
A Cup of Tea and a Few Broken Rules by C.C. Jaz

suze_1624's review

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I enjoyed this story. 3.5*
Yes, you have to leap to a few conclusions because the story starts mid-story if you like. Bailey and Caden are friends, not quite enemies but must have that love/hate niggle going on for a while.
Bailey is so uptight, it was interesting to see how gradually Caden came to realise that he was wearing him down and then started actually trying to get past all those barriers. It was a bit like domesticating a wild animal.
It flowed nicely for me, keeping me wanting to find out what happened next.

calila's review

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I really really loved this. I really needed something to just make me smile, though it did make tears appear towards the end. I loved Caden, and Bailey, and Caden and Bailey together. Caden was such a smart ass jerk but without actual malice intended. Bailey is extremely shy and private and just baffled by why he keeps sleeping with Caden who he hates and who picks on him constantly. The slut shaming of Caden was hard to read, Bailey needed a severe talking to about that. I do love the flip of the "relationship orientated" guy being the one who runs away because of fear. I hated the "break up" I thought Bailey was extremely immature and a bit of a jerk. Caden was 100% correct in his summation and shouldn't have apologized for the content of his statement, I could've lived with a "tone" apology. I enjoyed the reconciliation though. It was very well done, I felt invested and I WANTED them to work it out. I loved how emotional it was. It was touching and romantic and I loved the epilogue with Bailey relaxing but not suddenly becoming a different person.