
Pulse by Gail McHugh

parryc's review against another edition

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Well just like in Collide, Pule has a lot of drama and a lot of up and down.
After Collide I was not a fan of Emily, actually I found her ridiculously stupid especially at the end. I can say thankfully that she redeemed herself and it seemed she actually learned from her mistakes.

Pulse starts out with Emily leaving Dillon right where Collide left off. Emily tries to find Gavin but is unsuccessful and after a spat with Dillon about not marrying him she needs to find Gavin and explain. Even though Emily has realized Gavin is it for her she fears she isn't good enough for him and fears he will soon realize that and leave her.. Unlike in Collide Emily knows what she wants and now goes after it instead of sitting around crying about it.
"You breathe life into me, and I love you in more ways that I thought I was capable of loving but you're more than I feel I deserve."

"Have I told you that you look amazeballs in yellow?"

Gavin is still swoon worthy and breathtakingly hot. He loves Emily more than he ever though possible and he refuses to give up on her. Gavin is determined to make Emily see she is more than worthy of him and how much he loves her.
"I want to break the rules with you. Kiss you passionately every day. Make you smile when you're about to cry. I want no regrets with us. I want us to laugh together until we can't breathe and it hurts. No man will ever love you the way I'm going to love you, Emily. You're it. My last My forever."

Dillon has managed a way to stay in their lives and scare Emily and attempts to ruin their happiness but unlucky for him Gavin is kick ass and is to smart for Dillon's games.

I loved watching Gavin and Emily grow closer and finally see them as a couple. I felt this was the perfect sequel to Collide and I wouldn't have changed a thing. There were times my heart stopped and times I was unsure of what would come next but by the end I was so happy with how it wrapped up.

jen286's review against another edition

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After the up and downs of the first book, I wasn't sure how I would enjoy this one. I did like it, even though not very much happened. I kept waiting for something horrible to happen, and there were moments but they were resolved right away. So it was an alright book, but there wasn't much that happened. Just kind of a nice story of Gavin and Emily.

stumpfed's review against another edition

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Good Golly Miss MOLLY! I thought I loved Collide, like loved it...but this...this book was epic.

Without spoiling anything, I have to just publicly state that Chapter 18 affected me more than almost anything I've read. I was ready to retire from reading and then came Ch 19, all is well.

This was a perfect follow up. I loved it, devoured it and never put it down after I started.

Gail McHugh, you rocked my world! I'm SO giving you a bottle cap when/if I meet you!

raffaem's review against another edition

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It was probably like 3.75 stars for me. It was beautifully written and didn't drag on which seems to be the theme with authors being infatuated with trilogies as of late. To say a two book series is a breath of fresh air is an understatement!

What did I love...Gavin is incredible. End of. That's not up for discussion. He romantic, dominant and to use his own words, swoon worthy.
Angst. Loved it. There was so much of it that I was jumping up and down rooting for Emily and Gavin
Spoiler and for Gavin to be the father
! I was also pulling my hair out over douchebag Dillon, which brings me to my next thoughts...

What didn't I love so much...obviously Dillon. He had no redeeming qualities, so it's a given. But also, Emily, well she was a bit much. I wanted to like her, but she was on the same level of annoying as Kiera from Thoughtless. It's a sign of good writing that the author can cause me to want to pull my hair out because a character is just plain needy.
Also, the dream scene was a bit much for me.
Spoiler where Gavin dies
Like really? Was that necessary? Hadn't they been through enough to even propose such an idea!? I think I may have shed a few years off my life getting through that scene. MY GOD.

Overall I enjoyed it and am sad to see the end of Emily and Gavin
Spoiler but they got their HEA so what more could I ask for

suzsmith's review against another edition

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Great follow up. Really, REALLY enjoyed it!

larissa85's review against another edition

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Eh.......... I still don't understand what all the fuss was with this series. But i did love that Fear of Falling teaser in the back

gayle78's review against another edition

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I want to marry a guy like Gavin.

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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I was super excited when I found out this book was coming out earlier than expected so as soon as Gail posted on her Facebook page that it was live on Amazon I one-clicked it so fast!!
I was going to go back and reread Collide but honestly I just couldn't wait that long.
As soon as I opened the book and started reading I was hooked...again.
Gavin Blake is the best! Seriously so HOT!

"I don't take checks, but I do accept most forms of foreplay and sex as payment."

When he declares his love for Emily he doesn't just say it, he gives full on speeches about it.

"I want to break the rules with you. Kiss you passionately every day. Make you smile when you're about to cry. I want no regrets with us. I want us to laugh together until we can breathe and it hurts. No man will ever love you the way I am going to love you, Emily. You're it. My last. My forever."

The sex...oh the sex! Lets just say he totally earns his nickname Mr. Tall, Dark and Fuckable Handsome!!


Then Gail fuckin ruined me! She went all TAKING CHANCES on me and I almost threw my Kindle. NOT FUNNY GAIL!!

Anyways, she totally redeemed herself with that epilogue. What a great ending to an amazing story.

sofiquevedo's review against another edition

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Soooo boring! I couldn't finish it and I really try...

liza5326's review against another edition

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Pulse was as emotionally charged as Collide, even more so at some points. I found myself holding my breath more than once and in tears a few times as well. After the pulse-pounding ending of Collide, I was unprepared for the story laid out on the pages.