
Renacer by Claudia Gray

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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I should have read this book about a week ago, but some other book called Kingdom of Ash came and it meant that this one was postponed for a little while. But that was not because I wasn't looking forward to it. Because this series has very quickly become one of my favorite vampire series ever and I don't regret buying all books at once at all. I'm actually a little sad that the main story is over now, although I have some more to look forward to.

What I loved most about this book, was the fact that being a vampire wasn't glorified or made seem easy. It focussed heavily on the downsides, on what it could do to someone, on the burden it was and why most sane vampire would never choose that faith for themselves. Lucas struggles with himself, with what he had become and with the future that was waiting for him, were really refreshing and amazing to read.

And so was the last part of Bianca's journey, who also faced a different future as she had wanted for herself. It totally made sense for her to hold onto the love of her life for as long as possible, but I did enjoy her journey, how she came to accept herself and her new future, how she learned about her abilities and what she could and should do with them. I also loved how this book was about more than her relationship with Lucas, but also focussed on her relationship with her parents and her friends.

I do think that this last book contained a lot of mythology and world building. Maybe for me it was a little too much in the very last book of the series, although I understand we couldn't get it any sooner. But therefore a lot of it was just explaining and not really experiencing and showing. I'm also not entirely sold on the final conclusion. It was foreshadowed and explained, but it still felt like an "easy" way out, where the previous books had surprised me by NOT going for those easy ways.

But, all in all, I'm a very happy reader with a new favorite series on her shelf!

lilith19's review against another edition

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dark emotional mysterious
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


hazel_oat's review against another edition

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i'm really mad at how the author killed miss bethany and christopher??? suddenly they're just GONE bc bianca wasn't even there except for the last minute of their 'lives'? for being such prominent characters, they deserved more of an ending.

claudiac00's review against another edition

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Con Afterlife si è definitivamente conclusa la serie Evernight, di Claudia Gray, serie incentrata sulla famosa coppia formata da Lucas e Bianca, cacciatore di vampiri lui e figlia di vampiri lei (nata in circostanze particolari, in quanto, per natura, i vampiri non posso avere figli). In questo volume, dopo le strane circostanze in cui era finito Hourglass (Bianca diventata uno spettro e Lucas trasformato in vampiro) vediamo i nostri protagonisti tornare dove tutto è iniziato: l'Accademia di Evernight. Lucas dovrà affrontare la fame insaziabile di sangue e il crescente disgusto per sé stesso, mentre Bianca dovrà imparare le nuove doti speciali da spettro e allo stesso tempo stare attenta alle trappole per i fantasmi piazzati nell'Accademia dalla preside, che ricoprirà un ruolo sempre più fondamentale e della quale si cominceranno a capire i motivi di alcuni comportamenti. Spazio importante avranno anche gli spettri, come Maxie e Christopher, e verranno introdotti altri nuovi personaggi, come Skye. Balthazar rimane assolutamente il personaggio migliore della saga, e in questo volume ho apprezzato molto Vic, Ranulf, Dana, Raquel e anche Patrice, personaggi fondamentali che rimangono fedeli a Bianca e Lucas fino alla fine. I ragazzi si alleeranno, mettendo da parte rancori e pregiudizi, per scoprire una volta per tutte i piani della Bethany e sventarli. Ma, al centro di tutto ciò, ci saranno sempre loro, Bianca e Lucas, i due innamorati sfortunati, che dovranno lottare ancora un po' per poter stare insieme. Per soddisfare finalmente quell'amore nato tra loro nel primo romanzo.
Un amore tenero e intenso, che può risultare melenso se non si apprezzano particolarmente le storie romantiche. Io, personalmente, l'ho quasi sempre trovato dolce e toccante, ma mi dispiace non poter dire lo stesso dei personaggi. Bianca e Lucas non mi sono sempre piaciuti, specialmente Lucas. In Evernight ne ero innamorata, lo stesso in Stargazer, ma da Hourglass in poi, non ho apprezzato alcuni suoi comportamenti. L'ho trovato troppo ostile verso la natura vampiresca di Bianca e, successivamente, verso la propria, sempre arrabbiato per qualcosa ed estremamente lunatico: non ho problemi ad ammettere di aver spesso preferito Balthazar. Bianca invece mi è piaciuta, magari troppo testarda e cocciuta a volte, ma estremamente forte, spesso più dello stesso Lucas.
Evernight e Stargazer mi hanno fatto sognare e sospirare pensando al loro amore proibito, Hourglass, ahimè, mi ha leggermente deluso, mentre con Afterlife la situazione è migliorata, senza però tornare agli alti livelli dei primi due romanzi. Ho apprezzato il finale, giusto a mio parere, il massimo che, a questo punto, potessimo sperare per i due protagonisti. Nonostante tutto considero Lucas e Bianca una coppia fantastica, che sarà difficile dimenticare. In generale una saga che consiglierei agli amanti di storie d'amore impossibili e romatiche, capace di tenerti sveglia a leggere fino a tardi e di farti sentire triste alla chiusura dell'ultima pagina.

becaboo24's review against another edition

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Not as sappy I thought it'd be. I definitely liked this book waayy better than than the 3rd one! :) I'm glad (no, ecstatic) the series is kinda dragged on and on, but this was the best book by far because of it's happy ending and (finally) answered questions!

azile98's review against another edition

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emotional mysterious tense


natidelgadov's review against another edition

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Este libro me ha parecido un muy buen final para esta saga, a mi parecer no quedó nada sin resolver y logró sorprenderme. Eso sí, creo que le faltó más acción y menos introducción al principio. Sin duda una saga sobre vampiros original y que recomiendo a todo aquel que le guste este género

erazonasarah's review against another edition

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A very tacky ending to the series.

audreychamaine's review against another edition

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Warning: this will contain spoilers for people who have not read to this point in the series. Caution is advised.

Gray’s last book Hourglass ended with Bianca dying and turning into a wraith, and Lucas getting bitten by Charity, thus transforming him into a vampire. Afterlife tells of the aftermath of these two events. Lucas and Bianca must find a way to be together, even though wraiths are poisonous to vampires. Lucas is also finding it very hard to control his new vampire bloodlust. Together, they go back to Evernight Academy, where they try to discover the reason Mrs. Bethany is capturing wraiths.

It’s always nice to wrap up a series, and I’m happy that Gray decided to end Evernight where she did. Some series go on entirely TOO LONG, so thank you Claudia Gray.

The conflict in this book really fit with the rest of the series, except instead of Bianca being a vampire to Lucas’s Black Cross (both a danger to each other), Bianca is a wraith to Lucas’s vampire. All around, these pairings are seemingly impossible, but the characters are determined to find a way to make it work. This is where the bulk of dramatic conflict is created to move the plot forward.

This book also added a lot the the wraith mythology, and gave Mrs. Bethany’s back story, which I think was the highlight of the book for me. It made her a much more complex villain, and the story itself was great reading. It makes me excited to know that Gray will be publishing Balthazar’s story in the future, as well.

I have to say that my favorite book of this series, by far, is book one, Evernight. That had the largest element of surprise to the storytelling, and the most originality. The ending of Afterlife seemed a bit weak, and too happy-Hollywood ending for my tastes, but I am glad that things were resolved and the story came to a definite conclusion.

meryep's review against another edition

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