
Deliverance by Pippa DaCosta

lifeinthebooklane's review

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This book, boy this book not only entertained but tore my heart to pieces SO MANY TIMES!

I didn't realise just how much I'd missed Caleb, One, Bren and Fran until I started reading this. Those guys just grab a hold of your heart and hold it hostage. Squeezing it every now and then to ensure you remember just how much you love them all. It left me alternately exhilarated, emotionally drained, electrified, crushed and hopeful. The writing is excellent and left me needing more.

I crouched in front of her and took her warm hand in mine.
"It's all right. A friend of mine once told me, when you get scared, just count the stars and the fear will go away."

How could you make me fall in love with Josie and Patrick (two side characters) and then do that? You evil author! Even if
Spoileryou did relent you'd already broken my heart by that point
. The twists, the turns, the bluffs, double bluffs and is it a bluffs had me mesmerised and on the edge of my seat. I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough and adored every single moment of reading this book, never wanting it to end.

"You ever see a button you just gotta press?"
"No, which is why women live longer than men," Fran bend down and frowned.

This could be read as a stand alone story, though reading the rest of the 1000 Revolution books would enhance the experience. They are also AMAZING stories and well worth reading. I simply cannot adequately put into words how brilliant this book is.

"Que te folle un pez."
I had no idea what that meant, but I liked how it sounded.

sarah42783's review

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May 3, 2019: we have a release date and stuff!!!!!!!! It's available for pre-order and stuff!!!!!!!!! One-Click button, where art thou and stuff??!!

[July 2018]


I think I just died and went to Shrimpy heaven!!!!!!!

My Caleb Shepperd is coming back to me!!!!!!!! When his last adventure was supposed to be the final one!!!!!


I can finally have My Caleb’s nefariously fished up babies!!!!!

And Fran’s too, while I’m at it!

And also have all my failsafes and protocols breached, à la One!!!!!!


Pippa DaCosta, I 💕lurves💕 thee slightly!


Prequel: Girl From Above: Falling (short story) ★★★★★
Book 1: Girl From Above: Betrayal ★★★★★
Book 2: Girl From Above: Escape ★★★★★
Book 3: Girl From Above: Trapped: ★★★★★
Book 4: Girl From Above: Trust: ★★★★★

gs_jennsen's review

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(One's) Revolution Begets Revolution

Changed by the climactic events of Book 4 and the apparent demise of One, Caleb's trying to be a (slightly) better man. But the rest of the galaxy has other ideas, and he can't outrun his past - the mistakes or the heroism. Luckily, he's got Fran to deviously watch his back and sort-of-mostly rescue him.

Meanwhile, One's careful exploration of her growing...I hesitate to say "humanity," so we'll go with "soul"...leads her to uncover an ominous conspiracy rising from the ashes of Chitec, Hung and the 1000, and sends her and Caleb on a collision course with one another yet again. As it should be, because they're the only ones who will ever be able to redeem each other.