
Love Rules: How to Find a Real Relationship in a Digital World by Joanna Coles

spaceyfaerie's review

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BREAKING NEWS: This is an annoying book.


DNF at page 56

I call false-advertising because I picked this up under the promise of a glimpse at a somewhat decent guide to modern dating . . . merely because my curiosity's attention was snagged.

"Just as there is junk food, there is junk love.
*pauses quote to sing 🎶 I'm so sick of this jun-kuh love! Jun-kuh love!🎶 because I'm in love with BTS songs and am easily triggered okay*
And like junk food, junk love is fast, convenient, attractively packaged, widely available, superficially tasty—and leaves you hungering for more. And both junk food and junk love require enormous amounts of willpower to resist."

THIS BOOK IS LIKE JUNK LOVE BECAUSE IT IS ATTRACTIVELY PACKAGED but that's where the similarities end because it would have taken an enormous amount of willpower for me to keep reading this. It's written very simply, which isn't a fallback for a "self-help" kind of book . . . but I also thought it was written TOO simply?? Also, it says that this is supposed to give you a guide to avoid the hookup culture but what I read had 0% avoidance tactics. Rather, it was how to find someone in the midst of hookups and to search the hookup system for a decent person.


THAT'S NOT HOW YOU AVOID SOMETHING OKAY and I'm not even going to get into my opinions on the hookup culture in general okay but yeah it's 100% not my thing.

Honestly my curiosity quickly regretted its impulsive interest in this book around page 3, but I kept reading because I'm trying to slowly broaden my reading horizons. Take chances on *shudder* non-fiction. I should have just left THIS kind of non-fiction on the shelf and picked up a history or political book.

emmacharlene's review

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I thought this was a really interesting book, even though I wasn't necessarily looking for direct advice. I thought it had a lot of good information, and I liked the various examples and stories that were worked into each chapter/"rule". I think this book took a manageable approach to the various difficulties that people have with dating online/digitally, instead of just launching into tips and tricks that seem impractical. I felt like many of the "rules" discussed could be transferred into other aspects of life that involve dealing with other people and non-romantic relationships as well.