
Man Law, by Adrienne Giordano

imabrunette23's review against another edition

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Good story, fast read.

secretsofabooklover's review against another edition

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See my full review here:

Hmm... this is turning out to be a tough one to review. For starters, I somewhat liked Gina. She is a widow with three kids and works for her brother. She is attracted to Vic, though shies away from any man who's job puts him at risk. She's tough on the front but is struggling with the death of her husband. Her kids are her life, now, and her oldest is protective of her.

But then we get to Vic. There's something about him that just rubbed me the wrong way. He almost seems too immature. Maybe I was basing my opinion of the protective alpha male on Lori Foster's Edge of Honor men (I read this shortly after I finished the first three of those books) but they just seemed so cool and collected. Vic came across like a dramatic teenager. If I read the words "kill me now" one more time, I was going to burn the book. Gina wants to talk about their relationship. Kill me now. Her son glares at him because he's protective of his mother. Kill me now. He needs to have a discussion with Gina's son. Kill me now. Gina wants to tell her how she feels. Kill. Me. Now. Ugh!

The story line had promise. The idea that Vic's job somehow compromises the security of the ones he loves has the makings for a good plot. I just felt like the personality of the characters took away from the story. I'm sure it's just a matter of preference, but I think that Vic's personality would have been better suited for a romantic comedy as opposed to romantic suspense. And I probably would have liked him better in that setting. In this book, he just annoyed me.

tweetyandy's review

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2.5 almost a 3 So this was a freebie that I cam across and figured it would be a good quick read. I am not going to say I really disliked this book because I didn't but the way things were approached felt forced for me. The attitude of the brother and son, the jokes between the guys...I think with a little more work it would have been very good. I'll probably check out the next one though.

emilyhei's review against another edition

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Widower Gina Delgado deserves to have a stable life to raise her three children in. Even years later she has not found someone she connects with, except security consultant Vic Andrews who is best friends with her brother.

Vic has been warned repeatedly to stay away from Gina. His job is dangerous and she needs safe and secure, the problem is whenever they are together they can't keep from touching one another. After one blissful moment on the beach, Gina tells Vic he needs to decide if this is something he wants to pursue. Not able to make a decision, Vic is thrust into Gina's families lives when an enemy has decided to make them his next target.

I gave this a 3.99, I was a little confused by Gina at times because she would put her foot down and than change on a flip. Otherwise quickly paced and intriguing story. I liked Vic, he struggles with job vs love which he is really torn up about, once you understand his background you understand why.

jonetta's review against another edition

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Originally posted on The Book Nympho

As an operative for Taylor Securities and a former Army Ranger, Vic Andrews has seen and lived his share of dangerous assignments. In fact, it's been his identity until that he's falling for his best friend and boss's sister, Gina Delgado. She's a widow with three children and as strong as her attraction is to Vic, Gina's not up for being with another man who's in a dangerous profession.

You can't help but fall for Vic who's every bit a man's man but has his tender side emerge front and center when he gets further involved with Gina and her children. I loved their quirky romance and her sense of humor. She doesn't take any mess from Vic, her children or her overprotective brother.

While the romance has more emphasis, the suspense around the threat to those close to Vic kept things exciting. When events reached a climax, it was impossible to put the book down until I reached the end of the story.

I really liked this story as it blended romance, suspense and humor expertly. The bond between the private protectors at Taylor Security was an added bonus and I'm ready for the next book in the series.

beckymmoe's review

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Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 2/12/20.

Vic Andrews is still my book boyfriend.

Even when I wanted to throttle the guy, I absolutely loved him. His "man laws" at the beginning of each chapter were laugh-out-loud funny, especially since they gave you a clue as to what was going to happen that chapter (i.e., he'd end up breaking it--usually in a pretty spectacular fashion). Sadly, poor Vic had no such warning of what was to come. ;)

Vic's childhood was less than ideal, and it--or to be more specific, his perceptions of it--still affected how he was living his life as an adult. He saw himself as a loner, only truly trusting two people--his best friend and boss Micheal and his cousin Tiny. He stays as far away from relationships as he can get, and as soon as a woman even begins to think about those three little words in reference to him, he is out of there.

But he can't seem to get Gina Delgado, his best friend's little sister, out of his head--a clear violation of on of the biggest Man Laws out there--the sister rule. Their first encounter was obviously a moment of weakness--there was a blown washing machine hose, a nearly transparent white top and a lacy bra--clearly, it couldn't have been avoided. The second time? Blame it on the moonlight and an empty beach. But the time after that...? And the next time? And... you get the idea ;)

I really liked Gina's character too--she didn't take any crap from anyone, and had no trouble speaking her mind. A widow of four years, she always put her kids first but also wanted to do what was best for her. She liked Vic--really cared about him a lot, but if he wasn't going to be the stand up guy she and her kids deserved in their lives, then she was ready to move on. She needed to move on.

Watching Vic all but obliterate his Man Laws was so much fun ("Never get suckered into watching a chick flick"? Two words: Dirty Dancing--LOL!), and seeing him get close to not just Gina but her kids was fantastic. He's so far in before he even realizes it's happening, and there goes his "Never get attached" law...

I re-read this book (after originally listening to the audiobook 6 years ago while attempting to shovel out of what was then the latest winter nightmare--FIVE FEET of snow overnight, thankyouverymuch) while on he vacation of a lifetime during which it just. Kept. Raining. Having a book to look forward to while I couldn't get to the beach? Priceless. The dialogue was snappy, the characters fun, and the action entertaining. I'll definitely be reading more from this series, and soon! I'm so glad Ms Giordano is re-releasing it :)

My only issue--and this is totally a "me" thing here--is that Gina never gets over her I-can't-get-involved-with-another-guy-with-a-dangerous-job-because-he-could-die-on-me mindset. Until the end, it's Vic who has to change for her. Don't get me wrong, I think Vic was ready to make a change and he makes the right decision in the end. I completely understand her feelings here, but I was really hoping she'd manage to come to the realization that even if she'd ended up (God forbid!) with the accountant in the end, she could still lose him at any time and with no warning. Sure, she wouldn't spend her time while he was at his "nine to fiver" job worrying if he'd make it home okay, but the truth is that you never know any given day what's going to happen. So--I'd just have liked Gina to have made that connection.

But, hey--any day I reconnect with a book boyfriend is a good day, and if he can (mostly!) keep me distracted from the rain we've been having all. Vacation. Long? Even better!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Re-read early 2020 for re-release--held up to earlier opinion!

Originally reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books for 11/21/14.

kame's review

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Vic is a former special operative who is a VP for his BF security firm. Sometime he also does "cowboy" jobs. Vic thinks it is best that he not get emotionally involved with anyone - and forget ever having a wife and family.

Vic has feelings for his BF's sister. Gina is a widow with three kids. Her husband was killed 4 years previously when he was trying to save a family from a burning building.

Just as Vic and Gina start to explore their attraction, Vic learns someone from his past is targeting Gina and her family as a way to retaliate.

Each chapter starts with Man Laws - which are great and Vic and his friend's banter is a great read.

I enjoyed this book - and I will look for the next book in this series.