beammey's review

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I'm starting to get so invested in these novellas it's ridiculous. The story line is great and always keeps you guessing. The authors still find a way to make it cohesive and for you to care about the characters. More answers, more questions, as with every installment. I would recommend this story. 5 out of 5 stars.

urlphantomhive's review

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This was an interesting episode, but it still didn't answer the most pressing questions as why these kids were chosen, how do they get to be alive while they are all actually dead. I feel we're close to the answers (it's only three more episodes) but I've been saying this for some episodes now, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.

The story now focuses on Cole, who's been injured early on in the season. His backstory was rather sad, and made me like him more (at first I was more or less distrusting him). I do wonder if we'll keep getting backstories right to the end, because sometimes they slow down the story too much and I'm expecting a grande finale here.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

foreveryoungadult's review

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Graded By: Mandy C.

Read the review here.

diamondxgirl's review

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I finally finished the most recent episode of ReMade and we finally got some answers. Or some semblance of answers. They look like answers. Ok, actually, I just have more questions.

Couldn’t admit out loud that they were all dead, and even if they figured out how they’d gotten to the future, there was no past for them to go back to.

Modern. History. Let that title sink in within the context of all we (don't) know about this world. In this episode, we get to explore more of the ReMade world through the eyes of Cole, who has been in the background. I'll admit, I was curious about him and unsure if I was going to enjoy spending a whole 30 pages with him.

I totally did.

More than ever, it's clear the ReMades fit together because they have unique talents for the team. If this were a video game, you'd want one of each of them for their skills and personalities. Cole brings the hard work and loyalty aspects of human nature to the forefront like no one else does. His story of becoming a ReMade is made 10x more tragic by what he sees when exploring this strange world.

antoniaptl's review

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Thank you to SerialBox for providing me with an ARC through NetGalley!

This episode was interesting. The protagonists in this one are Cole and Nevaeh. Cole is tired of simply sitting around waiting for his leg to heal, therefore he and Nevaeh decide to explore the city. They end up in a huge building that turns out to be some sort of a museum?! Cole learns something devastating, but tries to keep a straight face in order to protect the others. I did feel sympathy for him, but Cole and Nevaeh are not my favorite characters. Along with the others they'll probably figure out what happened to Earth. We are still left with unanswered questions though. Why were they chosen? Where are they? What is their purpose?

The story was okay. But the main plot is not progressing, because it deviates and focuses only on backstories. It is important to learn about the characters, but there are only 3 episodes left and something big will happen! It will 100% end in a cliffhanger! The writing was really good! The flow was good, the descriptions were vivid and it had you turning pages!

So, 3 episodes left and the question is how is season 1 going to end? Worth checking the series out! I only gave this 3 stars, because of my disinterest to the characters, but it is REALLY GOOD!

pantsreads's review

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There's so much to discover in the ghost city!

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