
My Sister April by Kyra R. Torres

precioussantiago's review

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This was a great quick horrifying read to get me out of my reading slump. This was a short read, but it left me wanting more in a good way. As short as it was it touched on the family dynamic and I was quickly interested in the sisters, the parents, the farm and the pigs

mostlyreadinghorror's review

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This was a great quick horrifying read to get me out of my reading slump. This was a short read, but it left me wanting more in a good way. As short as it was it touched on the family dynamic and I was quickly interested in the sisters, the parents, the farm and the pigs

skirk's review

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This felt like the perfect appetiser. Really looking forward to more stories from Kyra if they are as good as My Sister April. The measure of a great short story is when it leaves you wanting to read an extended version. Can't wait to read more from this author.

fernfuentes's review

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Okay, so here’s my biggest problem with Kyra’s debut short story. It’s a little TOO short. There’s a few open ended questions throughout the story that I feel could have been answered if she’d just made it a little longer. Like for instance, she’s playing with her cell phone, why not try to call her dad when she heard the fighting? I’m not sure why it’s so short, if she was working with a word limit or just trying something akin to Flash Fiction. But the story could’ve done with a little better pacing.

The opening pretty much took the suspense of it out for me. As a horror story, there are much darker, gloomier ways to begin it without giving away the ending in the first sentences. I want to be shocked when I reach the ending of a scary story. That was taken from me with this one. But still, I really enjoyed the story as a whole. In reality, me wanting it to be longer is a good thing, because I really wanted to learn more about April and Lace. I wanted to know more about this farm and its history. I loved the subject matter and the back and forth between the sisters. I think with a few more drafts this story could’ve been a killer debut. That being said I’m looking forward to the rest of the stories in the collection! Great work, Kyra.

booksasmeals's review

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This was pretty good! I do think it needed to be drawn out longer and have more backstory with the parents. Like why did they go out in the first place to see the pigs when the dad said to stay away? Weren't they already afraid of the pigs? I'm looking forward to reading more from this author!

monakabbani's review

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The memory of parents’ last admonishments before leaving for the night—perhaps it’s date night at the local movie theater or perhaps there’s a parent teacher conference at the highschool—is strong. “Don’t stay up too late.” “Listen to the babysitter.” “Brush your teeth before bed.” What’s stronger is the remembrance of the rebellious need to defy those instructions.

“Keep out of trouble and whatever you do, stay out of the pig enclosure.”

Now, I didn’t grow up with a pig enclosure but I know damn well that if my parents slipped this in before they left, I would absolutely go into the pig enclosure, if not at least near it. For the characters in this story, however, their defiance wasn’t by choice. And April got burned for it.

@midnightbooks_andcoffee is a new voice in the horror scene and I’m incredibly proud and excited for her first release! This short story is quick—about a five minute read—and shows what’s to come from this author in the future! The story is eerie, the concept gave me chills—is pig horror a thing and I just never realized it???—and that cover art, *chef’s kiss* bootyful. I personally wish we got to see more of what happened to April in the end but the author made the stylistic choice of leaving that terror to the readers! One that was suggestive enough to make me imagine the worst. *shudder*

I’m looking forward to what’s to come!! If you’re looking for a quick read and want to support a fresh budding indie author, give this title a looksie.

stephaniieemoon's review

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I didn't enjoy this story as much as the other readers on here. I read a few of the reviews that mentioned it was "really dark and disturbing," but I guess I missed something? I guessed the ending of the story right off the bat. Characters, plot, and overall backstory could be developed more but I understand this is a short story.

I didn't find any elements of the story to be horrifying. I wanted more horror, shock, disgust etc...

Although the author's intentions were there, the story fell short with me on readability. It switched from past tense, to present tense to future tense. It was sort of everywhere for me.

I think with time, revision and practice Kyra will be an excellent storyteller, but this one missed the mark for me.

nwreader's review

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✨ Mini Review for MY SISTER APRIL by Kyra R. Torres ( @midnightbooks_andcoffee )✨

What a fun, horrifying story!! I am a fan of Kyra in general so once I saw her short story released I immediately had to read it and boy it was entertaining.

Since it's short I don't want to give anything away but it's about two sisters and their parents go out for the night so they are left at farm house alone when suddenly things go awry.

I really enjoyed the set up and once things started to get crazy I was hooked. I will say that I was so into the moment that once the ending happened it felt a little sudden and left me wanting more.

This story is the kind I enjoy where you jump into a moment and go on a wild ride. Also I'd like to note her writing style felt casual and easy to read which I love.

I really look forward to more of Kyra's works and would love to read some longer stories by her as well because she really impressed me with this piggy story.

Bravo Kyra. I'm an instant reader of yours.

bookcadaver's review

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This was a treat!

I obviously don’t want to give much away, but this small little novella is about two sisters who are home alone, who are told not to enter the pig enclosure.

The sisters were super relatable, the writing was fun, and I really enjoyed the ending! I cant wait to read part 2!