
Smosh by Yale Stewart, David Atchison, Michael McDermott

cindymarie's review

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*I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. *
I've honestly never heard of Smosh until now.I read that they were YouTube stars so I looked it up and got lost in YouTube videos for 3 days. They are hilarious! Exactly my kind of humor. I have no regrets.
The artwork is amazing. I especially loved the way they drew Ian and Anthony, it looks exactly like them! If I was judging this book on the art alone it would be 5 stars for sure.
I really enjoyed most of the story lines in this, the only thing I didn't like was the way they wrote the speech impediment for the Super Virgin Squad. I feel like it's not that hard to understand when someone has a lisp, but to try to read it really bogged the story down and I found myself honestly skipping it after awhile. It may have just been me, but it seems like he had the longest lines out of everyone.
Boxman was my favorite, I feel like his story was the best by far. I loved how they started at his origin, especially since I'm new to all things Smosh. Since he is made of cardboard he can basically fold himself into all sorts of things, which is a pretty interesting super power.
That damn neighbor was just hilarious. I haven't seen any of those videos yet but I'll definitely be watching them soon.
If you like Smosh you will definitely like this. If you don't know what Smosh is look it up, you won't be disappointed.

writetoexpress's review

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NetGalley Review
I’ve been watching Smosh on YouTube for many years now. To be able to read some of their old ‘classic’ antics was great.
The artwork, though it wasn’t my style, did work well with the characters and the story. However, I do wish the font was in a clearer style and slightly larger.