
He Loves Me...Knot by R.C. Boldt

upallnightbookaddict's review

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Just know that I am fanning myself just sitting here thinking about this book. The steamy factor in this book is off the charts. I fell in love with this book right from the beginning.

I have come to love RC Boldt's words over the last year or so. She has made me laugh and swoon like it is no one's business. This book is just another notch in that belt. I couldn't put this book down.

There is always something about angst and steam that go hand in hand. If they are delivered right, they can be explosive. That is just what this story is. The reconnecting of these two characters is completely explosive is all the right ways.

Emma and Knox are on my list of favorite fictional characters. This book is one of my favorite books of the year. This is definitely you shouldn't pass up. If you haven't purchased this book, I would highly advise it. A word of advice though... Have a fan handy to cool yourself off with while reading, and be prepared to need a cold shower or two before you finish this book!

taniamg's review against another edition

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First of all, I need a BFF like Becket Jones, ❤️. I know it’s hard for people to think that a guy and a woman can be bff without getting involved but Emma Jane and Becket were like brother and sister; no sexual involvement whatsoever. They had each other’s back like no other and I can’t wait to read Becket story.

Now, Emma Jane and Knox were high school and college sweethearts that were planning to marry when she graduated college. They had their entire life planned out until the wedding day arrived and Emma Jane never walked down the aisle. She walked away and you would never find out towards almost the ending why. She flees her home of Mobile Alabama and heads to Jacksonville Florida and starts a life with Becket who she meets the same day she arrives in town. From the beginning he was her protector. He was also really sweet and funny.

Emma Jane was doing the things she’s always wanted to do; everything was looking up for her until 8 years later the company she works for has a new owner, her ex-fiancé Knox. Knox is gorgeous and has never forgotten the woman that left him at the altar. He’s always wondered why she left. I loved Knox because regardless what happened he didn’t go in there trying to bring her down or downright hate her. As a matter of fact he still loved her.

They worked professionally together until Knox couldn’t take it anymore and surprisingly made the first move. Their tug of war was funny, emotional and beautiful. The glimpses of flashbacks were one of my favorites. These two had so much love that you’ll be cheering for them. I liked that nothing was rushed and they all took their time. And Becket, ❤️. He was Team Knox, ❤️. He was such a good friend along with Madison and Knox bff, Wells. There’s a lot of things that misled to the separation and it’s one you have to sit and read without interruptions. But I seriously loved these two and can’t wait to read more about them. I enjoyed seeing appearances from Penny and Hendy,

booklovershangout's review against another edition

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Heartfelt, sexy and oh so fun, I adored this story and these characters. My heart broke at times for them and I really rooted for them to work things out. I was absorbed completely in this world I was reading. I did not put it down once I started and I lost track of everything else but this story. I have seriously grown to love RC Boldt's work the more and more I read, the more and more I love. I can't wait to read more from her.

rihoward's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Very fun and enjoyable book. There is something about southern charm mixed with romance theat draws me in. Likeable characters, enjoyable storyline, and great secondary characters. I hope one of those secondary characters gets his story told.

lindseydomokur's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I listened to this book and the narration was fantastic. This was my first book by RC Boldt and it won’t be my last. I loved the dynamic between Knox and EJ and I especially loved Beckett. The love EJ felt for both of these men jumped off the pages. I hurt so badly for both characters so many times, the only small issue I had is that this book was a little longer than I felt it had to be. I really wished they talked earlier in the book and had an actual start to their relationship again in the book. It went on too long with them not being together. I felt the pain that they both felt and absolutely loved that both of them still had each other in their hearts. They never stopped loving one another and they never let anyone else in. Fate is a real thing. I believe it.

lifeinthebooklane's review

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I'm a huge fan of second chance books, and this not only didn't disappoint but has to be one of my favourites, ever. It had a runaway bride, it had misunderstandings, it had both parties feeling wronged, it had anger, angst and lust by the bucket load. It also had amazing writing, a very fresh feeling plot and so many feels I'm a little dazed now I've finished reading it.

There isn't a single thing I would change about this book. It had a hot, angry, sexy and lovable hero who, once he stopped being quite so angry, was so just swoon worthy. Oh Knox, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. We had an independent, strong and yet vulnerable heroine who had the hottest best friend but also a very broken heart.

The book is told from both Emma Jane and Knox's point of views, and is written first person. There are some flash back scenes, when I got to the first one I admit to rolling my eyes. We'd just got to a 'big moment' and I really didn't want to wade through a long scene from the past. Guess what? It was REALLY short, and this was the case through out the story. Any flashbacks were long enough to give the pertinent details but short enough not to pull you out of the 'present'. I've never experienced them incorporated this well in any other book.

There's a lot of to-and-froing, unrequited (and requited) lust and love-to-hate-to-love you moments. Yet the amazing writing, plot and characters mean the story never feels repetitive, irritating or boring. Whilst the actual reason for the split might be considered simple, it was also clear it was as much, if not more, due to immaturity and Emma Jane feeling she lacked control in her life.

There are sub-plots and twists and revelations that keep adding depth and interest to the story. The supporting characters are so well written and I was delighted to see that Becket will deservedly be getting his own book - that guy provided so much light relief and really showed the meaning of true friendship.

This book had me gripped from the off and desperate for a HEA for the pair of them. Yet even when we finally have the full confrontation and reveal to each other, there is still plenty of story left. This book has it all, funny moments, intense chemistry, heart wrenching angst, anger and betrayal and one heck of a lot of hope and love.

Quite simply, this really is a must read book.

kaydanielsromance's review

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He Loves Me...Knot is a second chance love story that had all the right ingredients. Not only did it keep me engaged the entire story, leaving me to wonder what happened to the couple who still had not only heat and chemistry between them, but unresolved feelings. I had to find out the answer of what happened between Knox and Emma Jane.

I have been happily married, for over twenty-two years, to my own second chance love. I understand the trust it takes to open your heart again to the one who hurt you.  When I read a good love story that involves the emotions of went wrong in the original relationship and should you open up again to someone who basically crushed your soul it always rips a bandaid off my old feelings that should have been covered long ago.

He Loves Me...Knot is very well written. It drew me in and made me feel not only the love that Knox and Emma Jane felt at the beginning of their relationship, but also the pain when they meet up again years later. I was reminiscing both good and bad, which I always remind myself, the bad brought the good because here I am twenty-two years later still married to the love of my life.

"One part vividly recalls Knox's betrayal and the pain he inflicted, while the other recalls just how much I loved him." 

Knox Montgomery and Emma Jane Haywood seemed to be meant to be, that was until Emma Jane walked away from her wedding day. Not only did she walk away from her wedding, she walked away from her life. Disowned from her family, fired from her job, and with no home to go back to, she made a new life thanks to the new NFL friend she found, in all places a gay bar on her disastrous wedding day. Eight years later she has her life on track, her best friend by her side, and her career is great, that is until her past comes knocking. Literally on her workplace door.

"The thing about encountering someone from your past, someone you were never able to get closure from, is when you see them, there's always this tiny ache in the center of your chest."

Knox Montgomery has waited eight years for an explanation. Eight years to see her in person. Eight years for retribution. Eight years for closure. Knox is the current owner of F&F magazine, the owner of the magazine where Emma Jane works. He doesn't give an inch where her work is concerned, expecting perfection and then some. With her heavy workload, and unforeseen circumstances, Knox finally steps in and offers a hand, hoping to keep work and feelings separate. Unsure if her relationship with NFL quarterback Becket Jones is more than just friends or even if he is the reason they didn't work out eight years ago, these are the burning questions that keep Knox up at night. But how long can Knox and Emma Jane work together before old feelings resurface or the skeletons in their closets come crashing out?

He Loves Me...Knot is a wonderful second chance love story that is beautifully crafted and will leave you wondering what happened to this couple until the very end.

beckyrendon's review

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He Loves Me...Knot!!!

Talk about a problem...These two have a big one. A shared past and unconfronted troubles only stir up epic drama.

Hurt with bruised and battered hearts, these two navigate around the giant elephant in the room until it sits and leaves a big ole pile at their feet. Bless their hearts!

RD Boldt keeps you on your toes with this one. With a cast of characters that it's impossible not adopt as your own friends, she pulls you in and holds you captive.

But the real questions is...He loves me or Knot?

reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

caseroo7's review

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Find this review and more at Ramblings From This Chick

He Loves Me...KNOT is my first book by RC Boldt, and I absolutely loved it! I couldn't put this book down and ended up staying up way past my bedtime so that I could read it in one sitting. It was such a great story, and I can't wait to read more from RC Boldt after finishing this book. He Loves Me...KNOT is a second chance romance, which happens to be a favorite trope of mine, but honestly I just loved everything about this one.

Emma Jane and Knox thought that they would spend forever together, but when Emma Jane finds out that nothing is as it seemed with Know, she runs. Now eight years later, she is successful and her life is finally starting to be everything she dreamed of. But when Knox returns and is now standing in the way of her future with the company she has worked so hard for, she quickly realizes that things are no longer in the past and she could lose everything. Worse yet is that she also realizes that her feelings for Knox have never fully gone away either despite everything that happened.

I loved these two. I felt the chemistry and connection between them and it was clear that it had never gone away for either of them. Both of these characters had made mistakes, and with a few different choices things could have been so different. I wished that they had talked to each other more, but they had both been acting on emotion and insecurities and it was easy to see how they each reacted the way they did. I was glad that they were also able to see that the connection between though was still real and very present, because what they had was special and not something that is easily found. I really believed that Emma Jane and Knox were meant to be, and I loved seeing them get to know one another again, while still knowing each other better than anyone else did.

I also have to say that I loved Emma Jane's friendship with Becket! He stole the show here at times, and I couldn't have loved him more. As much as I loved Emma Jane and Knox and their scenes together, I couldn't get enough of Becket's scenes! I cannot wait for his story, and I was so happy to see at the end of this one that RC Boldt is writing a book for him. This cast of characters was so much fun to read about, and I can't even begin to say how fun this one was. The characters were devoted to each other and the love and loyalty present here were unlike anything I have read before. I highly recommend this one!

**ARC Provided by Barclay Publicity**

traceyj2850's review

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I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for honest review.

Emma Jane runs out on her wedding day, thinking that her husband to be, doesn’t really love her. Emma leaves town and spends the next few years working at an advertising firm and trying to forget about the man she left at the altar, which has been going well until he walks back into her life and takes over running the company she is working at.

I really enjoyed this story it was engaging and entertaining. The story is told in the first person from the dual perspectives of Knox and Emma Jane.

I liked both the main characters. I thought each of their experiences was intriguing. I felt the hurt and confusion from Knox, who I had trouble picturing as someone who would walk out on someone he loves, his character just seemed to genuine to do something like that.

I also had empathy for Emma Jane. It was obvious that she truly thought Knox had done wrong by her.

Overall this was a good read, it captured my attention and kept me hanging on to the very end.