burn victims. Add to that, Mayor Marsha wants Dr. Bradley to stay in town to work at their new hospital, so she ropes Montana into befriending Simon to entice him to that end. I don’t know what Mayor Marsha’s agenda is (is she matchmaking, cause she should really look into that as a business, she could make some serious money), but she generally gets what she wants. And once again, she’s found the perfect person to achieve her goals.

Simon, badly scarred since childhood, has heavy baggage not only from his scars, but from the reactions of those around him to his scars. He is alone in the world, which he thinks is the only way he can live. He reluctantly allows Montana’s therapy dogs to visit with one of his patients and it’s clear from there that there’s no going back for him. He and Montana become friends. Of course, he knows she’s trying to get him to commit to staying in town, but it seems he can’t stay away from her.

There were a lot of really good side stories, like Max’s story, to which I hope we will find closure in the next book, and Simon’s patient, Kalinda, and Montana’s brother and nephew returning to town (another story that I hope we see more of in the coming books).

I have to say that this is probably my favorite book in the series. Montana was fun, sensitive, and clearly in danger of losing herself to Simon very early. Simon’s story was so heartbreaking. He clearly needed not only Montana, but also a home, somewhere to put down roots. Together, they seemed to fill a space within themselves. They seemed like real people, with real issues, trying their best not to be hurt by life. They belonged together.

Pecans: 5/5

whitney0498's review against another edition

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Only Yours is the fifth book in the Fool’s Gold series and oh my gosh this series just keeps getting better and better. I just can’t get enough of this world and it’s amazing characters. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

slovenianbookworm's review against another edition

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I thought Susan Mallery can't get any better....Ooops, was I wrong :)

I'm kinda used to insta-love in her books but what I truly love about her books is that the progress of the story take just the right amount of time. Simon had some personal problems, he was insecure and was used to leave before he gets too attached. But we all know that once you start catching feeling for someone in Fool's Gold, you're doomed, so you still get your HEA in this book ;)

5 heartwarming, Fool's Gold stars.

alwaysreadingreview's review against another edition

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I love this book. I want to live in Fool's Gold. I loved the ending. I knew it. That is all I will say. This is a book you must read. Susan Mallery did it again!

jenner33's review against another edition

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Finally!! She didn't have to get pregnant! I loved how Simon wasn't the normal charming man. I plan to read the next book. I always seem to find a way to relate to these characters. I sort of wished this community existed so I could live there.

leahkarge's review against another edition

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Susan Mallery is a genius. A miracle. An Author Goddess. I love her. And I loved this book. Ever since I learned the premise of this book, I was excited to read about Montana and Simon. And they did not disappoint at all. In fact, they were better than I hoped. The plot was pretty fantastic, too, and I wasn't remotely bored or disinterested at any point in the novel.

With each book I read about the triplets, I am amazed by how different they are. The previous book of the series was about Dakota, this one about Montana, and the next is about Nevada. For all their similarities, the women are remarkably different and that makes me love them and their characters all the more. Montana tries to always make the best of a situation, which can get annoying but I found endearing in her. She also doesn't have the best self-confidence because of her past experience with men, and I loved that she was able to finally start accepting herself. Not just because of Simon's attention but because she realized how awesome she is. Now Simon, I love him just as much as I love Montana. He has his personal demons to get through, which he never puts much effort into until he meets Montana and she makes him feel alive and not quite as uncomfortable with life. She helps him see that he doesn't have to sacrifice himself for the sake of others because of the gift he's been given. And he makes quite a transformation by the end!

Storylines I Was Super Interested In/Am Interested In Seeing Continued:
1. Kalinda (And Reese).I really enjoyed the storyline with Kalinda. Of course, I don't like that the poor child was burned horribly, but she was an interesting edition to the book, and she helped Simon learn some things about himself, too. I also loved how cute she and Reese were together.

2. Denise and Max. We know that Denise has been starting to date again recently, and then we are thrown this romantic past between her and Max, Montana's boss. I can't wait to see where this goes. I am interested to know, however, if it is just going to be played out in the next book, or if Denise and Max have their own book in the works.

3. Kent Hendrix. Up until this point, Ethan was the only Hendrix brother we really knew much about. Finally, though, another brother shows up! Kent is back in town, with his son Reese, after his wife left and divorced him. Now obviously we can't leave the adorable Hendrix brother all alone forever! So, I'm wondering if he also has a book in the works. And, who could it be with? The only single woman around his age that I can recall is Jo. And she's interesting enough on her own since no one really knows where she came from.

4. Ford Hendrix. He is the last Hendrix brother and we know nothing about him beside the fact that he's in the military. So that begs the question, is he going to come back in the next Fool's Gold book, or anytime in the near Fool's Gold future? If so, will he get a book, too? I mean, we need to fix up the rest of the Hendrix family, as we can't pair up some but not all. That would just be unfair! (To them and me.)

So many questions, too few answers. I am extremely excited for the next book, Only His, about Nevada Hendrix and Tucker Janack. The wait almost seems too long to bear *sigh*

wildflowerz76's review against another edition

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Montana has finally figured out that what she wants to do with her life is to train and work with therapy dogs. She's finally settling in to the job when she takes a rambunctious reject from the program into town as a last ditch effort. But when he escapes and runs to the hospital, ending up on the burn ward, she gets an earful from the visiting plastic surgeon who specializes in burn victims. But the next day, she's dismayed to find out that Mayor Marsha has assigned her the job of getting to know the new doctor and trying to get him to stay in town.

This is number 5 in the Fool's Gold series and definitely my favorite so far. The doctor is an ass at first, but it's justifiable, at least to me. He's not an alphahole. And I liked Montana. This one was a tearjerker for sure.

setaian's review against another edition

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Montana works with therapy dogs. She visits hospitals and nursing homes delivering the love that only a dog can give to people who are lonely or sick. Simon is a surgeon who specializes in burn victims, his life is ordered and completely sterile.

After one of her dogs gets loose and causes something of a ruckus in the burns ward, one of Simon's very sick patients, 10 year old Kalinda asks to see the dog, and willing to do just about anything to help the young girl recover he arranges for a therapy dog to visit his patient.

I really enjoyed this book a lot. It was a gentle story with a measured pace. My only real complaint is the way it ended. I think it was just a little too easy.