
Cape Cod Kisses by Bella Andre, Melissa Foster

cinta's review

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When Quinn goes to Rockwell Island, where his grandfather owns a resort, he didn't think he would find a woman who would make his world spin around. And when Shelley goes to Rockwell Island to enjoy herself on a solo honeymoon, she didn't think she would fall head over heels with the person who impersonates everything she despises. Will the workaholic Quinn and the strong and independent Shelley find a way to get over their personal issues? Will they discover their world can be a better place if they are together? Well, you will have to read the book in order to discover that.

Although I am not a fan of insta-love, I think the story between Quinn and Shelley is very cute. I like romance stories with a bit of a conflict that the characters have to conquer or get through, and this one had all that. It was fast-paced and entertaining, and the characters were well defined. Since it is the first book in a series, I really liked that the rest of characters who will appear in the next books were introduced here. It helps to set the scene and it makes you anticipate reading more.

Cute collection of books to read during a weekend or a vacation.

quinn_0611's review

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This was cute. I did get a little distracted from time to time. There isn't a lot of conflict, which I like, but I think it also caused me to zone out sometimes. Full review to come.

loveliferead's review

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I walked into this book already knowing I was a huge Bella Andre fan, having read her Sullivans series. I had high expectations seeing her name on the cover. With Melissa Foster, I have not had the pleasure of reading any of her back list, but knowing she was a friend of Ms. Andre's and added to it they are writing this series together, it made me confident in my choice in picking up this book. I am so thrilled I gave this series a shot because it did not disappoint. It is EXACTLY what I needed at this point in the year. Something light and refreshing, but enough of a story that I can still invest in the characters and root for them to get their HEA.

Most of us can experience having someone in our lives who is overbearing, and truly believes they know what is best in OUR lives, even if they fail to account what our actual hopes, dreams and desires in life. Shelley has her parents and Quinn has his grandfather. She contemplates expanding her gourmet coffee shop to the Rockwell Island and Quinn is being forced to relocate back to the Rockwell Island he grew up on to run the Rockwell Resort he never wanted to do, because his grandfather's will dictates he must. Their paths continue to cross and as they ponder their future, they must decide how THEY want their future to play and whether they are brave enough to claim their happily ever after.

This series is PERFECT for summer--whether you are curled up on your own beach vacation, lake retreat or in the comfort of your own home.

emmascr's review

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free for a Blog Tour in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to JB for letting me take part in this tour. I am a big fan of Melissa's books and when I heard there was a new series set on Cape cod I couldn't wait to read it.

This book begins with Shelly on a solo honeymoon. I think that Shelly is extremely brave to even holiday on her own let alone a solo honeymoon. Throughout the book you see more and more of Shelly's strength. Shelly has a busy life and a week away is exactly what she needs. While Shelly is on her solo honeymoon she never expected to find a man but then along comes Quinn...

Quinn is a workaholic. He works 20 hour days and basically never switches off. He's only on the island because his grandfather has summoned him and his brothers and he can't wait to get off and back to his business. That is until he meets Shelly. She changes everything for him. He sees the world around him in a different way. But can he change is workaholic ways and be the man that she deserves? 

The ending of this book was so sweet it had me beaming.

I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I will also be adding all of Bella's books to my tbr pile.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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“All I’m saying is that if you allow yourself to be seeded with doubt, it weighs you down. Shoulda, coulda, woulda does no good. The only thing that ever works is to believe in yourself. And if that feels too difficult sometimes, then you can believe in me, because I have total faith in you. I have never lived my life afraid of what-ifs, and I’m not going to start now.”

I knew I had to read this book when I learned that Melissa Foster would be a co-author. I have been a fan of her work ever since I was introduced to the Braden series. I have heard great things about Bella Andre but never had the privilege to read her work before now. I enjoyed the collaboration and as a result, I will be adding a new author to my must read list.

Cape Cod Kisses is the first book in the Love on Rockwell Island series. In this installment we get a taste of the Rockwell family and the island on which they reside. This is a great start to what I believe is going to be a great series.

Shelly Walters (an only child and only heir to the Walter’s Enterprise Diamond Dynasty) took a real bold move by proceeding on a solo honeymoon on Rockwell island. Now some may think that this was a crazy idea, but Shelley was the type of woman who rarely did anything by the book. She was the queen of spontaneity. This was a woman who lived for risks. She was independent and did not believe that she needed a man to define her. She decided on this venture as she was tired of her failed relationships. She believed that at that rate she would never experience marriage much less have a honeymoon. Quinn Rockwell is a workaholic the type of man that Shelley avoids at all costs. He is part owner of Rockwell Barclay Enterprises. He was forced to return to the island as a result of an ultimatum laid down by his grandfather. Its on his return visit that he met Shelley.

They connected instantly. I thought they were just perfect for each other. They helped each other to move past their issues. Shelley brought out a side of Quinn that he had kept hidden for some time. She helped him to remember that there was more to life than work. Even though she was not afraid to take risks her biggest fear was that of rejection. All her life she felt rejected by the people who meant the world to her as a result, she did everything to disassociate with her family name. Quinn helped her to see that she was special and that she should be proud of all that she had achieved. He is the type of guy that I could see myself falling for. The fact that he was rich would be an added bonus. Quinn was charming, considerate and caring.

I found the combined writing style to be well balanced. It was funny, sexy and entertaining. Although the romance developed rather quickly I found it to be realistic. The struggles Shelley and Quinn faced in keeping their relationship alive was relatable. I like the fact that they had to fight to keep the flame going. In the end it was great to see Quinn overcoming what he thought would be the biggest obstacle to their relationship.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It had me smiling from start to finish. I loved the characters they were unique and I enjoyed the camaraderie between the members of the Rockwell family. They were not snobbish or pretentious and I liked how they welcomed Shelley into their fold, no questions asked. I would recommend this story to not just fans of Melissa Foster and Bella Andre but also to readers who would enjoy a sweet and steamy romance.